Trump Calls on Rep. Ilhan Omar to Resign Over Anti-Semitic Tweets

President Donald Trump slammed Rep. Ilhan Omar’s apology for publishing anti-Semitic tweets, saying it was “lame” and called on her to resign from Congress.

Omar went on an anti-Semitic twitter rant over the weekend, prompting a backlash from prominent politicians on both sides of the political aisle. She used a stereotype about Jews being motivated by money, then accused a prominent lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), of paying members of Congress to support Israel.

Upon getting heat from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the remarks, Omar issued an apology that amounted to ‘sorry, not sorry.’

“I unequivocally apologize,” she wrote before equivocating things by adding, “at the same time, I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA, or the fossil fuel industry. It’s gone on too long and we must be willing to address it.”

The President didn’t find Omar’s apology to be especially convincing.

Trump added that Omar “should be ashamed of herself” and if she doesn’t resign from Congress then she should most “certainly resign from the Foreign Affairs Committee.”

Should She Resign?

President Trump isn’t the only one calling out Omar for resignation. House GOP conference chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) immediately called for Omar’s removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee after the comments surfaced.

“This CANNOT be tolerated in our own Congress by anyone of either party,” former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley wrote. “In a time of increased antisemitism, we all must be held to account.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) noted that when Rep. Steve King (R-IA) apologized for controversial remarks he made last month, he was still taken off of his committee assignments.

“Just last month, you had House Democrats tripping all over each other, running to the floor of the House of Representatives to condemn white supremacy in a resolution that named Congressman Steve King. He apologized,” Zeldin recalled. “And now, we have those same members – many of them tripping over each other, running away from the House floor, so they don’t have to condemn anti-Semitism.”

Thus far, despite her words condemning Omar’s comments, Pelosi has refused to remove her from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

57 thoughts on “Trump Calls on Rep. Ilhan Omar to Resign Over Anti-Semitic Tweets”

  1. How about , “president Trump suggest the resignation of Ilhan Omar after she makes non professional remarks”.. I Wonder how any Muslim got into Congress, when they are not supposed to even be in the United States.

  2. How about , “president Trump suggest the resignation of Ilhan Omar after she makes non professional remarks”.. I Wonder how any Muslim got into Congress, when they are not supposed to even be in the United States.

  3. We can thank Obama because “President Obama has made abundantly clear that one of his primary goals in his presidency is to force the United States to be more diverse, less racist, less “zenophobic,” and, particularly, less “Islamophobic.” A perfect way to do all that is to ramp up immigration from majority-Muslim countries, which by the end of his presidency he will have done to the tune of over 1 million green cards issued to Muslim migrants.

    So we have a large population of Muslims who hate America trying to institute Sharia law?

  4. Undoubtedly she was voted into office by mostly Muslims from her district. It’s only the start on the Islam agenda to take over from inside the USA. If our so-called leaders do not take action now more and more of her type will be elected to our government. It only takes one to get the ball rolling. She and her fellow Muslim congress person, the one who call Trump a mother-f. both need to go.

  5. Undoubtedly she was voted into office by mostly Muslims from her district. It’s only the start on the Islam agenda to take over from inside the USA. If our so-called leaders do not take action now more and more of her type will be elected to our government. It only takes one to get the ball rolling. She and her fellow Muslim congress person, the one who call Trump a mother-f. both need to go.

  6. Wake up America! From a Muslim’s mouth… By Teresa Nolivo.

    The following reveals the truth of the group who take advantage of anyone who are foolish enough to allow them to.

