New York Times is Shocked – Trump’s Illegal Immigration Crackdown is Working

The New York Times ran a feature article in which the paper discussed President Trump’s illegal immigration crackdown and came to a shocking conclusion – it’s working.

The tone-deaf column demonstrates why the media just isn’t grasping the popularity of the President’s enforcement of immigration laws.

They’ve created a sympathetic tone for the illegals already in this country and those currently trying to sneak in the country, citing numerous examples of “undocumented” immigrants who were planning to cross America’s borders and how they had to change their plans when Trump won the election. The tactic completely ignores the fact that Americans are sympathetic to the hardships of those in other countries – but we’re not sympathetic to those who break the law to get here.

Regardless, the Times reluctantly admits that Trump’s policies – what he said he’d do on the campaign trail and has continued to say – are working.

Via the New York Times:

While some of Mr. Trump’s most ambitious plans to tighten the border are still a long way off, particularly his campaign pledge to build a massive wall, his hard-line approach to immigration already seems to have led to sharp declines in the flow of migrants from Central America bound for the United States.

From February through May, the number of undocumented immigrants stopped or caught along the southwest border of the United States fell 60 percent from the same period last year, according to United States Customs and Border Protection— evidence that far fewer migrants are heading north, officials on both sides of the border say.


Here’s the kicker paragraph, however:

Inside the United States, the Trump administration has cast a broader enforcement net, including reversing Obama-era rules that put a priority on arresting serious criminals and mostly left other undocumented immigrants alone. Arrests of immigrants living illegally in the United States have soared, with the biggest increase coming among those migrants with no criminal records.

Those last four words are remarkably obtuse.

The only reason those so-called ‘migrants’ have ‘no criminal record’ is because under Obama, they weren’t charged with the crime of crossing the border ILLEGALLY.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan recently explained this concept.

“People that enter this country illegally violate the laws of this country,” Homan explained. “You can’t want to be a part of this great nation and not respect its laws.”

“They already committed one crime by entering the country illegally,” he added. “None of us in this room would be comfortable if we go speeding down a highway.  We’re going to think, maybe I’ll get a ticket.”

Bottom line takeaway from the NYT article: Trump is reversing Obama’s immigration policies or lack thereof, and it’s working to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

Is President Trump doing a good job of stopping illegal immigration? Share your thoughts with us below!

30 thoughts on “New York Times is Shocked – Trump’s Illegal Immigration Crackdown is Working”

  1. Marilyn and Steve Please stop believing all the right wing lies about President Obama who will go down in history as one of this country’s greatest presidents. Donald Trump so far is in line to be the worst president in history. As he nears six months in office I give him a grade of F minus.

  2. The NY TIMES is directly connected to the evils of communism, the evils of Islam, and the direct overthrow of our government. The greatest evil to ever hit the United States is Liberalism.

  3. The Liberal Democrat feels it is ok that illegal immigrants have broken our law by entering illegally and the fact that some illegals have not been caught breaking any more law then they welcome them in to the country. Offer then jobs, health care, housing, welfare, social security, education, drivers license, voting ability, protect them in sanctuary cities and the list just goes on and on………

    So, I guess if I commit a crime and break a federal law but don’t get caught doing anything law breaking again then I guess I am ok and don’t have to worry about ever being punished?

    Oh, I get it, if I am a Republican they will never stop trying to get me. That’s the way it works if you are liberal and hate Trump!

  4. The tone-deaf column demonstrates why the media just isn’t grasping the popularity of the President’s enforcement of immigration laws.”
    Well, Well, Well!!! And so are a lot of the other policies that he is and will be instituting!! MAGA!!!

  5. The Times and it’s commie editors should be happy there are less criminal migrants on the streets of NYC to attack them on their way back to Westchester County and Long Island. Go Trump!

