President Trump to Announce Supreme Court Pick Tuesday Night

One of the most important jobs any president has is nominating justices to the Supreme Court.

Following conservative, originalist Justice Antonin Scalia’s death in February of 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the risky political decision to not hold hearings, or vote on President Obama’s nominee Judge Merrick Garland, arguing that the seat should not be filled until after the presidential election.

Well, Senator McConnell’s bet paid off, and now President Trump is tasked with filling Justice Scalia’s seat.

We have just learned that, while the liberal media is lying about Trump’s “Muslim ban,” – which is actually just a temporary limit on refugees from terror-prone nations (countries that were chosen by Obama) – the President is forging ahead with the business of the people.

He will formally make his Supreme Court nomination on Tuesday, ahead of schedule:

According to Fox News, “The president was said on Friday to have narrowed his shortlist down to two federal appeals court judges, Neil Gorsuch of the Tenth Circuit and Thomas Hardiman of the Third Circuit.” It is believed that Judge Gorsuch is the favorite to be President Trump’s nominee.

Many conservatives had hoped that President Trump would consider a judge with a well-established conservative judicial record, such as William Prior, a judge who sits on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Alabama.

While Gorsuch and Hardiman were among the list of 20 individuals he was considering for the court in September of 2016, Prior was seen as a more reliable conservative justice. However, he has recently been criticized by conservative groups for ruling in a 2011 case, Glenn v. Brumby, that dealt with transgender individuals in the workplace.

As The Political Insider reported, sources close to Trump’s sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, has apparently made it known that she thinks her brother should nominate Judge Hardiman to the Supreme Court.

Of the names being floated for the Supreme Court, who do you think President Trump should nominate? Would you prefer Trump nominate a verifiable conservative judge, even if it means his confirmation might be challenging, or should the president nominate a safer pick, that will be easily confirmed?

Share your thoughts below! 

6 thoughts on “President Trump to Announce Supreme Court Pick Tuesday Night”

  1. I still question Judge Scalia’s death with no autopsy just before an important decision was made by the Supreme Court. We want fair and conservative judges that will not write the law but obey the law. At the same time I want them to correct the 14th Amendment that has been wrongly interpreted to create the anchor baby law. And one thing that will really save us money and cut back on illegals entering the country by taking away all of the entitlements that they get for free while Veterans and other Americans have to do without. I am a Vietnam Veteran and I have been denied my benefits.

  2. Obama found the most liberal and unqualified to be his nominee so it is our turn to do the same in the other direction. We should go for the most conservative justice possible and ram it through just like the dems did

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