The Worst in America – How Does Your State Rank?



From sea to shining sea, each state is unique in its own way. And, it turns out, each state is uniquely bad at one thing. Thrillist went through all 50 states to find out what each one ranks last at in the nation. Here’s just some of what they found:

Alabama: Most child smokers

Alaska: Highest chlamydia rate

Arizona: Worst at going to the dentist

Arkansas: Fewest advanced degrees per capita

California: Most polluted cities

Colorado: Greatest cocaine use

Connecticut: Most unequal incomes

Delaware: Least regular exercise

Florida: Most recreational boat accidents

Georgia: Least integrity

Hawaii: Highest homelessness rate

See the full list and find out what each state is worst at and why!


4 thoughts on “The Worst in America – How Does Your State Rank?”

    1. They are right. Ohio does have the worst water. With Cleveland polluting a river so much that it actually caught fire (Ohio made them clean it at their cost) to Toledo trying to blame everyone but themselves for their water problems (you should see pictures of their water pipes, so rusty and nasty that no doctor would let anyone drink from them)

      The ONLY places that have good drinking water in Ohio are the ones that have dug down and connected to the Great Lakes Aquifer about 22oo feet below ground.

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