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September 17, 2019
Rep. Ayanna Pressley is introducing a resolution calling for a formal impeachment inquiry against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The…
ny times kavanaugh
September 16, 2019
The New York Times has been reeling since publishing a Brett Kavanaugh bombshell that led Democrats to engage in a…
September 26, 2018
Deborah Ramirez lawyer who is representing the latest accuser against Judge Brett Kavanaugh was just caught lying on CNN this…
September 24, 2018
Audio has emerged of Christine Blasey Ford's adviser, Ricki Seidman, describing a plot to "ultimately defeat" Donald Trump's Supreme Court…
September 24, 2018
The second Kavanaugh accuser witness cited in the New Yorker article has admitted that they never actually saw the incident…
September 24, 2018
The recent Deborah Ramirez Kavanaugh accusation has just been released and the entire story has some serious holes in it…