Trump Defends Flynn – ‘He Didn’t Lie, Mueller Pushed That Claim’

President Trump, responding to new allegations that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was coerced into forgoing a lawyer during an interview with the FBI, claims “he didn’t lie” and it was Special Counsel Robert Mueller who pushed the claim.

“Well, the FBI said Michael Flynn, a general and a great person, they said he didn’t lie,” Trump said at a White House meeting with governors-elect.

“And Mueller said: ‘Well, maybe he did,'” he continued. “And now they’re all having a big dispute, so I think it’s a great thing that the judge is looking into that situation. It’s an honor for a lot of terrific people.”

It is the strongest defense of Flynn coming from the President since new court filings have forced people to look at the handling of the case with fresh eyes. Trump stated last year that he had to fire Flynn for lying to the FBI, but new revelations suggest the general wasn’t afforded a right to counsel and wasn’t aware that he was being officially interviewed.

The President also noted special counsel Robert Mueller has recommended no prison time for Flynn, suggesting this was a sign they couldn’t recommend jail after the way they treated him – or that he didn’t really commit any crimes.

Flynn didn’t lie to the FBI – according to the FBI

President Trump seems to be hearkening back to a report issued by the House Intelligence Committee in which then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified that agents who interviewed Flynn “didn’t think he was lying.”

Officials, though, later stated they thought his statements were “inconsistent,” according to McCabe.

Additionally, according to agents, former FBI Director James Comey said Flynn “discerned no physical indications of deception” and he saw “nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them.”

Comey would alter that description, saying that while agents saw “none of the common indicia of lying — physical manifestations, changes in tone, changes in pace,” the FBI still “concluded he was lying.”

The question is – how did they travel in their thought process from ‘not lying’ to ‘he was lying?’

The interview would eventually lead to Flynn admitting to a guilty plea on one count of making false statements.

Court filing says Flynn was trapped

The other portion of President Trump’s statement referring to a judge’s review are based on a court filing by Flynn’s lawyers, who argue that the FBI went well out of their way to create a perjury trap for their victim.

According to the filing, Flynn wasn’t told that he could have a lawyer present, was given no warning that his statements were part of an official review, and officials discussed they “would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed.”

In light of that information, a federal judge requested a review of FBI documents related to the fateful White House interview that Flynn gave to the agents.

Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz has claimed there is evidence to suggest that there was no criminal activity on the part of the former National Security Adviser.

It’s increasingly clear that Mueller has nothing.



36 thoughts on “Trump Defends Flynn – ‘He Didn’t Lie, Mueller Pushed That Claim’”

  1. Mueller was never hired to look for Russian collusion. The Dems wanted only to take down the President by any means and it has continued. Mueller has unlimited power to go after anyone for any reason. He was never approved by Congress and is merely a Deep State puppet. There are two systems of so called justice in this country; one for career criminals who never go to prison and the rest of us who never win.

  2. Trump DIDN’T say he had to fire Flynn for lying to the FBI; he said he had to fire Flynn for lying to VP Mike Pence. Get it right. No one ever said Flynn lied to the FBI, not even the FBI themselves, other than the incredibly corrupt Bob Mueller in an effort to blackmail Flynn into making up some BS that Mueller could then use against Trump. When Flynn wouldn’t cave and lie to make Mueller happy, Mueller pressed the claim that Flynn lied, which he didn’t. Now, a judge wants all the facts of what actually happened; whether Flynn was illegally questioned without WH council being notified or present, etc. which James Comey just admitted took place last week during his closed door testimony before the Senate Investigating Committee, which could get the whole Flynn case dismissed and thrown out of court.

    But in any case, Trump NEVER said Flynn lied to the FBI. That is a complete lie and total fabrication. Trump said Flynn lied to VP Pence, and having done so could not be trusted going forward. THAT was the explanation provided for firing Flynn, which had nothing to do with his interview with the FBI at all.

