Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer Says Democrats Won’t Work With Republicans To Raise Debt Ceiling

This is a Christmas Gift for the 2018 mid-term elections wrapped with hatred for trying to make America better.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told the media that Democrats will not work with Republicans on the upcoming debt ceiling crisis.

Now, let’s go back a few years when Democrats were asking for the debt ceiling to be raised. Then, many Republicans balked at the idea of raising the ceiling without coinciding spending cuts. But, of course, Sen. Schumer and his fellow Democrats rang the “end of the world” alarm and threatened that if the debt ceiling people was not raised, people were going to start dying, the middle class would lose jobs, and so on.

Now, let me be clear: I do not think the debt ceiling should be raised at all because Washington spends so much that I think the American people would love to see spending cuts.

But Schumer just told America that Democrats won’t work with Republicans before the August recess. He said the burden of proof is on the Republicans to come up with a proposal.

Source: NTK Network

“Just speaking for myself and, I think, other Democrats, it’s going to be very hard to raise the debt limit if their intent is to increase the debt by massive tax cuts on the very wealthy,” he said.

In 2011 however, Schumer sung a different tune when Democrats were in the majority:

Threatening not to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling — the amount of debt the country is legally allowed to issue — is “like playing with fire,” Democratic Senator Charles Schumer said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“If we didn’t renew the debt ceiling … We might permanently threaten confidence of the credit markets in the dollar, which could create a recession worse than the one we have now or even a depression,” he said.

Schumer’s move today draws into question whether he truly believed in 2011 that not raising the debt ceiling would have been a catastrophic event, or whether he’s simply using this opportunity to score political points.

Watch this government suit in this video below:

Schumer doesn’t want to hear about spending cuts. He wants to raise the debt even higher and thinks he can do that by holding out against Republicans.

I think a lot of readers side with me about not raising the debt ceiling and making cuts, but we have to speak to our congressmen to hold the line and make sure we don’t increase spending on things we can’t afford.

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Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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