Study: 92% of Liberal Protesters Live With Parents

Remember when Hillary Clinton infamously branded Donald Trump’s base as “The Deplorables”? Well, I have an even more fitting name for those who’ve been infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome: “The Un-employables.”

After all, when you see the black-mask bearing “Antifa” (which stands for “antifascist”) protesters breaking windows, setting cop cars on fire, and chanting mindless slogans about Trump, racism, and capitalism, the last thing you see is someone capable of supporting themselves in modern society. It’s not a coincidence that those who are the worst at capitalism tend to be those opposed to it, but history proved long ago that capitalism is the only viable economic system.

And as a survey of left-wing protesters in Berlin discovered, these people really are life’s losers.

The figures, which were published in daily newspaper Bild revealed that 873 suspects were investigated by authorities between 2003 and 2013.

Of these 84 per cent were men, and 72 per cent were aged between 18 and 29.

A third of them were unemployed, and 92 per cent still live with their parents.

The new figures were released by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV). Between 2009 and 2013, the Bild report claims, left-wing assassins attempted to commit 11 murders.

H/T Daily Mail

This survey was of German leftist radicals, but is there any doubt their American counterparts are in the same situation? The evidence would seem to suggest as much, as you can turn socialists in America into capitalists with one simple trick: employment. According to the Washington Post, “millennials become averse to social welfare spending if they foot the bill. As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.”

There’s a famous saying (commonly miss-attributed to Winston Churchill) that if you’re a conservative in your youth, you have no heart, but if you’re a liberal in adulthood you have no brain. God knows who actually coined it – but it couldn’t be any more accurate.

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9 thoughts on “Study: 92% of Liberal Protesters Live With Parents”

  1. Same with baby-boomers. Back in the late sixties and early seventies they wanted mommy and daddy to pay taxes to support their entitlement handouts. When those finally ran out they had to go get jobs, and did pretty well. At that point the hippies all became the yuppies of the “me generation.” SUDDENLY they were all opposed to tax increases on people in their income level. Come the middle of the 2000’s and these ageing boomers are now all in favor of tax increases on THEIR children to support the elderly/entitlement programs they are now taking advantage of. The millennials are doing the same thing. What’s the old saying…? What goes around, comes around….

  2. I’m sure they are almost all a bunch of big babies, that can’t cook for themselves, do their own laundry, or pay for their own computer service or cell phone.

        1. LMMFAO………….that is the best you can come up with?! How old are you young man?? 16, 17? You are still acting like a child throwing a uneducated tantrum. Your mouth will get you in deep trouble some day, just watch, I know it will happen. Now have a snickers cause you know how you get……………LMMFAO

    1. Hey “jack-off required”, I learned things while I was in school, one thing you can always count on is that Numbers DON’T lie. Unlike you, a pansy assed troll that still lives with mommy & daddy, is lazy, spoiled little brat because your parents didn’t raise you to be very smart, but you ALWAYS got whatever you wanted. You have done NOTHING for my Country, in your childish way of doing things when you throw a tantrum you want to break things. I will NOT let you & you idiot friends do that! This is not some game you are playing like on your phone, this is real and in real life people die, forever in HELL! You need to really think about what you are doing because it is wrong. Deep down you know that, or you should. I’ll see ya later little boy.

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