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October 17, 2023
Many have been shocked and disgusted to see woke organizations express anything other than condemnation for Hamas.
chuck norris communism warning biden socialist karl marx
September 22, 2022
Recently, martial arts legend Chuck Norris took on the left, declaring ‘Karl Marx would be proud of U.S. progress.’
November 20, 2020
In his autobiography, Barack Obama has admitted that he read Marx and other leftists in college as a strategy for picking up girls.
Obama Documentary
February 10, 2020
The filmmaker for a documentary that Obama produced quoted one of Karl Marx’s most famous “Communist Manifesto” lines during her Oscars speech
April 2, 2019
The 2019 ‘We The People Summit’ in Washington, DC, which is set to host eight top Democrat candidates for president […]
April 29, 2016
Oh those wacky liberal pranksters and their jokes about communism. What won’t they think of next? One of those pranksters tried to pull a fast