    The truth of Islam Jihad, Sharia Law, ISIS, AND Hijrah. This is his story:

    I was born and raised a Muslim. My whole family is still Muslim; I know every genetic code of Islam because I have been fully indoctrinated, and I know and understand the Islamic brain.
    I live and breathe with them, but I am now an insider. I left Islam once I understood that Islam is a sick and evil power that thrives on death, even the death of their own family members.
    The following is the Islamic message to the United States Of America.
    To the infidels of the West,
    We will fight you infidels to death while your own laws protect us.
    Your Democrats and your news media will support us.
    N.G.O. ( Non Governmental Organisations) will legitimize us.
    (C.A.I.R.); The ( Council on American–Islamic Relations) will incubate us.
    The A.C.L.U. (American Civil Liberties Union) will empower us.
    Western Universities will educate us…for free.
    U.S. Mosques will shelter us.
    O.P.E.C. The (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) will finance us.
    Hollywood and their foolish celebrities will love us.
    Kofi Annan and most of the United Nations will cover us.
    Our children will immigrate from Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia and even from India to the US and to the other Western countries. They will go to the West for education and be given full scholarships. America is paying and will continue to pay for our children’s education and their upbringing in state funded Islamic schools.
    We will abuse your welfare system because you will allow us to. Our children will also send money home while they are preparing for Jihad. We will take full advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion, and when the time comes, we will stab you in the back.
    We will say one thing on the camera and teach another thing to our children at home. We will give subliminal messages to our children to uphold Islam at any cost. Our children in America will always care more about Islamic Country’s interest than US interest.
    We will teach our children Islamic supremacy from their very childhood. We will teach them not to compromise with the Infidel. We do this from a very early age so our children won’t hesitate to be a martyr.
    We will take over the Europe first and then the US will be next. We already have a solid ground in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and we are now in the United States working diligently for the day when we overtake your country.
    Your news media at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS; and others will paint a deceptive picture portraying Islam as a victim of US and Israeli oppression. The lying news reports will spread like wildfire saying “ American military killed 10 Muslim babies, the Jews killed two Muslim women”, We will use these lies to turn your own people against you, and many of them will march in the streets, burning US flags and destroying cities as the sympathize with Muslims.
    You will be impressed when you meet a moderate Muslim personally. As your next door neighbor, coworker, student, teacher, engineer, professionals you may even like us. You will find us well mannered, polite and humble that will make you say, wow, Muslims are good and peaceful people, but they will become vicious and violent when the call for Jihad sounds. Massive emigration into all countries across the globe known as Hiram; a Muslim invasion.
    We will use your own laws and values of kindnes against you. You are destined to lose… Are you ready for this America and Canada?

  7. Wake up America! From a Muslim’s mouth… By Teresa Nolivo.

    The following reveals the truth of the group who take advantage of anyone who are foolish enough to allow them to.

    The truth of Islam Jihad, Sharia Law, ISIS, AND Hijrah. This is his story:

    I was born and raised a Muslim. My whole family is still Muslim; I know every genetic code of Islam because I have been fully indoctrinated, and I know and understand the Islamic brain.
    I live and breathe with them, but I am now an insider. I left Islam once I understood that Islam is a sick and evil power that thrives on death, even the death of their own family members.
    The following is the Islamic message to the United States Of America.
    To the infidels of the West,
    We will fight you infidels to death while your own laws protect us.
    Your Democrats and your news media will support us.
    N.G.O. ( Non Governmental Organisations) will legitimize us.
    (C.A.I.R.); The ( Council on American–Islamic Relations) will incubate us.
    The A.C.L.U. (American Civil Liberties Union) will empower us.
    Western Universities will educate us…for free.
    U.S. Mosques will shelter us.
    O.P.E.C. The (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) will finance us.
    Hollywood and their foolish celebrities will love us.
    Kofi Annan and most of the United Nations will cover us.
    Our children will immigrate from Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia and even from India to the US and to the other Western countries. They will go to the West for education and be given full scholarships. America is paying and will continue to pay for our children’s education and their upbringing in state funded Islamic schools.
    We will abuse your welfare system because you will allow us to. Our children will also send money home while they are preparing for Jihad. We will take full advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion, and when the time comes, we will stab you in the back.
    We will say one thing on the camera and teach another thing to our children at home. We will give subliminal messages to our children to uphold Islam at any cost. Our children in America will always care more about Islamic Country’s interest than US interest.
    We will teach our children Islamic supremacy from their very childhood. We will teach them not to compromise with the Infidel. We do this from a very early age so our children won’t hesitate to be a martyr.
    We will take over the Europe first and then the US will be next. We already have a solid ground in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and we are now in the United States working diligently for the day when we overtake your country.
    Your news media at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS; and others will paint a deceptive picture portraying Islam as a victim of US and Israeli oppression. The lying news reports will spread like wildfire saying “ American military killed 10 Muslim babies, the Jews killed two Muslim women”, We will use these lies to turn your own people against you, and many of them will march in the streets, burning US flags and destroying cities as the sympathize with Muslims.
    You will be impressed when you meet a moderate Muslim personally. As your next door neighbor, coworker, student, teacher, engineer, professionals you may even like us. You will find us well mannered, polite and humble that will make you say, wow, Muslims are good and peaceful people, but they will become vicious and violent when the call for Jihad sounds. Massive emigration into all countries across the globe known as Hiram; a Muslim invasion.
    We will use your own laws and values of kindnes against you. You are destined to lose… Are you ready for this America and Canada?

