This Legendary TV Producer Gives Trump a Big Thumbs-Up! (WATCH)

norman lear

Legendary television producer, Norman Lear, the man behind such iconic cultural hits as All in the Family, The Jeffersons, and Sanford and Son, may have the best explanation of the Trump phenomena that we’ve heard.

Lear believes Donald Trump is a “middle finger” from a poorly served American people to establishment politicians on both the left and right side of the aisle.

During an interview, Lear was asked to comment on the comparison of Trump to All in the Family character, Archie Bunker.

Take a look …

Via Breitbart:

In an interview with Jeanne Wolf’s Hollywood blog, Lear told Wolf that it was “interesting” that she compared Trump to his character Archie Bunker from the hit 70s TV show All in the Family.

“I want to believe that the American people are holding up Donald Trump as they might their middle finger and they’re giving the middle finger to the establishment, to all of us – left and right – because they are badly served by the establishment. We are a culture of excess. That’s our biggest product: excess. In everything. He is excessively assholian. I think the American people understand that and this is their way of saying, ‘This is how you’re taking care of us? You leaders? Take this.’ Then they give us Donald Trump.

“At least he’s shaken up the conversation. He’s made everybody stop talking and stop accepting the idea that they can talk in these canned messages, yes?” Wolf pressed.

Lear describes himself as a social conservative who in August stated “You will not f*** with my Bill of Rights, my Constitution, my guarantees of political justice for all.”

Trump seems to be carrying that same message.

Comment:  Is Donald Trump America’s way of saying ‘screw you’ to establishment Republicans and Democrats? Give us your analysis below.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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