South Korea Fires Warning Shots into North Korea

In recent months, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has been flexing his muscles, trying to show the world that his regime should be taken seriously on the global stage.

Since taking over as the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un has repeatedly ordered his military to test a variety of weapons, including massive live-artillery drills and nuclear explosions, designed to provoke a reaction from South Korea and the international community.

So far, the United States has refused to take the bait, but the White House has said nothing is off the table in how it responds to North Korea’s continued acts of aggression, especially if they threaten South Korea.

That day may be coming very soon.

South Korea has reportedly fired several warning shots at North Korea after an unknown object crossed into their country.

From Fox News:

The military said in a statement Tuesday that it has bolstered its air surveillance after the incident but provided few other details.

Yonhap news agency reported, without citing a source, that South Korea fired about 90 machine gun rounds into the air and toward North Korea. It said South Korea was analyzing whether a North Korean drone had crossed the border.

The Koreas face off across the world’s most heavily armed border, and the two sides occasionally clash. Attacks blamed on North Korea in 2010 killed 50 South Koreans.

So far, North Korea has yet to respond to the South Korean warning shots, but given their leader’s erratic behavior, it wouldn’t be surprising if he ordered more missile tests in response.

Hopefully more details come out as to what sort of object entered South Korea, as it would help determine what future action South Korea plans to take if such an incident repeats itself.

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On the American side, President Trump has taken a different attitude than the failed Obama administration, telling North Korea that we are not fooling around, and vigorously been working with China to try and get their help in dissuading North Korea from advancing their nuclear capabilities. China is North Korea’s primary supplier of energy and resources, so they have tremendous leverage over the ‘Hermit Kingdom.’

What are your thoughts on the increasingly tense situation along the Korean peninsula? Share your thoughts below! 

46 thoughts on “South Korea Fires Warning Shots into North Korea”

  1. some good input here, however before we just start bombing the he#l out of them, we best know where all those submarines are, altho they probably don’t have any nuclear warheads , a few missiles from just a handful of those subs could kill a lot of people in say seattle, portland, san francisco, los angeles, san diego , yes they are old, & backward compared to our standards but those diesel electric subs are very quiet. remember in all wars & or conflicts both sides do score victory. just saying

  2. Trump asked for support from China. Let them take the lead. Our military and families were left too weak by the last Adm. to go to war right now. WE need to re-cooperate.

  3. Can anyone recall a dictator backing down, it’s not in their DNA.

    “Nip it in the bud” is still the best advise for handling dictator,

    imagine how different the world would be today if somebody had taken out Hitler, Stalin or even Obama.

  4. Your question as to whether Trump should bomb N Korea is not a simple yes and no. Yet we should firmly have all options on the table. I wish I could predict the unpredictable, ie, N Korea’s leader. I trust our present Military Leaders to do the right thing. I hope I am right and whenever we do act, it is with sufficient force to silence N Korea forever without suffering massive casualties ourselves. My hope is that the world will remain peaceful and we will never have to act against this dangerous regime. Trump is the best leader to handle this precarious situation, but it is unfortunate that even he cannot predict the unpredictable. Prayer will certainly help strengthen our hand.

    1. Fortunately there’s the totally untried prospect of pilot less drones which we can send to take care of N. Korea, to bomb their weapons sites and a few other strategic targets. Hopefully, with that we wouldn’t have to commit our troops to this affair.

  5. My dear Aunt Marion told me once “Theres a lot of people on this planet that just plain need killing….. Seal Teams were built for that purpose. Why dont we just let them earn their pay and go around the world taking out pieces of sh*t like Kim Flung Dung and other similar trash in other places….. Someone needs to take out the trash. Vacation in Iran anyone ????

  6. Annoying slant eyed little fat boy needs to be euthanized in a great ball of fire Kim Flung Dung is a moron, and we have had enough of him terrorizing the peaceful South Koreans. His little kingdom will make a nice recreational area for the South Koreans and the Chinese.

  7. Apologies to all if this is a digression from the this post! There are so many people who are ready to criticize, vilify and denigrate President Trump. There seems to be a preponderance of allegations, misinformation and attacks directed to President Trump. I do not think I am unaware of current events and yet I do not possess neither the chutzpah nor the audacity to direct, counsel or advise the President. And, if I am knowledgeable or capable of speaking to the issue of responding to Kim Jong-un then, we are – as a nation – in deeper trouble than anyone has intimated or stated!