  8. First of all it is just plain lunacy to even allow this Muslim to occupy a seat in our United States Congress and then be sworn in by the Koran to boot!! That’s like leaving the door wide open to the hen house for the fox to waltz right in and do as he wishes..This is America we are a Christian Nation and we follow the teachings of the Holy Bible not the Koran. Where would the allegiance of this Muslim woman be if a crisis broke out between the two religions? You guessed it with the Koran teachings and the Muslim faith. By this Muslim woman swearing in on the Koran she is telling us that she is not an American she is a Muslim first and if there is trouble between the two Muslims and the Americans I will side with the Muslims first. We don’t need this kind of division within our Congress. If you can’t be sworn in under the Bible then you cannot be trusted knowing what the makeup is with the beliefs of the Koran. What have we the people of this country gone completely mad!!?? This Muslim should never have been aloud to hold any public office in America just because of the huge differences in each others religion and points of view. We are playing Russian Roulette by allowing her to remain within our Congressas she clearly does notrepresent our Country or our people. Not even into our Congress a full month and she is peddling BS and pissing off the American people and her fellow Congress members. What does it take to see that the Muslims in our country are up o no good and that they are coming here and colonizing here for only one reason to try and eventually take over the Great Satan as they call us..We are dumb enough to continue to let them come here and they multiply like rabbits as the men have any where from 6 to 8 wives and they keep those babies coming year after year!! If each male Muslim has 6 to 8 kids a year how long do you think before they are telling you what to do and threatening your life if you don’t accept the Muslim faith as your faith? Most of us would be put to death I’m sure and our wives and daughters would be turned into baby factories. That is all the women are good for as far as the radical Muslims believe. The President is right this Muslim Congress member should resign as she has clearly hoisted her true colors while living here in America. Now we have given her even more room to widen her Muslim game plan through our Congress. We have at least three Muslims within our Congress now and all have been iffy as being American patriots that are wanting the best for the country and the American people. One even attacked our President almost right out of the gate and had to be reeled back in. They are setting an early pattern and so far it doesn’t look very good for them to be allowed to remain within our governing body of Congress. Wake up America let’s start holding our Congress members feet to the fire on such moronic decisions like allowing both socialists and Muslims with our Congress. Just how do you expect them to vote on decisions for America? They could care less about America!! Failure by America is what they want. We cannot allow these people within our government holding public office where they can try and do the most damage from. They will all be a pain in the ass later on down the road. What in the hell is going through Pelosi’s mind too letting this Muslim off the hook with a meaningless apology and appointing her to the Foreign Affairs Committee right out of the gate not even a few days into our Congress? Pelosi is a one person wrecking ball for our Country. She just goes out of her way to make things tough for the country to move forward or for the American people to catch their breath before she is opening another moronic can of worms. President Trump had better declare a National Emergency and build that damn wall. The people will forgive him if they were against the wall as they have very short memories, proof in point is look how bad the democrats destroyed and nearly brought America to her knees in near collapsing condition for almost ten long miserable years and just two year later the people voted the damn Democrats right back into power and look what has been happening ever since!! Complete chaos the Democrats have no game plan and they have nothing on their minds except trying to get rid of our President or screw up the country to where the President can’t possibly carry out his agenda of making America great again..They are so corrupt it is pathetic another thing President Trump was going to do was to empty out that DC swamp of corruption. So far it has backfired on him too. Took to long playing pussy foot with the Democrats trying to negotiate with a box of rocks!! They toyed around with him and wasted two good years of his Presidency trying to make him think that they were going to play ball with him. Ain’t going to happen folks!! President has now got himself into a lose lose situation on the border wall. If he caves to the Democrats again the people are going to be pissed and begin to distance themselves from him for failure to build the wall and for failure to drain that swamp in DC. If he by passes over the Democrats and Congress and declares a national emergency and moves forward on building that border wall most of Congress will be displeased with him the Democrats will hate him but, the American people who elected him will be behind him. So which direction should our President go in? If I were the President I would go with the people that elected me President and because they wanted me to build that border wall. The people of this country are the actual government Congress members are just representatives of the people supposedly to make America better and to work for the will of the people. Take the heat Mr. President declare that emergency so then you will have available all of the money needed to complete the wall. If you accept peanuts from the Democrats that wall will never get built!! They will piece meal you right out of office still looking for more money to finish building the wall. Even if they would now give you that 5.7billion dollars your asking for it would be the last money you would see for the wall in a long long time. That 5.7 billion won’t be enough to finish the wall the way it should be so to be absolutely sure that the wall gets built and finished on record time declare the emergency so you will know that the job will proceed and be complete or otherwise it won’t be worth the effort if it can’t be completed..Build the Wall!!