  3. After listening to Comey on Sunday the hold case against Flynn should be thrown out. This was an investigation started on known false information. To be fair the whole Mueller investigation should be stopped and charges of misconduct filed against Mueller and his group of thugs. With everything that has gone on the Washington Elites could cause anyone of us little guys to be investigated and convicted. If anything that has come from the Mueller investigation is there are two (2) tiers of justice – one for the Elites and one for everyone else. No one is investigating Comey for hi false FISA filing or misleading the Judge with unverified facts. I have lost all confidence in our legal system when individuals like HRC and her supporters can break the law and walk away free as a bird. HRC was a participant in the Bengahzi terrorist attack that took the lives of 4 Americans because of the sale of Stinger missiles to a foreign government that the Obama Admin. was trying to cover up. I would like to know where the money went for those missiles – whose foreign bank account did the funds go into?

  4. Ever time Mueller or Comey open their mouth the drive another nail into the coffin of the FBI. Director Wray seem to be more than happy to let it happen. Not a peep and no house cleaning of bad apples either.

  5. Looks like Mueller took a page from this criminal’s MO:
    Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.

    “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast.

  6. One has to look very very hard and even then it might not be possible to find a reason NOT to fire Robert Mueller. He is more of as criminal than many who are behind bars right now. When Bruce Ohr testified that he had kept certain people “in the loop” as to the Steele dossier being a fake in 2016 – Mueller should have been shut down and the investigation into Robert Mueller’s conduct started. The military should have been called in to investigate Mueller as it is more and more apparent that the FBI and DOJ are – at the very least incapable – and at the most complicit
    Further investigations need to be conducted into the Obama administrations actions – or lack thereof -involving the money laundering case against HSBC Bank in England. That bank was “busted” for laundering billions of dollars worth of drug cartel and terrorist money. They even admitted guilt – but were given essentially a slap on the wrist by the Obama administration – allowing all involved to escape criminal prosecution. James Comey sat on the board of Directors of that bank at the time – and was rewarded by Obama with the job of FBI Director. The other “players” involved in this fiasco were Robert Mueller – the FBI Director at the time. Loretta Lynch who settled the case – Eric Holder and Barry himself. Oh yeah – the Clintons also took in $81,000,000 from that banks account holders and HSBC Bank itself “donated” between $500,000 – $1,000,000 to the Clinton Trust – I mean “Foundation”. Clinton records were not real clear on the exact amount.
    Now today in another report federal prosecutors are trying to keep jurors from hearing Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s testimony. WHY? Because he mentions Obama and “Fast and Furious” they are scared s**tless that the truth may get out.

  7. So, General Flynn had a perfectly legal and expected conversation with someone from a different Nation, that happened to be Russian? His “lie” being that he suggested he did NOT have that conversation? Now, there is NO logical reason for him to even suggest that he had no such conversation, since not only WAS it perfectly legal, but EXPECTED as part of his JOB! At the MOST, his statement would be an error, since he was having conversations constantly as part of his job. But then, that used to break the man financially, in an effort to get him to say something against the POTUS? I suggest, it is time to jail.. MUELLER!!!

  8. Radical Muslims, LGBTs, Planned Parenthood, BLM, the DNC integration globalists; what goal do they all have in common with each other? They each want to be held above any criticism, they want their sexual perversities, racist hate and bigotry to be judged above reproach by a counter immorality that isn’t moral at all.

  9. Mueller’s fraudulent conspiracy to keep four men incarcerated for murder they did not commit in Massachusetts cost tax payers $1.6M each. They were framed on behalf of the Whitey Bulger. Why does this guy still operate.

  10. Mueller and his henchmen should all be ordered to cough up every penny that General Flynn had too spend for his defense, and I don’t mean reimburse the General with taxpayer money either. Every penny should come for Mueller personal account and the accounts of all of his dastardly neer-do-wells.

