Liberals Attack President Trump After Release of Harvey Donation List

trump harvey donation

Only in the liberal media can one simultaneously mock President Donald Trump describing the $1 million loan he used to launch his real-estate empire as “small” to calling the president’s pledge to donate the exact same amount to Hurricane Harvey relief pocket change.

Some even speculated that the donation Trump pledged was only for show, and he wouldn’t actually give a dime. He faced the same accusations when he said he wouldn’t be taking a salary as president, and instead would have it donated to charity. Some liberal sites have hilariously tried to claim that Trump lied about donating his salary, because he receives his presidential check, then donates it, rather than have it donated instantly without ever seeing it. These critics don’t realize the president is required by law to take the annual $400k salary for tax purposes.

As for Harvey, the White House released a list disclosing what charities would be receiving Trump’s personal dollars.

CNN’s Jim Acosta tweeted out the press release above… and liberals immediately went mad.

One bemoaned the number of Christian charities in a predominantly Christian nation:

Can you imagine liberals complaining had a Muslim charity received the funds? Of course not!

Another Twitter user hoped that the charities wouldn’t cash the checks, because apparently they’re taking blood money, or something.

And then there was some miscellaneous stupidity you might get a laugh out of:

Certainly a pathetic list of complaints. It’s interesting that $1 million is no longer a lot of money, yet, for some reason, there’s suspicion that Trump won’t actually donate the money. Wasn’t $1 million just pocket change to begin with?

You can never keep things straight with liberals. They have no coherent arguments, just non-stop whining.

Let’s be honest, Trump could’ve offered $1 billion in relief and liberals would complain he didn’t offer two.

At this point, I’m really just waiting for Trump to come out and declare that the sky is blue just to see how those infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome react.

Share this if you are proud of President Trump for donating to Hurricane Harvey relief!

17 thoughts on “Liberals Attack President Trump After Release of Harvey Donation List”

  1. We know what Obama donated because his tax records are public. We don’t know what Don’T donated, because his tax records are secret.

    Don’T show tax records because it will disclose the Russian investment in Don’T.

  2. Remember last year when Trump promised $1 million for veterans? It didn’t get paid until four months later, after the media pointed out that the promise was never fulfilled.

    “Trust but verify” Ronald Reagan

  3. Acosta, when you came out of your mother’s basement to play, I doubt if anyone ever picked you to be on their team. You do have deep psychological problems and they remain with you and show themselves in your printing…you haven’t learned to write, yet!

    And if the money wasn’t given to Christian charities—it probably would have ended up in their own pockets…. I’m really sorry he gave so much to The Red Cross—-check out the salaries of the top people. $651K; $641K and then there is one that use to get a fat $1M…..but check them out. I’ll give to the Chrisatian charities first.

    1. I will give nothing to the Red Cross, a bunch of overpaid, pompous asses driving around in new cars in fancy uniforms and handing out a pittance to the needy.
      I was screwed over by the Red Cross when I was in Germany in the army and I will never forget the Red Cross.
      There are many better charities that are really charities.

  4. Liberals are bottom scum dwellers of the SWAMP that will soon be drained of all of it’s scum and they will soon spiral down the scum infested drain along with all the other useless douche bags. Who cares what the liberals say or think. Nobody gives a rats ass about them anyhow. Our lives done rotate around these POS anyhow.

  5. It would not matter what he did they would find fault no matter what. Thank God for President Trump! I find it unbelievable that people complain about Christian organizations receiving the donation. I hope the battle is not a spiritual battle but they sure make it that way. In God We Trust!! I thank God that our great country has a real God fearing man as President who is not afraid to confess God and Jesus Christ.

  6. This president has earned my respect. his election inadvertently exposed some chronic issues with our government, our press, our voting system, extreme minority racism and the power of illegal aliens invading our nation, and who, amongst our elected officials supports all this.
    Fools like Wasserman Schultz I knew to be anti-American, Ryan I suspected, McConnell surprised me. While Trump has attempted to deliver on his campaign promises, and the very issues ‘republicans’ have been harping on for the past 8 years, we now know the republicans are incapable or are unwilling to effect any changes. We know the democrats have gone so far to the left, they have ended up creating a group called ‘Anti-Fa’ which looks, acts and smells like rank fascists to me. The Democrats also support La Raza, a mexican group that demands white people leave the SW of the US, return California, Arizona,New Mexico, Texas and Colorado to Mexico.
    The democrats also support the LGBTQQ group, determined to make mental illness the legal and moral equivalent to the majority of Americans. The Democrats also have renounced the concept of Christianity, and God in their party platform and in doing so, while supporting the aforementioned groups, have denounced the Constitution. Add to this, the obscene support by Democrats for PP.This group, founded on the concept of racial eugenics, to kill human beings while in utero to keep blacks at a minimum kis just one more finding. Perhaps BLM could explain this as 79% of all yearly abortions are done on black women.
    President trump asks us, what type of America do you want? We responded, we sure don’t want any of this crap. For me, the Anti-fa has cracked more skulls,burned more cars and buildings, terrorized more citizens than the KKK has in the past 70 years. We know can see just who our enemy is. its not some fictional white supremacists, nor a hooded grand dragon. It is a Black power advocate, a hooded and masked Anti-fa. its not the people of this nation causing dissent, it is the people of Mexico, with their la raza terror troops, drugs, weapons, gangs, selling women into sex slavery and of course the standard litany of crimes against the American people. its past time for the wall. They have declared war on us, its either the wall, or time for an armed invasion of Mexico, where we should, and could sterilize the land 250 miles south of our border, from the gulf to the pacific. Its time for we Americans to receive the same respect we are told each nation deserves.
    I voted for this president, and if he wishes for a second term, I will vote for him again. As will a great many of his supporters. This pendulum is now controlled by ‘we, the people’ and all you vile and hate filled anti-americans? I recommend seppuku as a viable alternative.

    1. “its not the people of this nation causing dissent, it is the people of Mexico”

      Actually, there are a number of ‘Americans’ causing the dissent. They range in age from the early 20s to the early 60s – and some of them in their 60s served in the military (they probably got drafted for Nam). They’re not the street scum we all think they are. They’re people like businessmen, school teachers, etc. They’re being paid by George Soros to create the havoc because he wants to destroy this country. They’re getting ready for a civil war. They’ve even hired ex-military to train them on how to fight. Their first targets: cops.


      Please share that info with your family and friends! We need to get prepared. Soon!

      1. Too late. They already put the cool-aid in your drinking water.

        They plan to destroy this nation by allowing Donald Trump to wreak havoc with our institutions. They want to bring down America by destroying our middle class and removing our jobs to foreign companies, like Trump has done for years.

        1. Get a clue PoppDavid, you don’t know what you’re even talking about. Our middle class has already been destroyed by the Clinton’s, Bush’s & Obummer’s. You’re the one drinking the kool-aid & babbling like a fool!

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