  9. ANY religious zealot who doesn’t believe in the customs of the US should NOT be allowed to be in our Congress. Anyone who supports them isn’t a loyal American, either, so they need to be put out also. Unfathomable that this could EVER happen here. NO MUSLIMS in our government!!!!

  10. If the vacuous, hysterical Democrats had a moral fiber among the, they would also demand she resign from her Congressional seat! She has absolutely no business holding a governmental office!

  11. If the vacuous, hysterical Democrats had a moral fiber among the, they would also demand she resign from her Congressional seat! She has absolutely no business holding a governmental office!

  12. Just what we need, some kebab telling us what to do. They don’t like their country, come here and try and change our country into the country they left. No wonder they fight and blow themselves up.

  13. Since nutty nan refuses to remove the towel head from the Foreign Affairs Committee, she is just as anti- semitic, slimy and evil as the muslim terrorist, openly operating, in our midst. Both “terror promoters” should be PERMANENTLY BARRED from Congress, or ANY public office!

  14. Since nutty nan refuses to remove the towel head from the Foreign Affairs Committee, she is just as anti- semitic, slimy and evil as the muslim terrorist, openly operating, in our midst. Both “terror promoters” should be PERMANENTLY BARRED from Congress, or ANY public office!

  15. Thanks for speaking just what the rest of the American people are feeling about this evil foreigner. She and others are addressing issues that belong in the UN, not America. I do not view a sincere apology, either. Very suspect, and she needs to be resigned from any political position, possibly deported for treasonous libel. She is definitely not a Christian or an American!

  16. Thanks for speaking just what the rest of the American people are feeling about this evil foreigner. She and others are addressing issues that belong in the UN, not America. I do not view a sincere apology, either. Very suspect, and she needs to be resigned from any political position, possibly deported for treasonous libel. She is definitely not a Christian or an American!

  17. Muslims don’t belong in Congress or the United States. Let’s not forget how decrepit this fake religion is. It was started by a pedophile, Mohamed, who professed his love for a 6-year-old girl and married her at 9 years old. Look at how Thomas Jefferson handled the Mudslimes; they will never integrate in a modern, western society. They need to be kicked out by any means necessary.

  18. TO AHR: You appear to be even more anti-Semitic than she is. You’re pretty brave to yell out “Juden Raus’ on a blog site, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet…you’re a craven coward.

  19. TO AHR: You appear to be even more anti-Semitic than she is. You’re pretty brave to yell out “Juden Raus’ on a blog site, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet…you’re a craven coward.

