Trump’s Message Last Thanksgiving Shows How Awful Democrats Have Been

A message delivered during last year’s Thanksgiving holiday by then President-elect Donald Trump is a message that could have healed our country. It should have healed our country.

Trump voiced hope for unity after a “long and bruising” political campaign, and expressed a desire to “heal our divisions and move forward.”

It was a message that many Americans could have rallied around. Instead, Democrats set about destroying the President in the year since, concocting Russian collusion stories, holding up nominations to key positions, and literally just screaming at the sky.

Honestly, had this message been delivered by Barack Obama, it would have been hailed for it’s breathtaking emotion, soaring oratory, and as a guiding light in troubled times.

Instead, it came from Trump, so it was quickly forgotten and mocked.

“It’s my prayer that on this Thanksgiving, we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country, strengthened by shared purpose and very, very common resolve,” Trump said.

Instead, we had Women’s Marches, in which pink hats were marketed and a key organizer would later call for a ‘jihad’ against Trump.

“We have before us the chance now to make history together,” the soon-to-be President continued. “To bring real change to Washington, real safety to our cities and real prosperity to our communities — including our inner cities — so important to me, and so important to our country.”

Instead, we have Democrats focused on “What Happened” during the election season and how unfair it was to Hillary Clinton, along with ways to impeach the President.

“It’s time to restore the bond of trust between citizens, because when America is unified there is nothing beyond our reach,” Trump concluded.

Instead, we have Democrats making sure everything remains beyond our reach, heavily invested in the President’s failure and by extension, America’s failure. It’s what they want – politics over country.

Of course, just a few years earlier, the President was in perfect form wishing everyone a ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ as only he can.

“This historic political campaign is now over,” Trump said last season.

But it really isn’t for our friends on the left. They are living with the heartache of not having Hillary sitting, stumbling, or coughing her way around the White House. They relive the election every single day. And they are sad.

For that, we are thankful.

Did you agree with Trump’s message of unity? Does it still ring true today? Share your thoughts below!

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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