Trump Cabinet Members Reportedly Discussing Removing President Via 25th Amendment

trump 25th Amendment

Reports are coming in that members of Donald Trump’s presidential cabinet are considering using the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office.

CNN’s Jim Acosta reported that cabinet secretaries are in early discussions, while CBS News’ Margaret Brennan reported that these considerations have not been presented to Vice President Mike Pence as of yet.

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News Comes In Wake Of Capitol Protests

All of these reports were anonymously sourced.

This comes in the wake of Trump supporters storming the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday to support the efforts by some Republican Senators and Congressman to object to the election results and the certification of President-elect Joe Biden.

President Trump continues to insist he won the election and spoke to thousands during a rally that preceded the breaching of the Capitol.

Electoral College Certification Rarely Draws Much Attention

The election certification process typically doesn’t draw much media attention, but became high profile post-election because Trump believes that Congress and Vice President Mike Pence have the power to throw out electoral votes from states where Trump believes the election was “rigged.” 

Despite the President’s insistence, many legal scholars argue that Congress and the vice president have no such authority constitutionally.

Pence showed this in practice when he presided over the Senate certification of the election.  

First Lady Melania Trump’s Chief Of Staff Resigns

In addition to potential mutiny among the Trump cabinet, First Lady Melania Trump lost her Chief of Staff.

CNN reported Wednesday, “Stephanie Grisham, the former White House communications director and press secretary and current chief of staff for first lady Melania Trump, submitted her resignation Wednesday afternoon, effective immediately, in the wake of the violent protests, a White House official says.”

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“It has been an honor to serve the country in the White House. I am very proud to have been a part of Mrs. Trump’s mission to help children everywhere, and proud of the many accomplishments of this Administration,” Grisham told CNN in a statement.

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When CNN reached out to the White House for comments, the First Lady’s office did not respond.

Other resignations have been rumored after Wednesday’s Capitol hill riots.

Stay tuned.

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