‘March For Our Lives’ Dis-Invited School Shooting Victim

school shooting victim brother

Andrew Pollack’s daughter, Meadow Pollack, was among those tragically murdered during February’s school shooting at Majority Stoneman Douglass High School. Meadow died shielding her fellow classmates.

While the media has been giving no shortage of airtime to survivors calling for gun control, they haven’t given nearly as much to Andrew, who has spent the weeks following the massacre advocating for safer schools and getting legislation passed.

Hunter, Andrew’s son, and Meadow’s brother wanted to speak on Saturday at the March For Our Lives in Meadow’s honor. Both Andrew and Hunter take an anti-gun control stance but obviously had no intention of saying anything political during the speech. According to Andrew, the March’s organizers decided not to let Andrew speak.

According to Breitbart:

 Andrew said they tried for two days to work with organizers for a chance to speak at the march but that organizers denied the request. “At first they told him, yes, then it turned to no,” Pollack told Breitbart News. “They claimed no time.”

“My son, he got denied to speak at the march, so I’m not going to the march,” Pollack said. “He was pretty disappointed that he didn’t get to speak at this march. I guess he’s got a different agenda than their agenda.”

“I was going to give a speech about Meadow and how devastated I am and how we need to make change, but they won’t allow me to put my voice out,” Hunter said in an interview. “I feel that they don’t really care about the victims’ families. If they did, they would have let me speak, and they didn’t. I don’t know what this is about.”
Hunter read part of his prepared speech on camera, which was shared on Facebook:

It seems obvious that the March’s organizers were only interested in allowing those victimized by gun violence to speak if they shared their left-wing ideologies. In Hunter’s speech, he does nothing more than honor his late sister. His only crime was not being among those students publicly calling for gun control.

Was this a “March For Our Lives,” or a march for leftism? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. 

21 thoughts on “‘March For Our Lives’ Dis-Invited School Shooting Victim”

  1. These kids are so nieve that they don’t know what they are protesting for. If these kids would start treating other students nicer and not bully them then there wouldn’t be that many shooting. But evidently their parents haven’t taught them how to respect their peers or teachers or anybody else for that matter. the Democrats are playing these kids they don’t care about these kids

  2. SWadly, in our day, outrage can be real, or bought and paid for, Look at who paid for these ‘marches’. look at who printed signs, got permits, staged the route, picked the speakers. Then look at the ads in newspapers, on bill boards and posted in bus stops, subway stops and in and around high schools. Look at the ads for ‘marchers/demonstrators at up to $300.00 per person on Craigslist. To say I am skeptical is to miss the point. this was no ‘school kid organized’ movement. This was the usual suspects, george Soros, radical feminists, the DNC, Hollywood and all the folks the cry for gun control/confiscation after every mass murder. Sad, but true. manufactured angst.

  3. You all miss the point. No one wants to get rid of guns that shoot one bullet at a time. They are talking about the guns that shoot 20 rounds in 5 seconds. Who needs to own a gun like that? The gun manufacturers are putting out all of this nonsense because they are afraid of losing money. A huge Remington plant was built in my home town, but it was only there for about a month before it shut down. Gun manufacturer’s are Trump’s friends, so to offset their losses, he is going to sell or give more lethal weapons to US allies.

  4. Instead they make media ‘stars’ out of some snot nosed punks who failed history. When you get ignorant statement like ‘guns don’t protect people’, it is obvious they live in another world. Consider this, that the ‘march’ had untold numbers of Armed law enforcement protecting their right to be idiots.
    Constitutional rights are not bargaining chips. Bans, and laws only increase the criminal population due to the fact that untold millions will become felons rather than sacrifice their ability to protect themselves. How did Prohibition work for you?

  5. If the kids are smart enough to organize and participate in a gathering such as this, I only hope they are smart enough not to join either of the corrupt parties currently dominating the political scene. Both parties are equally corrupt and only intersected in their agenda not the good of the American people. I would hope these kids see the importance of being independent of the shackles of partisan politics and the chose our leaders based on their character, values and beliefs.

  6. These kids are so nieve that they don’t know what they are protesting for. If these kids would start treating other students nicer and not bully them then there wouldn’t be that many shooting. But evidently their parents haven’t taught them how to respect their peers or teachers or anybody else for that matter. the Democrats are playing these kids they don’t care about these kids

  7. SWadly, in our day, outrage can be real, or bought and paid for, Look at who paid for these ‘marches’. look at who printed signs, got permits, staged the route, picked the speakers. Then look at the ads in newspapers, on bill boards and posted in bus stops, subway stops and in and around high schools. Look at the ads for ‘marchers/demonstrators at up to $300.00 per person on Craigslist. To say I am skeptical is to miss the point. this was no ‘school kid organized’ movement. This was the usual suspects, george Soros, radical feminists, the DNC, Hollywood and all the folks the cry for gun control/confiscation after every mass murder. Sad, but true. manufactured angst.

  8. Instead they make media ‘stars’ out of some snot nosed punks who failed history. When you get ignorant statement like ‘guns don’t protect people’, it is obvious they live in another world. Consider this, that the ‘march’ had untold numbers of Armed law enforcement protecting their right to be idiots.
    Constitutional rights are not bargaining chips. Bans, and laws only increase the criminal population due to the fact that untold millions will become felons rather than sacrifice their ability to protect themselves. How did Prohibition work for you?

    1. You all miss the point. No one wants to get rid of guns that shoot one bullet at a time. They are talking about the guns that shoot 20 rounds in 5 seconds. Who needs to own a gun like that? The gun manufacturers are putting out all of this nonsense because they are afraid of losing money. A huge Remington plant was built in my home town, but it was only there for about a month before it shut down. Gun manufacturer’s are Trump’s friends, so to offset their losses, he is going to sell or give more lethal weapons to US allies.

      1. IndependentAmerican

        If the kids are smart enough to organize and participate in a gathering such as this, I only hope they are smart enough not to join either of the corrupt parties currently dominating the political scene. Both parties are equally corrupt and only intersected in their agenda not the good of the American people. I would hope these kids see the importance of being independent of the shackles of partisan politics and the chose our leaders based on their character, values and beliefs.

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