Nancy Pelosi: Donald Trump Could Earn Nobel Peace Prize!

Trump Nobel Peace Prize

Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) agreed Saturday that she thinks it’s possible President Donald J. Trump could meet the standards to earn a Nobel Peace Prize for his part in bringing an end to the Korean War.

After being asked if Trump could qualify if North Korea agrees to denuclearization, Pelosi replied on the red carpet at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, “We’re a long way from that, but let’s see. There’s always an opportunity for a president of the United States to qualify. Let’s see how it goes.”

South Korea has also confirmed that President Moon Jae-in agrees that Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his extraordinary efforts in bringing an end to a war that started in 1953. This is an issue that Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Obama struggled with… But only Trump was able to ensure the war was brought to an end and peace talks would commence.

Watch Nancy Pelosi’s comments (below):

Nancy’s reluctant agreement that Trump would qualify is quite astonishing. But considering former President Barack Obama received one simply for winning an election, it may be time for the Nobel committee to take a serious look at President Trump.

As White House counselor Kellyanne Conway opined, “The president is spectacularly pleased with the type of progress and the rate of progress that has happened in such short order.” She added, “I mean, to think that many different presidents have tried and have promised to bring peace to that area… and it’s this president who set that climate successfully for North Korea and South Korea to talk and to talk about putting an end to war after decades and decades of that.”

While the North Korean regime is unstable and never to be trusted, the peace talks seem to be going well so far.

Does President Trump deserve a Nobel Peace Prize? And if so, how would liberals react? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us what you think.

Thomas is a movement conservative and American patriot. He has a vigorous blue-collar, Jacksonian attitude with a skeptical eye... More about Thomas

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