  11. Getting more and more like pre WWII Russia or some other government, and it’s all designed to prevent the average person from connecting the dots and timeline of we all saw in real time.. the DNC hack, the dossier, Bernie taking a dive, fake relatives of Putin, end runs around spying laws done by the Obummer regime and multiple fisa warrants based on fake dossiers.. meetings on the tarmac, Uranium sales, library, foundations, BenGhazi, etc. ARTICLE V of the USC, now. Since there are few or NO republicans with guts enough to stand up for doing the right thing, it’s crossing my mind the CLinton / Obama attempted coup and email stuff has splattered so much crap on so many people they will all be accessories… so locking her up would indeed bring the house down when she talks…

  12. Flynn got boxed in by McCabe, Strzok and assorted other Effa-Bee-Yi scums, and was forced to plead to minimize the number of times he was forced to endure A-Fish-Ul, unlubricated, Gubbamint Proctology exams.
    When the Fed Cop procedure is invalidated, Flynn should sue, individually, the Fed Cops directly responsible for their scummy misbehavior.
    Lesson Learned:
    Whenever a cop tells you that you don’t need a lawyer and that they just want to chat, get a lawyer and don’t tell The Lesser Swine ANYTHING.

  13. Sorry to say;The USA is long past the “Republic” phase.
    It’s been well into the “Oligarchic Empire” phase for a long time.
    JFK got whacked for trying to restore The Republic
    The “Oligarchic Vampire” thing precedes the “Fall of Empire” phase, that’s coming a lot sooner than most may imagine.
    An early indicator of the “Fall” thing will be a Russian or Chinese carrier killer missile causing everybody to wake up and see The Horror right in front of their bugged out eyeballs.

  14. If they can do this to high level positions, can you imagine what they can/will do to the average American citizen? This is what happens in a socialist/communist environment, not in a republic such as the United States of America.

  15. Mueller was never hired to look for Russian collusion. The Dems wanted only to take down the President by any means and it has continued. Mueller has unlimited power to go after anyone for any reason. He was never approved by Congress and is merely a Deep State puppet. There are two systems of so called justice in this country; one for career criminals who never go to prison and the rest of us who never win.

  16. Trump DIDN’T say he had to fire Flynn for lying to the FBI; he said he had to fire Flynn for lying to VP Mike Pence. Get it right. No one ever said Flynn lied to the FBI, not even the FBI themselves, other than the incredibly corrupt Bob Mueller in an effort to blackmail Flynn into making up some BS that Mueller could then use against Trump. When Flynn wouldn’t cave and lie to make Mueller happy, Mueller pressed the claim that Flynn lied, which he didn’t. Now, a judge wants all the facts of what actually happened; whether Flynn was illegally questioned without WH council being notified or present, etc. which James Comey just admitted took place last week during his closed door testimony before the Senate Investigating Committee, which could get the whole Flynn case dismissed and thrown out of court.

    But in any case, Trump NEVER said Flynn lied to the FBI. That is a complete lie and total fabrication. Trump said Flynn lied to VP Pence, and having done so could not be trusted going forward. THAT was the explanation provided for firing Flynn, which had nothing to do with his interview with the FBI at all.

  17. After listening to Comey on Sunday the hold case against Flynn should be thrown out. This was an investigation started on known false information. To be fair the whole Mueller investigation should be stopped and charges of misconduct filed against Mueller and his group of thugs. With everything that has gone on the Washington Elites could cause anyone of us little guys to be investigated and convicted. If anything that has come from the Mueller investigation is there are two (2) tiers of justice – one for the Elites and one for everyone else. No one is investigating Comey for hi false FISA filing or misleading the Judge with unverified facts. I have lost all confidence in our legal system when individuals like HRC and her supporters can break the law and walk away free as a bird. HRC was a participant in the Bengahzi terrorist attack that took the lives of 4 Americans because of the sale of Stinger missiles to a foreign government that the Obama Admin. was trying to cover up. I would like to know where the money went for those missiles – whose foreign bank account did the funds go into?

  18. Ever time Mueller or Comey open their mouth the drive another nail into the coffin of the FBI. Director Wray seem to be more than happy to let it happen. Not a peep and no house cleaning of bad apples either.

  19. Looks like Mueller took a page from this criminal’s MO:
    Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.

    “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast.

