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January 5, 2020
In an age of science, technology and philosophical reason, it seems that popular culture bombards us with the ideology that faith in God is irrelevant.
January 2, 2020
‘When Christ rose from the dead,’ notes this wise devotional, ‘He conquered the greatest destroyer of our hope ever: death’
January 1, 2020
‘We must have such a powerful love for God that we find our deepest peace and greatest value in our relationship with Him’
December 29, 2019
We can’t underestimate God’s great intentions for our lives — what a fabulous thought!
December 24, 2019
“When my soul is peaceful,” says the author of this faith devotional, the “presence of the Lord within me” helps all those ‘around me.”
December 23, 2019
Mary, the mother of Jesus, gave us a great example of this.
December 21, 2019
What we do with such a valuable gift is completely up to us.