Squad’s Ayanna Pressley: Constitution Is Sexist, Shackles Women

Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley declared that the Constitution of the United States is “sexist” by its nature and continues to “shackle” women to this very day.

Pressley made the shocking comments from the floor of the House of Representatives Wednesday.

“The year is 2020 and here we women are still in so many ways not fully free, still shackled,” she claimed, arguing for the removal of a deadline on the Equal Rights Amendment.

Pressley continued by rattling off the many ways in which women are discriminated against, including skewed claims of a gender wage gap, claims of discrimination toward pregnancy, and, despite an overwhelming number of those incarcerated in the U.S. being male, discrimination in the criminal legal system.

RELATED: Lindsey Graham: AOC and Her Squad Are a Bunch of Anti-American Communists

Torches the Constitution

Pressley’s ability to play the victimhood card in her floor speech continued unabated.

“The American Constitution is sexist by its very design,” she fumed. “This country’s laws have historically treated us like second-class citizens, depriving us of the right to vote, enter most jobs, and to own property.”

While the historical aspect of women’s rights being limited is accurate, the suggestion that anyone in this country continues to be ‘shackled’ is ludicrous.

She need only look in the mirror – as a minority female member of Congress – for proof of that.

RELATED: Rep. Ayanna Pressley: Blacks Treated ‘Like Second Class Citizens’ in America

Why the Hate For America?

Senator Lindsey Graham once referred to the Squad – consisting of Democrats Pressley (MA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Ilhan Omar (MN), and Rashida Tlaib (MI) – as a “bunch of communists” who “hate our own country.”

He’s right.

Aside from this attack on the Constitution, Pressley has:

  • Accused minority Border Patrol agents of being a “cog” in a machine of oppression.
  • Called for the defunding of ICE, claiming the agency is “irrevocably broken.”
  • Refused to condemn an Antifa terrorist attack at an ICE facility in Washington State.

She’s also used that ‘second-class citizens’ rhetoric in the past, suggesting that black Americans are to this very day treated as such, and President Trump is partly to blame.

During a hearing on civil rights and civil liberties before the House Oversight Committee last May, Pressley stated the Trump administration “has emboldened white nationalism, white supremacy, and far-right extremism.”

“Despite the progress we have made as a country, black Americans are still treated as second-class citizens, disproportionately targeted for: driving while black, walking while black, lunching while black, organizing while being black, literally existing while black,” she added.

Rather than showing young Americans what is possible as a minority woman in Congress, as each member of the Squad has become, they continuously tell people how terrible the country is and how people are being held down by a racist and sexist country.

It’s disgraceful.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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