  20. The USA is an Israeli colony.
    AIPAC should be registered as a foreign NGO; it’s members and stooges as foreign agents.
    But, that won’t happen…because Khazar Zionist rats and snakes have suborned and corrupted this failing Republic, and reduced it to the craven status of an Israeli colony…
    wherein Joint Sessions of Clowngress give the ex-furniture salesman, Netanyahu, standing ovations as the Likudnik murderer spews his Talmudic blather all over them.
    Disgusting and sad.
    A H was right.

  21. she was duly elected by the people of her state….she should be allowed to continue BUT she definitely does not need to be on the foreign affairs committee…..actually she should not be allowed to be on ANY Congressional committees….she can sit there in Congress only because she was elected….no retirement, no fringe benefits, no health insurance….just sit as an elected member….and her state need to wise up and NOT re-elect such an unAmerican…..

  22. she was duly elected by the people of her state….she should be allowed to continue BUT she definitely does not need to be on the foreign affairs committee…..actually she should not be allowed to be on ANY Congressional committees….she can sit there in Congress only because she was elected….no retirement, no fringe benefits, no health insurance….just sit as an elected member….and her state need to wise up and NOT re-elect such an unAmerican…..


  24. How about , “president Trump suggest the resignation of Ilhan Omar after she makes non professional remarks”.. I Wonder how any Muslim got into Congress, when they are not supposed to even be in the United States.

  25. We can thank Obama because “President Obama has made abundantly clear that one of his primary goals in his presidency is to force the United States to be more diverse, less racist, less “zenophobic,” and, particularly, less “Islamophobic.” A perfect way to do all that is to ramp up immigration from majority-Muslim countries, which by the end of his presidency he will have done to the tune of over 1 million green cards issued to Muslim migrants.

    So we have a large population of Muslims who hate America trying to institute Sharia law?

  26. Undoubtedly she was voted into office by mostly Muslims from her district. It’s only the start on the Islam agenda to take over from inside the USA. If our so-called leaders do not take action now more and more of her type will be elected to our government. It only takes one to get the ball rolling. She and her fellow Muslim congress person, the one who call Trump a mother-f. both need to go.

  27. Wake up America! From a Muslim’s mouth… By Teresa Nolivo.

    The following reveals the truth of the group who take advantage of anyone who are foolish enough to allow them to.

    The truth of Islam Jihad, Sharia Law, ISIS, AND Hijrah. This is his story:

    I was born and raised a Muslim. My whole family is still Muslim; I know every genetic code of Islam because I have been fully indoctrinated, and I know and understand the Islamic brain.
    I live and breathe with them, but I am now an insider. I left Islam once I understood that Islam is a sick and evil power that thrives on death, even the death of their own family members.
    The following is the Islamic message to the United States Of America.
    To the infidels of the West,
    We will fight you infidels to death while your own laws protect us.
    Your Democrats and your news media will support us.
    N.G.O. ( Non Governmental Organisations) will legitimize us.
    (C.A.I.R.); The ( Council on American–Islamic Relations) will incubate us.
    The A.C.L.U. (American Civil Liberties Union) will empower us.
    Western Universities will educate us…for free.
    U.S. Mosques will shelter us.
    O.P.E.C. The (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) will finance us.
    Hollywood and their foolish celebrities will love us.
    Kofi Annan and most of the United Nations will cover us.
    Our children will immigrate from Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia and even from India to the US and to the other Western countries. They will go to the West for education and be given full scholarships. America is paying and will continue to pay for our children’s education and their upbringing in state funded Islamic schools.
    We will abuse your welfare system because you will allow us to. Our children will also send money home while they are preparing for Jihad. We will take full advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion, and when the time comes, we will stab you in the back.
    We will say one thing on the camera and teach another thing to our children at home. We will give subliminal messages to our children to uphold Islam at any cost. Our children in America will always care more about Islamic Country’s interest than US interest.
    We will teach our children Islamic supremacy from their very childhood. We will teach them not to compromise with the Infidel. We do this from a very early age so our children won’t hesitate to be a martyr.
    We will take over the Europe first and then the US will be next. We already have a solid ground in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and we are now in the United States working diligently for the day when we overtake your country.
    Your news media at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS; and others will paint a deceptive picture portraying Islam as a victim of US and Israeli oppression. The lying news reports will spread like wildfire saying “ American military killed 10 Muslim babies, the Jews killed two Muslim women”, We will use these lies to turn your own people against you, and many of them will march in the streets, burning US flags and destroying cities as the sympathize with Muslims.
    You will be impressed when you meet a moderate Muslim personally. As your next door neighbor, coworker, student, teacher, engineer, professionals you may even like us. You will find us well mannered, polite and humble that will make you say, wow, Muslims are good and peaceful people, but they will become vicious and violent when the call for Jihad sounds. Massive emigration into all countries across the globe known as Hiram; a Muslim invasion.
    We will use your own laws and values of kindnes against you. You are destined to lose… Are you ready for this America and Canada?