  20. One has to look very very hard and even then it might not be possible to find a reason NOT to fire Robert Mueller. He is more of as criminal than many who are behind bars right now. When Bruce Ohr testified that he had kept certain people “in the loop” as to the Steele dossier being a fake in 2016 – Mueller should have been shut down and the investigation into Robert Mueller’s conduct started. The military should have been called in to investigate Mueller as it is more and more apparent that the FBI and DOJ are – at the very least incapable – and at the most complicit
    Further investigations need to be conducted into the Obama administrations actions – or lack thereof -involving the money laundering case against HSBC Bank in England. That bank was “busted” for laundering billions of dollars worth of drug cartel and terrorist money. They even admitted guilt – but were given essentially a slap on the wrist by the Obama administration – allowing all involved to escape criminal prosecution. James Comey sat on the board of Directors of that bank at the time – and was rewarded by Obama with the job of FBI Director. The other “players” involved in this fiasco were Robert Mueller – the FBI Director at the time. Loretta Lynch who settled the case – Eric Holder and Barry himself. Oh yeah – the Clintons also took in $81,000,000 from that banks account holders and HSBC Bank itself “donated” between $500,000 – $1,000,000 to the Clinton Trust – I mean “Foundation”. Clinton records were not real clear on the exact amount.
    Now today in another report federal prosecutors are trying to keep jurors from hearing Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s testimony. WHY? Because he mentions Obama and “Fast and Furious” they are scared s**tless that the truth may get out.

  21. So, General Flynn had a perfectly legal and expected conversation with someone from a different Nation, that happened to be Russian? His “lie” being that he suggested he did NOT have that conversation? Now, there is NO logical reason for him to even suggest that he had no such conversation, since not only WAS it perfectly legal, but EXPECTED as part of his JOB! At the MOST, his statement would be an error, since he was having conversations constantly as part of his job. But then, that used to break the man financially, in an effort to get him to say something against the POTUS? I suggest, it is time to jail.. MUELLER!!!

  22. Radical Muslims, LGBTs, Planned Parenthood, BLM, the DNC integration globalists; what goal do they all have in common with each other? They each want to be held above any criticism, they want their sexual perversities, racist hate and bigotry to be judged above reproach by a counter immorality that isn’t moral at all.

  23. Mueller and his henchmen should all be ordered to cough up every penny that General Flynn had too spend for his defense, and I don’t mean reimburse the General with taxpayer money either. Every penny should come for Mueller personal account and the accounts of all of his dastardly neer-do-wells.

    1. Mueller’s fraudulent conspiracy to keep four men incarcerated for murder they did not commit in Massachusetts cost tax payers $1.6M each. They were framed on behalf of the Whitey Bulger. Why does this guy still operate.

  24. Getting more and more like pre WWII Russia or some other government, and it’s all designed to prevent the average person from connecting the dots and timeline of we all saw in real time.. the DNC hack, the dossier, Bernie taking a dive, fake relatives of Putin, end runs around spying laws done by the Obummer regime and multiple fisa warrants based on fake dossiers.. meetings on the tarmac, Uranium sales, library, foundations, BenGhazi, etc. ARTICLE V of the USC, now. Since there are few or NO republicans with guts enough to stand up for doing the right thing, it’s crossing my mind the CLinton / Obama attempted coup and email stuff has splattered so much crap on so many people they will all be accessories… so locking her up would indeed bring the house down when she talks…

  25. Flynn got boxed in by McCabe, Strzok and assorted other Effa-Bee-Yi scums, and was forced to plead to minimize the number of times he was forced to endure A-Fish-Ul, unlubricated, Gubbamint Proctology exams.
    When the Fed Cop procedure is invalidated, Flynn should sue, individually, the Fed Cops directly responsible for their scummy misbehavior.
    Lesson Learned:
    Whenever a cop tells you that you don’t need a lawyer and that they just want to chat, get a lawyer and don’t tell The Lesser Swine ANYTHING.

  26. If they can do this to high level positions, can you imagine what they can/will do to the average American citizen? This is what happens in a socialist/communist environment, not in a republic such as the United States of America.

    1. Sorry to say;The USA is long past the “Republic” phase.
      It’s been well into the “Oligarchic Empire” phase for a long time.
      JFK got whacked for trying to restore The Republic
      The “Oligarchic Vampire” thing precedes the “Fall of Empire” phase, that’s coming a lot sooner than most may imagine.
      An early indicator of the “Fall” thing will be a Russian or Chinese carrier killer missile causing everybody to wake up and see The Horror right in front of their bugged out eyeballs.

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