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February 27, 2020
Trump hammered an “incompetent” Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats for trying to use fears over the coronavirus as a political tool.
February 27, 2020
The coronavirus is spreading like wildfire, and it has now surfaced in the United States. Supply chain disruptions are expected as the outbreak continues.
coronavirus Pelosi Trump
February 26, 2020
Donald Trump could have the best possible plan to combat the coronavirus, yet Nancy Pelosi would still not give him proper credit.
Trump Romney
February 25, 2020
Mitt Romney has accused Donald Trump of being unprepared for a possible coronavirus outbreak in his latest attack on the president.
February 24, 2020
Though still contained outside of the U.S., the virus continues to claim victims.
February 11, 2020
It was a wild morning on Tuedsday, as Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders went head to head in New Hampshire. Trump also secured another judge.
China Coronavirus
February 3, 2020
The coronavirus is getting worse and worse as cases are being reported in the United States. We can only hope that this situation is brought under control.
January 31, 2020
The World Health Organization has declared a global health emergency
January 31, 2020
CNN is slamming Donald Trump today for a task force to tackle the coronavirus that did not have enough diversity for them.
January 30, 2020
The World Health Organization has officially declared the coronavirus to be a global health emergency, and Russia has closed its border with China.
China Coronavirus
January 28, 2020
China has dismissed help from the United States when it comes to the coronavirus, according to the Center For Disease Control.
January 23, 2020
The Chinese exchange students could be carrying the coronavirus unknowingly but there have not been signs of the virus amongst students or staff.