  28. First of all it is just plain lunacy to even allow this Muslim to occupy a seat in our United States Congress and then be sworn in by the Koran to boot!! That’s like leaving the door wide open to the hen house for the fox to waltz right in and do as he wishes..This is America we are a Christian Nation and we follow the teachings of the Holy Bible not the Koran. Where would the allegiance of this Muslim woman be if a crisis broke out between the two religions? You guessed it with the Koran teachings and the Muslim faith. By this Muslim woman swearing in on the Koran she is telling us that she is not an American she is a Muslim first and if there is trouble between the two Muslims and the Americans I will side with the Muslims first. We don’t need this kind of division within our Congress. If you can’t be sworn in under the Bible then you cannot be trusted knowing what the makeup is with the beliefs of the Koran. What have we the people of this country gone completely mad!!?? This Muslim should never have been aloud to hold any public office in America just because of the huge differences in each others religion and points of view. We are playing Russian Roulette by allowing her to remain within our Congressas she clearly does notrepresent our Country or our people. Not even into our Congress a full month and she is peddling BS and pissing off the American people and her fellow Congress members. What does it take to see that the Muslims in our country are up o no good and that they are coming here and colonizing here for only one reason to try and eventually take over the Great Satan as they call us..We are dumb enough to continue to let them come here and they multiply like rabbits as the men have any where from 6 to 8 wives and they keep those babies coming year after year!! If each male Muslim has 6 to 8 kids a year how long do you think before they are telling you what to do and threatening your life if you don’t accept the Muslim faith as your faith? Most of us would be put to death I’m sure and our wives and daughters would be turned into baby factories. That is all the women are good for as far as the radical Muslims believe. The President is right this Muslim Congress member should resign as she has clearly hoisted her true colors while living here in America. Now we have given her even more room to widen her Muslim game plan through our Congress. We have at least three Muslims within our Congress now and all have been iffy as being American patriots that are wanting the best for the country and the American people. One even attacked our President almost right out of the gate and had to be reeled back in. They are setting an early pattern and so far it doesn’t look very good for them to be allowed to remain within our governing body of Congress. Wake up America let’s start holding our Congress members feet to the fire on such moronic decisions like allowing both socialists and Muslims with our Congress. Just how do you expect them to vote on decisions for America? They could care less about America!! Failure by America is what they want. We cannot allow these people within our government holding public office where they can try and do the most damage from. They will all be a pain in the ass later on down the road. What in the hell is going through Pelosi’s mind too letting this Muslim off the hook with a meaningless apology and appointing her to the Foreign Affairs Committee right out of the gate not even a few days into our Congress? Pelosi is a one person wrecking ball for our Country. She just goes out of her way to make things tough for the country to move forward or for the American people to catch their breath before she is opening another moronic can of worms. President Trump had better declare a National Emergency and build that damn wall. The people will forgive him if they were against the wall as they have very short memories, proof in point is look how bad the democrats destroyed and nearly brought America to her knees in near collapsing condition for almost ten long miserable years and just two year later the people voted the damn Democrats right back into power and look what has been happening ever since!! Complete chaos the Democrats have no game plan and they have nothing on their minds except trying to get rid of our President or screw up the country to where the President can’t possibly carry out his agenda of making America great again..They are so corrupt it is pathetic another thing President Trump was going to do was to empty out that DC swamp of corruption. So far it has backfired on him too. Took to long playing pussy foot with the Democrats trying to negotiate with a box of rocks!! They toyed around with him and wasted two good years of his Presidency trying to make him think that they were going to play ball with him. Ain’t going to happen folks!! President has now got himself into a lose lose situation on the border wall. If he caves to the Democrats again the people are going to be pissed and begin to distance themselves from him for failure to build the wall and for failure to drain that swamp in DC. If he by passes over the Democrats and Congress and declares a national emergency and moves forward on building that border wall most of Congress will be displeased with him the Democrats will hate him but, the American people who elected him will be behind him. So which direction should our President go in? If I were the President I would go with the people that elected me President and because they wanted me to build that border wall. The people of this country are the actual government Congress members are just representatives of the people supposedly to make America better and to work for the will of the people. Take the heat Mr. President declare that emergency so then you will have available all of the money needed to complete the wall. If you accept peanuts from the Democrats that wall will never get built!! They will piece meal you right out of office still looking for more money to finish building the wall. Even if they would now give you that 5.7billion dollars your asking for it would be the last money you would see for the wall in a long long time. That 5.7 billion won’t be enough to finish the wall the way it should be so to be absolutely sure that the wall gets built and finished on record time declare the emergency so you will know that the job will proceed and be complete or otherwise it won’t be worth the effort if it can’t be completed..Build the Wall!!

