It was the summer of 1940. The literal fate of freedom in the West was at stake. It wasn’t a comic book brought to the screen and it wasn’t a video game. Both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, through Soviet supply to Germany of war materials, were attacking the outgunned and outnumbered last European bastion of liberty, the United Kingdom.
At that time providence brought to the forefront one man. He was a man who had been tested personally and privately by life and had been given leadership by the British people to lead them through one of the greatest crucibles in their island history. That man was Winston Churchill.
As many of you know, he led his nation through the Battle of Britain and to eventual victory in WWII. That was eighty years ago this year.
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Now, another crucible is upon the world and again the hand of destiny has produced a man who has the potential to lead his people through an hour of national danger. That man is Donald Trump.
Working through the media bias, the carping criticisms, and the dishonesty of the Chinese, the president has mobilized America to an extent not seen since the Second World War. Citizens, businesses, and government are united in a way that makes the vicious contention of only several months ago seem low and petty.
Though some, especially in the media, persist in their childish activities, the president’s decisive actions are giving lie to their assertions. Some counseled appeasement, negotiation, and defeat to Churchill. He fought them and won. The president is that same kind of man, a person who will ignore those who advise timidity and push through the obstacles to the benefit of the nation.
At this moment of truth, at this “hinge of fate,” Donald Trump faces a challenge that America, the world, and history will judge him on. If his leadership so far is any indication, this time will be seen by history to have been remarkably improved, considering the alternatives, by the fact that he is the president of the United States and the leader of the Free World.
This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on March 19, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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