Spectacular Fail: Hillary’s Candidates Fall Like Dominos

Last night was a tsunami of embarrassing defeats for the Democrats. Barack Obama owns his share of the blame, but the real loser of the evening was Hillary Clinton.

With 2016 on her mind, Hillary actively campaigned this year. And the candidates she personally endorsed and stumped for fell like dominos yesterday. Bruised from the Benghazi hearings and tainted from being so instrumental in Obama’s failed policies, Hillary’s influence over voters is questioned today.

Hillary campaigned for Alison Grimes, Bruce Braley, Kay Hagan and Michelle Nunn. All of them saw their campaigns go down in flames last night as the Republicans gained control of the Senate. Senator Rand Paul told Breitbart News that Hillary Clinton was Tuesday’s biggest “loser.”

“”Somebody should ask Hillary Democrats why they got wiped out tonight. Clearly, Hillary is yesterday’s news.”

Paul also took to Twitter to highlight Hillary’s failure to deliver voters.

The Clintons made endorsements a family affair this year. Bill also joined in on the fail trail by endorsing Ed FitzGerald for Governor of Ohio. FitzGerald’s multiple scandals, including driving without a license and possibly without insurance for multiple years, tanked the entire statewide Democratic ticket.


Yesterday proved that voters don’t feel the seduction of the Clinton charm they did in years past. With the midterm election in the rear-view mirror and 2016 on the horizon, will Hillary still be mentioned as a Presidential contender? Perhaps her hand in the failures of the Obama Administration will be too hard for her to overcome at the ballot box.

2 thoughts on “Spectacular Fail: Hillary’s Candidates Fall Like Dominos”

  1. Was a whole lot worse for Fitzgerald then you let on. He had no license for 10 years, but drove anyway. And it was a taxpayer paid for car!

    He was found in a dark parking lot of a closed business in the back seat of a car with a woman who was not his wife but a member of the trade commission party from England. Both were disheveled and looked out of breath and flushed according to the police officer that found them. You can safely assume that talking was not on the agenda. And this was just a small amount.

    You had the woman wanting to be Auditor, failing to pay her own taxes for 5 years

    You had the guy wanting to be Attorneys General, having NO legal background and never having tried a case in his life.

    You had the woman who wanted to be the treasurer charged with failure to pay her own taxes and numerous charges against her for her properties, with a few having raw sewage in the basement that she refused to fix and correct.

    You had the guy who wanted to be a State Supreme Court Judge (O’Donnell) who was lambasted by the Ohio Supreme Court Disciplinary Committee for false political advertising. So false for instance they demanded he remove the advertisement and pay damages to the Judge he was running against.

    And the sweet irony is that the loudmouth that was the head of the Ohio Democrat Party (Chris Redfern) was not only made to resign his post as the head of the Democrat Party of Ohio, but pizzed off the people in his district so badly that they threw him out of office as well.

    In short the WHOLE Democrat Ticket in the 2014 elections not only lost, but their great grandkids will still have the boot marks of the stomping they got from the election and the Ohio Democrat party is all but dead.

    How do I know all of this? I LIVE in Ohio and was laughing myself sick at this cartoon circus since january of this year. Know how you go past a car wrek and you dont want to look cause you know you will see massive destruction? Same thing here. It was a train wreck in slowmo and its going to be a LONG time before the Ohio Democrats recover from this

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