  29. ANY religious zealot who doesn’t believe in the customs of the US should NOT be allowed to be in our Congress. Anyone who supports them isn’t a loyal American, either, so they need to be put out also. Unfathomable that this could EVER happen here. NO MUSLIMS in our government!!!!

  30. If the vacuous, hysterical Democrats had a moral fiber among the, they would also demand she resign from her Congressional seat! She has absolutely no business holding a governmental office!

  31. Just what we need, some kebab telling us what to do. They don’t like their country, come here and try and change our country into the country they left. No wonder they fight and blow themselves up.

  32. Since nutty nan refuses to remove the towel head from the Foreign Affairs Committee, she is just as anti- semitic, slimy and evil as the muslim terrorist, openly operating, in our midst. Both “terror promoters” should be PERMANENTLY BARRED from Congress, or ANY public office!

  33. Thanks for speaking just what the rest of the American people are feeling about this evil foreigner. She and others are addressing issues that belong in the UN, not America. I do not view a sincere apology, either. Very suspect, and she needs to be resigned from any political position, possibly deported for treasonous libel. She is definitely not a Christian or an American!

  34. Muslims don’t belong in Congress or the United States. Let’s not forget how decrepit this fake religion is. It was started by a pedophile, Mohamed, who professed his love for a 6-year-old girl and married her at 9 years old. Look at how Thomas Jefferson handled the Mudslimes; they will never integrate in a modern, western society. They need to be kicked out by any means necessary.

  35. The USA is an Israeli colony.
    AIPAC should be registered as a foreign NGO; it’s members and stooges as foreign agents.
    But, that won’t happen…because Khazar Zionist rats and snakes have suborned and corrupted this failing Republic, and reduced it to the craven status of an Israeli colony…
    wherein Joint Sessions of Clowngress give the ex-furniture salesman, Netanyahu, standing ovations as the Likudnik murderer spews his Talmudic blather all over them.
    Disgusting and sad.
    A H was right.

    1. TO AHR: You appear to be even more anti-Semitic than she is. You’re pretty brave to yell out “Juden Raus’ on a blog site, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet…you’re a craven coward.

  36. she was duly elected by the people of her state….she should be allowed to continue BUT she definitely does not need to be on the foreign affairs committee…..actually she should not be allowed to be on ANY Congressional committees….she can sit there in Congress only because she was elected….no retirement, no fringe benefits, no health insurance….just sit as an elected member….and her state need to wise up and NOT re-elect such an unAmerican…..


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