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April 13, 2020
Barbra Streisand just came unhinged once again as she claimed that Donald Trump is directly responsible for the more than 20,000 deaths from coronairus.
michael moore donald trump jr. tweet
April 10, 2020
Michael Moore said white men are to blame for the rise of President Donald Trump, claiming they have to “make amends” for his administration.
Joy Behar Newsom
April 4, 2020
When California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) appeared on “The View” on Friday, Joy Behar and her fellow co-hosts desperately tried to get him to bash Donald Trump.
My Pillow
March 31, 2020
CEO of MyPillow Mike Lindell announced his company will switch their production from making pillows into producing masks during the coronavirus crisis. 
Chris Cuomo Coronavirus
March 31, 2020
CNN’s Chris Cuomo has tested positive for coronavirus, but will continue to present his show from his basement, quarantined from his family.
Trump Paula Reid
March 27, 2020
We hear the worst-case scenarios because the media wants our economy to collapse to keep President Trump from winning a second term.
Tapper Trump
March 26, 2020
CNN’s Jake Tapper said President Donald Trump was downplaying the coronavirus outbreak with “many lies” while giving the public a false sense of security.
March 23, 2020
President Trump lashed out at media coverage of his handling of the coronavirus saying the only thing he sees being produced is “hatred of me.”
susan sarandon berni sanders
February 24, 2020
Susan Sarandon tweeted a video on Sunday to let her followers know she was headed to South Carolina to campaign for Bernie Sanders in Charleston.
James Woods
February 11, 2020
James Woods confronted California Gov. Gavin Newsom for bragging about California’s economy and criticizing President Trump for increasing the deficit. 
Brad Pitt
February 10, 2020
Brad Pitt made his Oscar acceptance speech political when he bashed the U.S. Senate for not having John Bolton as a witness during the impeachment trial