  6. Despite Trump’s psych disorder, I’ve supported his policies on immigration and vetting. They’re only common sense. This holiday many residents anticipated another few days of explosives into the wee hours of the morning, all of it perpetrated by young Hispanic men who see no reason to follow rules. the PD seems to not care, despite having sent out multiple notices in the media that fireworks are illegal here and to call if we hear them. Those are the same teens who threw a bottle rocket at a neighbor who asked them to stop last year and who cussed out our landlord and the Guatemalan handyman who asked them to stop smoking weed on the sidewalk in front of the property. I’m 99.999% sure their parents are illegal but the kids were born here. I was ready for a long night of trouble but, low and behold, nothing (although a street over there was). I suspect the parents are worried about deportation and have warned the kids (what else could explain the sudden cessation of bad behavior when the parents previously sat on the porch endorsing it?). Well, well, well. Thanks, Mr. Trump. For us, your threat and actions might have contributed to peace in our neighborhood and I’m grateful. Now, the process must continue to seal the deal.

  7. Thank God Trump is doing what he said he would do as far as the border wall! Great job Mr. President but we REALLY WANT you to drain the swamp in DC as you promised & get rid of the criminals & pedophiles running our government. Do that & you will go down in history as a hero & America’s greatest President!!

  8. I understand that it was a crime to come illegally into this country. Im also sure that most of them had the choice of “do this or die.” Jumping out of a high-rise window when the building is on fire and your escape is cut off is OF COURSE unforgivable suicide, right folks? The majority of these horrible, awful criminals who are cleaning our bathrooms, tending our lawns, picking our produce and doing everything else super-well and uncomplainingly totally deserve to be kicked in the head when they’re down, as Trump supporters so bloodthirstily and ignorantly want. All hail the shriveling and death of the one good thing America stood for: CARING. Heil Trump.

  9. Really you are complaining about trump being blocked. President Obama was blocked 500 times, more than every president in history combined. Imagine how much a greater job he would have done if mitch who said from day one that his top priority was to make President Obama a one term president And all those old white men that just blocked him because he is black. How dare this young intelligent black man come in and impress the world with his brilliance and take the job they have coveted all their lives but were to incompetence to accomplish. And now we have a prejudice president that is erasing as many of the black mans accomplishments that he can but Obama will go down in history as one of the top 5 while trump will be the worse ever. And if you count the post presidency accomplishments President Jimmy Carter is moving his way up by being a great person.

    1. You have no absolutely no clue what you are talking about Don. Obama was the WORST President this country has ever had & most blacks, including Thomas Sowell have said that. You obviously do NOT pay any real attention to what is & has been going on in our country! Obama is an admitted Muslim, who said “America is not a Christian nation” among many other ignorant things as he tried his best to destroy this country! His promises of having a more transparent gov’t were nothing but a lie & he signed numerous executive orders without the approval of Congress. He showed what has proven to be a fake birth certificate & his half brother has stated he was born in Kenya. Obama has lied about just about everything & has created 10 trillion more in debt while he was in office. He has opened our borders up to so many Muslims, many of which are terrorists & put American lives at great risk. Thank God Trump is putting a stop to that. We are NOT a Muslim country, do NOT want them building Mosques here & DO NOT EVER WANT Sharia Law in America. Get your head out of you ass because you have no clue about what you’re talking about!!

    2. Hi Don. I won’t chew you out about him but I do have to tell you that I have to agree with Marilyn. Like you, I & my family were Mod Democrats for decades even before JFK for he was the last true Statesmen. Slowly over time, the real D party changed and is now Socialistic / Communistic. Although I didn’t vote for Obama, I wanted to give him a fair chance. Over time however, his true colors came out. Everything he told us turned out to be nothing but outright lies. He is a Muslim that only cared about his brother Muslims, not us. He allowed the enemy to infiltrate this country like the Trojan Horse did centuries ago. He secretly gave billions to Iran. He tried to make the US into a Muslim nation with Sharia Law which will set human rights back over 1400 years. They recently proved physically that his birth cert was a phony. He was not born in Hawaii. The BC serial# was out of sequence with the other BCs generated that day. If he was born in HI, how did he get a CT SSN? Why were his school records sealed? Who does that? They finally was able to see he registered as a foreign student. They finally found that he was indeed born in Kenya which would by Federal Law, make his presidency null and void. His so called wife and FLOTUS Michelle was in reality, Michael Robinson, a Transgender. Their 2 children were not theirs biologically. As for Pres Trump, he has so far accomplished what he has promised. Just as I gave Obama a chance and he failed miserably, please give Pres Trump a chance. You may just be pleasantly surprised. Give it some thought. God Bless…..

