A newly released ad by the Ted Cruz campaign uses a Donald Trump action figure to effectively mocked the recent New Hampshire primary winner.
The ad shows some boys playing with the action figure. When one of the boys tells his friends he has the new Donald Trump action figure, one boy hilariously responds, “No way, that’s huuuuge.”
“What’s he do?” one of the boys asks.
The other responds, “He pretends to be a Republican!”
Towards the end, the boys are seen smashing a house while shouting ’eminent domain.’
You can watch the ad below …
Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection wonders if the light-hearted ribbing of Trump’s past will be effective at slowing the real estate mogul’s momentum.
… the goal would be to chip away at Trump’s roughly one-third of support and to prevent that support from growing by dissuading last-minute deciders and uncommitted voters from flowing Trump’s way.
Serious attacks on Trump based on his statements, language and policy positions have not worked. The National Review “Against Trump” special issue made the serious case against Trump, but didn’t dent his momentum.
Serious policy or personality-based attacks against Trump have not worked.
Will mockery?
Last year, a company in Connecticut actually did release a real Trump action figure. The doll came dressed to impress in a tux, had a removable toupee, and used catch phrases like “I’m really rich” and “You’re fired.”
Comment: Do you think Cruz’ ad using the Donald Trump action figure was funny, obnoxious, just plain effective or not? Tell us your thoughts below.
Looking to support Cruz? Check out this page dedicated to everything Ted Cruz.
Want to support Trump instead? Here’s a page dedicated to everything Donald Trump.