Three Democrat Congressmen Arrested Outside Trump Tower

Three Democrat lawmakers joined a terrorist-supporting New York City Council Speaker outside Trump Tower to demand protection for illegal immigrants, and all were promptly arrested.

Reps. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) joined a massive crowd about 10 people in demanding President Trump and Congress work together to pass a “clean” version of the DREAM Act.

The legislation would grant amnesty to those illegals brought to this country as children by their parents.

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito joined her fellow Democrats in sitting down in the middle of Fifth Avenue and refusing to move.


Law enforcement announced: “Since you have refused to leave the roadway, you will be placed under arrest on the charge of disorderly conduct.”

They were then arrested using plastic cuffs.


Gutierrez had the audacity to recently call President Trump a “major criminal” who must be “eliminated,” an ironic statement because he has spent much of his time as a congressman acting like a major criminal and constantly being arrested.

He was arrested in early March after refusing to leave a meeting of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) because they weren’t giving him enough information to help protect illegal immigrants.

Mark-Viverito meanwhile, has been a strong – STRONG – supporter of Oscar López Rivera, co-founder of the murderous terror group FALN. Upon his release from house arrest in May, the Speaker was spotted ‘snapping pictures and swooning like a starstruck schoolgirl.’

Point being, these Democrat lawmakers understandably support illegal immigrants, because they themselves have no regard for laws – whether it involves border laws, disorderly conduct, or even terrorism.

Democrats want the DREAM Act passed not for noble reasons, but for the idea that they will garner support from formerly illegal immigrants.

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin has previously referred to the DREAM Act as “a 2.1 million future Democrat voter recruitment drive” and as just another part of the progressive plan to “redraw the political map.”

She is completely accurate.

What do you think of these Democrats protesting in support of illegal immigrants? Share your thoughts below!

16 thoughts on “Three Democrat Congressmen Arrested Outside Trump Tower”

  1. There should definitely be repercussions for representatives acting like this. Suspension, loss of pay, time in prison would all be fitting for these unprofessional Demonrat’s! Idiots!

  2. throw their butts in jail, we do not pay them to protest so their pay should be suspended for a minimum of 1 month, also i think they need to be recalled by the states they are from for not doing what they are being paid to do which is be in congress and doing something!!!!

  3. Fook you Illegal Beaners and the Congress-Critters who support you! If being a ‘La Raza’ Mexican is so God-Damned Great, Go Fookin’ Back to Mexico, to Protest and Make DEMANDS! OOHH I Forgot!! They just Kill Dissidents in the street, South ‘O Th’ Border!

  4. End DACA and send these people back to Mexico with their parents. The US taxpayers owe you trash from Mexico nothing. You are not going to get amnesty of citizenship, not going to happen. Lock these politicians up they are supporting and trying to protect Illegal mexican who broke US immigration laws which is a felony. Prosecute every single one..

  5. The Federal Congress members should be brought up and censored for bringing shame upon the House of Representatives. There is a rule of the House to do this.

    And I thought these idiots were supposed to represent AMERICAN CITIZENS, guess I was wrong.

  6. We need a new House and Senate Un-American Activities committee’s to weed out these communists from the government, just like in the early 1950’s. Too many leftist and communist have gotten into government, like the people above. They must be removed and eliminated by any means necessary.

  7. Look at the names of these law breakers, these rabble rousers, these people who advocate for the removal of our elected president.
    These hispanics are only a small portion of why Americans don’t want any more Hispanics in our nation. The law and the concept of law is foreign
    to them. they do not follow the laws in their own nations, why would we think they would follow the laws of the USA?
    I have black, asian and hispanic neighbors. Not one of them acts like these so called elected officials. but then, my neighbors are Americans. Not supporters of FALN or La Raza.

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