  8. I’d vote to contain the situation. South Korea is an ally, we don’t need or want problems with
    China any more than they do with us… I’m sure the Chinese can find a way to constrain ol Fat Boy if they have to…
    We just need to encourage them a bit. Like, turning back a few hundred or a thousand shiploads of Chinese ‘stuff’ headed for wal mart… and buying somewhere else instead…

  9. He is loony child with a chemistry set — it will need to be taken away from him before anyone really gets hurt. Discuss with China what the can do that they aren’t doing; Tell the UN, but they are useless; Identify offensive targets in the North and lock them in (if this isn’t in place already); as the child fails to play with his chemistry set correctly — take that chemical, element, facility or site away from him. Maybe he will learn to play well with others.

  10. Having a very unstable dictator for a leader makes NK a more than dangerous situation. Now we add China to the equation, and war, big or “small”, seems too likely. The big problem, the free world has no way to control future events….thank you Barry, Bush, Clinton, etc.

    1. A Our Caesar (MacArthur) himself learned the hard way, China could be a very formidable opponent if they wanted to get into a scrap with us over NK. Unfortunately Truman wimped out when it came to the idea of bombing Moscow and Peking (aka Beijing).

  11. I think the best 2 solutions are (1) action (verbal, economic, military if necessary) by Communist China to reign in its puppet so it will be a non-nuclear threat like Cuba & Venezuela or, (2) a US Special Forces/Seals team of all Korean Americans or all South Koreans to infiltrate North Korea and carry out special ops. The 2nd will be difficult as the country is so controlled, spies everywhere, govt cameras everywhere, police/ military everywhere, everyone brainwashed to be a snitch, I doubt if it could be done successfully.

    1. Playing economic hardball with NK hasn’t proven to be a good means of controlling that fat peanut. He’ll just divert whatever resources they get to himself and just let everyone else suffer.

  12. China is North Korea’s primary supplier of energy and resources, so they have tremendous leverage over the ‘Hermit Kingdom. ya maybe China dose have but thy do nothing then when all the BLL dose start from the problem dough boy child China will say what happen why did you defend your self against the problem child see what you did I was you all that started the war

  13. I believe that these provocations are intentional and that they are orchestrated by China, N. Korea and Russia. They are probing our responses to see what we “light -off” in defensive measures.
    This method reveals the protective measures that are built into the defensive strategy of America.
    Time to “test” the N. Koreans defensive measures. Put some Islamic “defenders of the Caliphate” on a drone and launch it from the sea. We will determine if the N. Koreans are willing to accept refugees.

  14. The loony son will soon provoke us or the South Koreans into a fight. It will be short and bloody. As to the question of whether President Trump should bomb North Korea, the answer is not until he does something worth bombing him for. Then go all in!

    Phil in TX

  15. At this point we need to wait and see what is about to happen. I think the little nit-wit in NK is testing the waters and probably did send a drone over. He is surely bright enough…that might be pushing the envelope though….to understand that a nuclear holocaust is not what he would want for the world. Even if he has a luxurious bunker waiting to ride it all out, he knows that is not the thing to do.

    He is like a retarded child with a new toy who is going to push everyone around him as far as he can just to get a reaction and just to be the center of attention. Disgusting little creep.

  16. Just drop the MOAB outside the palace……….or their missile site. The country is so piss poor there won’t be that much damage. I do feel sorry for the North Korean people.

  17. I don’t think President Trump should bomb North Korea at this time. At the first sign from the fat little nut case that he is attacking ANY COUNTRY, then President Trump is free to fire back. Because once the bell is rung, it can’t be unrung and Trump knows that. It is why he is not being impulsive but making sure he has the facts and the first move from the nut case before he does anything that drastic.

  18. I have to wonder if North Korea is going to be Trump’s Red Line. You know the line where his blustering and bluffing is exposed for what it is: total BS.

  19. China has said that if NK fires one more missile, they will take further action. What that means, is anybody’s guess. Firing a nuke at NK, at this time, IMO, is not a good idea. Too many SK, may be affected. China should shut done their electric grid. Then, the can do nothing.

  20. Nuke them and solve not only this problem, but make them an example and tell the world we are here outlawing war. If you invade another nation we will turn yours to radioactive glass.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative” for more.

    1. I, personally, have worried about the North Korean people for a very long time. They have a horrible life because all their resources go to bolster this wacky regime and to make it look good, but the people suffer greatly.

      I want someone to free the people and not kill them although they are free to kill the nitwit and his hanger-ons.

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