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donald trump javier milei
February 26, 2024
Former President Donald Trump met Argentina's libertarian President Javier Milei on Saturday at the annual CPAC conference.
milei commercial flight
February 14, 2024
On his recent trip to Rome, Argentine President Milei flew commercial - and socialized with a plane full of very…
milei davos
January 19, 2024
This week, Milei spoke before the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. A group with many full-blown socialists.
javier milei socialism
November 21, 2023
Carlson asked Javier Milei what advice he might have for Americans who might be inclined to give socialism a chance.
trump milei
November 20, 2023
Argentina has elected a new president - and he's a hardcore libertarian. If the headlines from the major mainstream press…
March 24, 2016
Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren practically begged President Obama to return home and actually do his job amidst the terrorist