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Rand Paul Catches Blinken: They Have No Idea Who They Drone-Bombed After Claiming To Kill Terrorists
Rand Paul asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken if a recent U.S. drone strike was actually am aid worker and…

Trey Gowdy blasted Democrats, saying that they'll be a minority part if Afghanistan withdrawal is their "reelection message."

Fox News host Sean Hannity demanded that Joe Biden resign for abandoning American citizens in Afghanistan.

The Pentagon responded to a report by Politico indicating officials knew of and prepared for an imminent "mass casualty" threat…

Former Congressman Trey Gowdy said that Joe Biden's August 31 withdrawal deadline "makes absolutely no sense."

CENTCOM is reviewing claims that 10 people - including 7 children - were killed in a drone strike by the…

The Fox News host Chris Wallace defended the President Joe Biden administration amidst the Afghanistan chaos.

Chris Wallace Says Attack On U.S. Soil From Afghanistan Would Be ‘Curtains For The Biden Presidency’
Chris Wallace said that an attack on U.S. soil from Afghanistan would be "curtains for the Biden presidency."