Trump Is Right to Fight for Christmas


Christmas time is here, which is supposed to be a time of happiness and cheer. Instead, the liberal minions are doing their best to make it a time of misery for everyone. It’s becoming abundantly clear that liberals want nothing more than for those of us who delight in the story of the immaculate conception, candy canes, Christmas carols, the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside”, and the cartoon Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer to be just as miserable as they are.

Luckily we have a President who is unafraid to wish us all a merry Christmas!

Liberals are offended by everything – even Christmas

It’s almost as if the liberal masses have nothing better to do than to find something new to be offended about. It started with being offended at the words “merry Christmas,” so they tried to change it to “happy holidays.” Then it regressed into removing the manger scene from the public square, and now things have culminated into an all out war on Christmas.

The question is: why? Why are liberals so intent on making our lives miserable by taking offense to anything and everything that makes the rest of us happy? One can’t help but think there is something more sinister at work here, a ploy to eliminate all sense of tradition and unity from the citizenry. This is what we are dealing with, and it goes back to the Marxist tactic in which you isolate the target – those who love Christmas – polarize it – by demonizing everything that goes along with Christmas – and destroy it – by claiming offense until whatever it is that offends the liberals is eliminated from the public square.

There is no right to not be offended

The state of affairs in society today has become so backwards that many truly believe that simply because they are offended that we should all kowtow to their every whim. In reality, that is precisely the opposite of what this country was founded on – the right to free speech. This right is paramount to our way of life. Many countries around the world actually prosecute their citizens for partaking in speech that either offends a specific group of people or may be critical of their government.

This is the path we are headed down if we keep giving in to the liberals every single time they claim offense to something. We are at a tipping point in which people are being judged and ridiculed in the public square simply because they stand for something that isn’t politically correct.

Where do we go from here

Most people who find themselves somewhere in the middle when it comes to the polarized political world we live in today wonder where we go from here. I truly believe we must get back to the constitutional principles this country was founded on, centered around the right to free speech. It is essential we realize just how important this is – we are moving towards a society that will be ruled by the mob rather than the law. Do not fret though, it is still the Christmas season, a time of hope and joy – a time where we can witness a Christmas miracle even for the liberals who hate Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Yup! I said it, and many of my friends and family members and people on both sides of the political aisle are saying it all over this great country of ours, despite the cries from the left at how offensive that may be. This is something we can all coalesce around, and it is up to us to keep the Christmas spirit alive and continue listening to the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside” while eating our candy canes and wishing everyone we see the merriest of Christmases!

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