    3. Trump needs to get a law passed removing citizenship from those born here to illegal immigrants. It would make a tremendous difference to the welfare rolls and the school costs along with emergency room costs. It’s time to offer rewards to those who turn in illegals so they can be removed quickly. As a matter of fact we need to claim all possessions of those who came here illegally and offer them the opportunity to leave the country right now with no additional penalties. Those caught after that grace period will face prison time before being deported. After that’s done it’s time to work on straightening out congress. Time for them to do the job they were elected to do and if they only work on obstructing our nation they need to be thrown out now.

  10. Yes, he’s doing a great job. I do feel sorry for the kids that have been born here, but it’s their PARENTS fault, not ours. Breaking the law is illegal, which makes the parents criminals, so in effect, their kids are illegal too.

  11. Dutarte style operation on all criminal gangs will do just nicely … mixed with taking out all AIPAC,infiltrators/traitors members on the side by all means possible . Offers they can’t refuse .

  12. More and more of Trumps actions are going to prove out to be the right thing to do and a whole bunch of people are going to be egg faced. It’s why they’re so afraid of him and trying to stop him…because as the successes pile up, their socialist platform continues to crumble. A lot of money and a lot of power are at stake so they’re doing every thing they can to stall the success. They won’t be able to get a single vote if they’re not able to say…”SEE, WHAT HE’S DOING DOESN’T WORK!” It’s actually that simple and the irony is…what they’re advocating is counterproductive and self motivated…and not for the good of the country. Here’s a clue; the globalists want a One World Government, American sovereignty must be removed for this “village” to take place, demanding open borders allowing all manner of political persuasions in to overwhelm our way of life is needed to create the riots and strife necessary for a “force” to come in and restore order…constitution notwithstanding.

  13. WHO CARES WHAT THE NYT NOW SAYS ABOUT POTUS..!! NYT constantly denounced, degraded and denied our great President Trump the Respect he was due and they tried to do a lot of damage to him..! NYT lost Credibility..! They should be shut down..! They do not reflect the 1st amendment free speech..! Instead they consistently creep communism into America. This is not in our Constitution, nor is overthrowing our government of assasinations of a President which is the NYT that we have come to know.

  14. Considering the fact that the opposition, Democrats and MSM, are doing everything they can to obstruct his every move, he’s not doing so bad. Imagine what he might do with a little positive backing. Why are they afraid to provide a little support?

  15. As a legal immigrant resident married to my American wife for 18 years now I couldn’t agree more with Trumps position on immigration. My wife had to go through the bureaucratic hoops to be allowed to live in the UK & Europe for 16 years with me and the bureaucratic hoops I had to jump through in 2014/15 were even more stringent for me to live in the USA. Here’s the thing though, when living in a different country from your birth place both of us believe in playing by the rules and following that well trodden path of “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. My wife did in the UK, we both did in Spain and learned the language or at least did our best and now I’m doing that in the USA. Even my knowledge of some Spanish helps occasionally. The one thing we found out is every western country has its own pros and cons but the key is to try and integrate into the new culture and you’ll enjoy it. I’ll be honest in that I miss the weather in Spain but the health care in Florida with our Hispanic primary care doctor is excellent even though it costs here and was ‘free’ to us in the UK & Spain. By free I mean we or at least I paid in for 40+ years before retiring at 65 and getting it free as in reality, someone has to pay and its usually the tax payer.

    I’m not surprised Trumps rhetoric is working and I hope he succeeds in his plans to make life better for most in the country. Give it one term and maybe a 2nd term and it could be a very bleak winter for Democrats unless they can get their act together.

  16. I’m not surprised they are surprised. They are all liberal. Why would a common sense approach, such as enforce current laws and build a wall work? Jeez, that is beyond a liberals comprehension.

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