ICE Director Thomas Homan Warns: No Illegals Should ‘Feel Comfortable’

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan said at a White House press briefing that no illegal immigrant in this country should “be comfortable” about being here.

Nor should they. A bank robber should not feel comfortable after they’ve broken the law either.

Homan was responding to a reporter’s question about whether or not he felt his agency had been “exacerbating fears about undocumented immigrants.”

“As far as fear in the immigrant community,” Homan said. “My purpose is to dispel the notion that if you enter this country illegally and violate the laws of this nation … you should not be comfortable.”

The reporter cited a ridiculous study from the Cato Institute that claims illegal immigrants commit less crime than native-born Americans. It is ridiculous because it ignores the fact that by being an ILLEGAL immigrant, they’ve already committed a crime.

“People that enter this country illegally violate the laws of this country,” Homan explained. “You can’t want to be a part of this great nation and not respect its laws.”

“They already committed one crime by entering the country illegally,” he added. “None of us in this room would be comfortable if we go speeding down a highway.  We’re going to think, maybe I’ll get a ticket.”

Homan is reinforcing comments he made earlier this month in which he announced that illegal immigrants “need to be worried.”

President Trump yesterday urged the House to pass legislation that would increase punishment for people who re-enter the country illegally and for “sanctuary cities” that refuse to cooperate with authorities in reporting illegals.

Trump also met with actual victims of illegal immigrant crime.

“You lost the people that you love because our government refused to enforce our nation’s immigration laws,” he said to over a dozen victims at a White House round table discussion.

Just days after his inauguration, President Trump signed an executive order to increase the number of immigration officers, a move that showed he is serious about fixing the illegal immigrant problem.

Homan previously explained that the Obama Administration did not let ICE arrest non-criminal illegals (an oxymoron if there ever was one) in the past, something he considers an important step.

“If we wait for them to violate yet another law against the citizens of this country, it’s late,” Homan said. “We shouldn’t wait.”

We’ve been waiting for far too long. It’s time the American people were able to sit back and say that we ‘feel comfortable’ about our own safety in our own country.

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Do you agree with the ICE chief’s comments that illegal immigrants ‘should not be comfortable?’ Tell us why or why not below!

16 thoughts on “ICE Director Thomas Homan Warns: No Illegals Should ‘Feel Comfortable’”

  1. All immigrants who are not lawfully resident in the United States are “illegal aliens.” You will find this term of art in the statutes, rules, regulations and court cases. They remain in legal jeopardy so long as their residence is not legalized. That is the law. Are we gonna make some brick layer a target of a sweep? Heavens, no. We have people actually committing violent crimes or having gang or cartel affiliations that must receive first priority. But the brick layer remains in jeopardy. If he’s got a couple DUIs on his record, then send him home. Do we yet understand how this system works?

  2. Melania Trump is another immigrant who does well at their paid job.

    As people crow about illegal aliens working in America, they should remember that the First Lady’s first job in America was when she entered this country under false pretenses on a visitor’s visa and worked illegally without a legal work visa. She was a criminal. Care to apply the law there?

  3. It is about time they started doing something about it not like Obama sitting on his ass and turning a blind eye and these sanctuary cities need to just be cut out of the Federal Budget and let them fend for themselves if they want to give welfare to them. It is costing the bloody tax payer enough as it is!

  4. Anyone who comes into our country “ILLEGALLY” should be deported. The ICE agents should take a picture and if they enter this country for a second time they should get the minimum of ONE YEAR IN THE FEDERAL PRISON.

  5. How many of these illegals pay taxes to the IRS?, Do the answer all the questions on a job app. correctly (American citizen)? Do they all have valid drivers license, driving down our highways and streets, do they all have auto insurance? Do they have health insurance so they can get medical attention without passing the bill of to the taxpayers? Just a few questions. If they violate any of these few questions, then they have violated more laws than just crossing the border illegally.

  6. When your first step on American soil is in violation of the law, you are not only an “ILLEGAL ALIEN”, you are a “CRIMINAL”. The same is true for those that have overstayed their VISA’s and those that allow themselves to purposely get impregnated creating an anchor baby.

  7. The Mexican cartels are flourishing because of the lack of illegal alien enforcement. Additionally the “refugees” from predominantly Muslim countries bring illegal people along in the mix. By lying and deceit they sneak in with the real refugees. I also want to know why Christians from those countries are held back while Muslims are welcomed with wide open arms. This is not a rant against Muslims per se’ it is just a fair and balanced view of the unbalanced legislation by none other than B. H. O.and his cohorts!

  8. Good thing that Melania was made a legal worker before all of this happened. Heck of a deal if she got prosecuted for the time that she was working in this country illegally.

    Of course, Trump supporters forget that little piece of history. Melania Knavs came to America from Novo Mesto, Slovenia on a visitors visa and was working illegally in the United States before she received a legal work visa in 1996.

  9. Absolutely 100% correct. Why are we being made uncomfortable when the ones that created the problem are made comfortable? Sort of upside down. They create the problem and we are made to come up with a solution. Send them back and let their own country solve the problem. They can’t get their own country to do anything for them then they come here and expect us to foot the bill for their existence and their children’s futures while eating away at our own futures. DEPORT THEM ALL AND LET THEM FIX THEIR OWN PROBLEMS.

  10. Homan can talk a good game but when Jose Antonio Vargas of Define American can go on Tucker Carlson’s show and brag about being in this country illegally without fear then there’s something wrong with the system.
    ICE needs to get the list of people of pro-immigrations groups, which in a lot of cases can be obtained from their websites or even paperwork filed with the gov’t, and determine if any may warrant further investigation for being here illegally. ICE needs to remove the high profile illegals along with those with criminal convictions. This would send a positive message to all illegals.
    In addition the Federal Gov’t and all States need to mandate employers use E-Verify and put some real teeth in the fines and jail time for employers who hire illegals.
    Now illegals involved in agriculture need to come in out of the shadows and apply for a H-2A visa so they can work legally in our fields picking crops.

  11. How has this crap been allowed to continue for so long? What part of “illegal” do these people not understand? They’re not undocumented workers, though they may be undocumented Democrats. Illegal is illegal. Pure and simple. Build the wall, man it with enough officers to arrest anyone coming over (or under) and let’s put a clamp on this activity that has been going on WAY too long.

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