Washington Post Leaks Transcripts of Trump Call With Mexico And Australia President

This is the most dangerous and reckless leak to date.

The Washington Post just published transcripts of President Trump’s phone call with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

There was nothing shocking or revealing within these transcripts. They captured some of the president’s first calls with world leaders, and show him negotiating over issues like border control, refugee acceptance, and cost-sharing. In fact, they demonstrate that President Trump took his campaign pledges seriously, and broached topics with the Mexican President that past presidents completely ignored.

There was no smoking gun in these transcripts that could possibly lead to impeachment. So what was the public good in putting them out there?

There was no purpose, other than embarrassing Trump and sending a warning: All of your conversations with world leaders are collected and could be released at any time.

The phone transcripts are a direct threat to the security of the United States. The president must have the ability to speak candidly with leaders around the world. That’s the only way to maintain global security and America’s place as a superpower.

This leak puts all that in jeopardy. President Trump is now acting from a place of weakness.

Conservatives on Twitter, both pro- and anti-Trump, all agree that this is bad:


The leakers need to be identified, and fast. They should be locked away for a long time. This is borderline treason.

I hear Guantanamo Bay has a few open cells. Perhaps the leakers will enjoy a “beach vacation”?

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Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim ... More about Jim E
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