Polls Show America Supports Trump’s Illegal Immigration Policies

Trump illegal immigration polling

While the Democrat Party is busy inciting violence against administration officials, spurred on by the latest faux outrage over illegal immigration enforcement, new numbers indicate that America is actually firmly behind President Trump on the topic.

The latest CBS poll spells gloom and doom for a Democrat Party that thinks they’re going to ride a ‘blue wave’ and an alleged furor over immigration policies to victory in 2018.

Not only do the American people stand behind the President on some of his more outrage-inducing enforcement tactics, but they do so overwhelmingly.

A solid 63 percent of voters in this country support some form of incarceration or flat-out deportation for those caught crossing our borders illegally.

They don’t want them released into the country.

Additionally, here we are roughly two years later – after all the demagoguery from the opposition party and the media trying to say a border wall is racist and xenophobic – and a majority of the American people still support building it.

Voters are still cutting through the lies being fed by the left and determining that a border wall is an essential key to our nation’s security.

Furthermore, the CBS poll indicates that despite two straight weeks of non-stop false reporting on the separation of children and adults at the border, two straight weeks of emotional Democrats that suddenly shed tears for children when they never cared much during the Obama administration, and days worth of perpetual public harassment, the Democrat base isn’t seeing a boost in support.

(RELATED: Here’s The Truth About The Crying Girl On The Cover Of Time).

(RELATED: Watch: Unhinged Democrats Heckle, Scream Profanities at President Trump).

(RELATED: Socialist Activist Who Harassed DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Works For the DOJ).

In fact, that ‘blue wave’ actually moved in the other direction.

Three weeks ago, the same poll showed Democrats leading Republicans by five points on a generic ballot. Now, it’s down to four.

In fact, another more detailed question seems to put the margin at just three points.

Things just aren’t going the way Democrats had intended. Worse, they seem to have put all of their eggs in the immigration basket, pulling out all of the stops by crying over detention centers, inciting violence, and accusing President Trump of being guilty of “crimes against humanity.”

And they’re still losing ground.

Oh well, at least the left can pivot back to the economy and win on their party’s merits there, right?

Actually, we’re seeing unprecedented levels of support for President Trump’s handling of the economy:

  • 54% think the economy is good or excellent – the highest number CNBC has ever recorded.
  • Since the election, positive views on the economy have surged 20 points.
  • The percentage who say the economy is excellent exceeds the percentage who say its poor – for the first time ever.
  • More Americans think Republicans controlling of Congress “would make the country better off” than if Democrats were in charge.

President Trump’s inauguration in 2021 is going to be an incredible event. If Democrats are crying and whining and inciting now, what will it be like then?

Source: CBS News

5 thoughts on “Polls Show America Supports Trump’s Illegal Immigration Policies”

  1. It looks like the Mexican government is weaponizing illegal migration to the U.S. Most are from Central American nations that Mexico allows to migrate through their country to try to overwhelm our border. This might be construed as a act of aggression bordering on war. Using third party nationals to “invade” another nation is a new type of aggression.

    Trump should put the Mexican government on notice the their actions will be met with a military response. Military on the border forcibly turning back ANYONE not appearing at an official crossing point. Sanctions against Mexico just like NOKO or Iran. This country needs to be put on notice that their actions and threats will not be tolerated.

    Our internal traitors and advocates for this illegal invasion of our nation should be arrested and tried for acting against the elected government. Protest for American citizens is one thing but advocating for criminal aliens and actual criminals in many cases crosses the line. This nation belongs to American citizens NOT Mexican officials or migrants who want to enter in violation of our laws.

  2. It is absolutely mind boggling to me that people would believe any poll associated with the main stream media .

    Media polls will 100% of the time favor the left, i can tell you with absolute certainty that well over 70% of Americans strongly favor a wall .

    I can also say with certainty that well over 60% want illegals arrested and charged with a crime , bottom line, NEVER EVER believe polls that are associated with the media in any way .

    The CBS poll as expected is grossly inaccurate .

  3. So you want to send a lot of the wetbacks out of the country, eh Mr president?
    How about this, we hit Mexico City with a 150 KLT nuclear weapon, that will get a lot of people out of the country, roughly 1/3

  4. Perhaps we have reached the time for U.S. military troops to completely shut the border, with orders to shoot anyone crossing from Mexico, until this Mexican invasion is called off. There is no way our Republic should allow an invasion from any country!

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