Secret Private Party Held at White House — One Guest Can’t Keep Quiet About It

prince obama

Here’s more evidence of the classless jerks who occupy the White House right now…

Obama Press Secretary Josh Earnest refuses to give information on an extravagant party held at the White House over the weekend featuring “Prince” and attended by people like race-hustler Al Sharpton.

Earnest said it was a “private party,” and he would not be giving details about it. CNN’s Jim Acosta pressed him on whether the Obamas were paying for it, and Earnest said, “Yes.” But when asked whether the guests were served by White House Staff or Catering Staff, Earnest could not say, but repeated that the Obamas were paying for it.

Well we do know one poverty pimp who couldn’t keep his mouth closed. Loose lips sink ships and the WH private session probably mirrored the sinking Titantic when this classless so-called leader tweeted this out


Just a message to the the WH, with the all of my respsect, America is paying for having backward thinkers like the Obamas in the White House. They talk about how they care about the average person, and divide Americans by race, gender, income, etc., yet live like they are entitled to anything and everything they want.

Watch the dismissive interview clip here:


I think the the cat’s out of the bag and the jig is up. The WH has to realize Sharpton can’t keep his mouth closed on any subject. Agree with this story? Share it on twitter and facebook and add your comments below.

16 thoughts on “Secret Private Party Held at White House — One Guest Can’t Keep Quiet About It”

  1. I hope the government has a good fumigator lined up for the White Hut in January of 2017. They’re going to need one to get rid of the roaches, rats, bed bugs, and lice that Obozo and the Wookie leave behind. It wouldn’t hurt to inventory the furnishings either…

  2. I got a news flash for you Mr Earnest,they may reside there but it’s NOT there home.What rent are they paying? that’s right ….ZILCH! Was it an all blacks only party the reason it was private?it had to be if that no tax paying race baiting SOB Sharpton was there.

  3. I got a news flash for you Mr Earnest,they may reside there but it’s NOT there home.What rent are they paying? that’s right ….ZILCH! Was it an all blacks only party the reason it was private?it had to be if that no tax paying race baiting SOB Sharpton was there.

  4. simply amazing that an idiot like Sharpton gets the royal treatment from the prez and white house, when he has broken federal laws. of not paying his back taxes and they continue to treat him like a long lost cousin and look the other way, if that was you or I they would be seizing our property our bank accounts and sending us to federal prison, but since al is a big mouth race baiter he gets to break the law every day with the potus in tow birds of a feather flock together!!

  5. These transparent articles are about as clear as mud, yeah I bet the tax payers were left the bill. I do not trust the individual and those who support his activities.

  6. These transparent articles are about as clear as mud, yeah I bet the tax payers were left the bill. I do not trust the individual and those who support his activities.

  7. The alias, Barack H. Obama, is simply one more occupant of the POTUS slot, since 1981, who abuses and insults the office, and uses it for personal gain. However, the alias, BHObama, has installed a racist twist that was not present, until he entered the position.

  8. I hope the government has a good fumigator lined up for the White Hut in January of 2017. They’re going to need one to get rid of the roaches, rats, bed bugs, and lice that Obozo and the Wookie leave behind. It wouldn’t hurt to inventory the furnishings either…

  9. I got a news flash for you Mr Earnest,they may reside there but it’s NOT there home.What rent are they paying? that’s right ….ZILCH! Was it an all blacks only party the reason it was private?it had to be if that no tax paying race baiting SOB Sharpton was there.

  10. simply amazing that an idiot like Sharpton gets the royal treatment from the prez and white house, when he has broken federal laws. of not paying his back taxes and they continue to treat him like a long lost cousin and look the other way, if that was you or I they would be seizing our property our bank accounts and sending us to federal prison, but since al is a big mouth race baiter he gets to break the law every day with the potus in tow birds of a feather flock together!!

  11. These transparent articles are about as clear as mud, yeah I bet the tax payers were left the bill. I do not trust the individual and those who support his activities.

  12. The alias, Barack H. Obama, is simply one more occupant of the POTUS slot, since 1981, who abuses and insults the office, and uses it for personal gain. However, the alias, BHObama, has installed a racist twist that was not present, until he entered the position.

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