Poll: Trump Would Beat Hillary Again – AND Win the Popular Vote

Despite their disjointed ‘unity tour,’ a renewed focus on messaging that includes liberal use of four-letter words, and a pair of special elections run on anti-Trump platforms, the Democrat Party remains in utter disarray.

How do we know this?

A new poll shows that for all of their messaging on how bad President Trump has been for America in a mere 100 days, the face of the Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton, would still lose in an election if it were held today.

In fact, a newly held election would be such an unmitigated disaster for Clinton, that she’d lose the popular vote she so desperately coveted.


Via Fox News Insider:

A new poll from Washington Post-ABC News shows that, contrary to some of the conventional wisdom, Hillary Clinton would not win a rematch with Donald Trump.

The poll, taken April 17-20, showed President Trump leading 43 to 40 percent on the question of who voters would pick if the election were held today.

Meantime, the same poll found 96 percent of those who said they voted for Trump stand by the decision. Among Clinton voters, 85 percent said they would stand by the decision.

President Trump naturally blasted Hillary about the new findings, because why not?

On his new show, Tucker Carlson indicated the “poll is a disaster” for Democrats, and asked former Clinton campaign adviser Richard Goodstein if it was time to adopt a different approach to draw voters, one that actually outlines policies and platforms rather than simply targets the President and his fans.

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Carlson chided Goodstein, asking how the messaging of Trump as a puppet of the Kremlin and painting his supporters as racist is working out for them.

It’s pretty clear their messaging is not working out for them on any level. And the only candidates they have lined up for 2020 are spewing more of the same anti-Trump, ‘conservatives are racist’ rhetoric. Candidates like Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Cuomo, or Kirsten Gillibrand stand no chance running the same ridiculous campaign as Hillary, especially without the Clinton machine backing them up.

Do you think Trump will defeat the Democrat candidate in 2020? Share your thoughts below.

16 thoughts on “Poll: Trump Would Beat Hillary Again – AND Win the Popular Vote”

  1. The democrat’s and their MSM know for a fact, that if they keep lying to the American public, they will come back to the Globalist’s fold…they just need to lie louder & more often…and that will do the trick! For the simply fact that the American citizen has NO memory capacity…boom!

  2. really?with all the nothing that’s come out of the trump wh?I doubt anyone would vote for killary but if you give them a decent candidate, try bernie,for example.You would get a different result.The demonrats rigged their crooked way into a total loss in all three election choices.they’d probably do the same again.There’s no sign they learned anything.



  4. simple fact is that hillary was a criminal and never exhibited anything but contempt for working class and poor citizens, sure she played nice with other ultra rich self entitiled people but the rest of the citizens of this nation she felt were below her. she behaved as she was the queen and she could do what ever she wanted because she was so entitled that she was above the law. that is why she lost! as for the rest of the democratic party and their chances, i used to vote both sides of the isle, basing my vote on who i thought would do the better job. the last 8 years changed my mind about how i voted. the liberal progressives acted like dictators in the senate saying it was there way or the highway, they did not even attempt to compromise even if the agenda they were pushing was horrible, then the last 2 years i have watched the liberal progressive arm of the democratic party behave like animals, with no discerning difference between them and a tarrorist organization. they would not hesitate to stoop to violence and destruction to push their agenda and anyone who opposed their agenda had their character assassinated, their business boycotted and horrible lies made up about them and the liberal boot lickers in the media followed right behind just like a pice of toilet paper stuck to their shoes. it is clear to me now that unless the democratic party moderates distance themselves and condemn the violent actions of the liberal progressive arm of their party i will never again in my life cast a vote for a democratic politician! thru this all not a single democrat has stepped forward and condemned those who act violently, in fact they step up and egg them on calling for blood in the streets and blaming it on everyone but their own party. the socalled party of acceptance and unity is a scam they are the party of terrorists and violence and will continue to lose members and seats untill they wake up and kick the liberal progressive arm of their party out of the united states for good!

  5. I’ll stay with Trump! He is doing a great job and he does listen. I’ve sent emails of things I think he needs to hear about. I got a hold of Dr. Carson, before the election when the veterans were upset about where the money Trump raised for them went, it was taaken care of in less than 48 hrs.

  6. All Trump has to do is keep doing what he said he was going to do. The Democrats have all turned Socialist, and we are NOT interested. If you want Socialism then go try living in a Socialist country and see how you like it. Soros is another EVIL person who is trying to take this country down, he needs to be investigated, locked up and then given to the Russians. We could split his money, because he had destroyed the economy over there.

    1. As I keep saying what the hell is the Nazi Soros who help round up the Jews for Hitler doing in the US anyway. He should be sent to Israel for trial!!!!!

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