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trump biden afghanistan
April 19, 2021
Former President Trump is calling President Biden’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan “a wonderful and positive thing to do.”
Lindsey Graham Biden
April 14, 2021
Lindsey Graham has warned that Joe Biden is “paving the way for another 9/11” by withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.
Lindsey Graham
April 8, 2021
Senator Lindsey Graham showed off his AR-15 skills as he took a stand for the Second Amendment this past week.
April 5, 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke out to claim that Republican attacks against him are “bizarre,” adding “I have nothing to do with the border.”
Lindsey Graham Fauci
April 2, 2021
Senator Lindsey Graham torched Dr. Fauci, saying that he should be calling for migration programs to be shut down.
Lindsey Graham Defends AR-15 Ownership As Democrats Threaten Gun Control
March 29, 2021
Senator Lindsey Graham defended AR-15 ownership as Democrats threaten to enact more gun control measures in the future.
Joe Biden Asked What He Thinks About Trump Possibly Visiting The Border: ‘I Don’t Care’
March 29, 2021
President Joe Biden was dismissive on Sunday when he was about former President Donald Trump possibly visiting the U.S.-Mexico border.
Biden Lindsey Graham
March 28, 2021
Senator Lindsey Graham blasted Joe Biden, saying it’s “sick” how he’s playing the “race card” in “a hypocritical way.”
Senator Lindsey Graham predicted the crisis at the border and President Biden's 'radical' response would cause the Republican party to "come roaring back."
March 25, 2021
Lindsey Graham predicted the crisis at the border and Biden’s ‘radical’ response would cause the Republican party to “come roaring back.”
Lindsey Graham Says To Ocasio-Cortez On Border Crisis: ‘Where Is AOC? Why Aren’t You At The Border?’
March 25, 2021
Sen Lindsey Graham called Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not going to the border during the crisis as she had when Trump was president
Lindsey Graham
March 10, 2021
Lindsey Graham just claimed that Democrats’ coronavirus stimulus includes “reparations” for black farmers.
Scarborough Graham
March 8, 2021
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has attacked Lindsey Graham for saying we need to “harness the magic” of Donald Trump.