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sue tax reform
December 6, 2017
For as much as Democrats claim to love high taxes, they’re certainly just like everybody else in that they don’t actually like to pay them.
tax reform obamacare mandate
November 16, 2017
Chief Justice John Roberts’s original 2012 defense of Obamacare was based on his understanding of the individual mandate as a “tax.”
mitch mcconnell daca
November 15, 2017
Rand Paul has already proven himself to be much more effective than all of his fellow Republicans in Senate – even with six broken ribs.
improve tax reform
November 14, 2017
The House GOP released their 2018 tax plan early in the month, hoping to get it passed and sent on for a vote in the Senate by the end of the month.
hr block tax reform
November 9, 2017
Congressional Republicans are hard at work putting together their tax reform proposal and trying to get it on President Trump’s desk for a signature.
GOP tax increases
November 9, 2017
The GOP’s 2018 tax plan is out, and it’s officially titled the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” and while it cuts taxes in some areas, it hikes them in others.
gop tax
November 3, 2017
Yesterday House Republicans finally unveiled their 2018 tax plan, and as we reported, there’s plenty in it to like, including cuts for the middle class.
republicans tax plan
November 2, 2017
House Republicans unveiled the long-awaited tax Bill earlier today, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which should help in debunking many liberal lies.
low-income workers pay rising
November 2, 2017
According to the director of the Office of Management and Budget, the top 20% of earners now pay 95% of all income taxes. Just two years ago, the figure was 84% of all income taxes paid by the top 20%. 
October 26, 2017
The House of Representatives just passed a budget measure, paving the way for tax reform, which will only need a simple majority to pass the Senate.
campus reform trump tax
October 25, 2017
The activist group Campus Reform filmed liberals saying favorable things about President Trump’s tax plan, until they learned it was Trump’s.
supply side versus Keynesian
October 25, 2017
A new video from Prager University explains why demand side economics differs from supply side economics and how it affected the Great Depression.