Schiff Upset He Wasn’t Told About Trump’s Operation Against Terrorist Leader

On Sunday, Rep. Adam Schiff still stinging from not being notified President Trump’s plans to take out ISIS terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi called it a “mistake.”

Schiff said the mistake was that the Trump admin made the mistake of not informing Congress in advance of the deadly overnight strike.

Schiff appeared on the ABC News’ “This Week,” Sunday morning show to call out Pres. Trump and his actions. Schiff is in charge of the House panel that’s conducting an impeachment inquiry of Pres. Trump.

Schiff: “The reason to notify the ‘gang of eight’ is more important when things go wrong. Had something gone wrong, it’s to the administration’s advantage to be able to say ‘we informed Congress, they were aware of the risks,’”

“That wasn’t done there, I think that’s a mistake. Let’s not lose sight of the fact this was a success. Good riddance, this was a blood thirsty killer,” he said of al-Baghdadi.

“It’s an operational success, it’s a symbolic victory. He had the blood of thousands and thousands of people on his hands… this is a great day [because] a ruthless killer has been brought to justice.”


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When Schiff mentioned “gang of eight,” he was referring to an informal term that means the majority and minority leaders of each chamber as well as the chairs and ranking minority members of the intelligence committees.

Schiff did add that it’s “not the end of ISIS by any means. That struggle is going to have to go on.”

It was sad but necessary to keep the least people in the know to prevent leaks that would have gone out to media and therefore could have to endanger the success of the operation. Sorry Schiff, but you understand the word “LEAKS” Don’t you?

Trump accurately and shrewdly assessed Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler as extreme security risks with the very high likelihood of Schiff leaking the raid before it was carried out, which would have placed our American Military personal in great danger. When you are a lying, loose-lipped fool, people treat you like a lying, loose-lipped fool!

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29 thoughts on “Schiff Upset He Wasn’t Told About Trump’s Operation Against Terrorist Leader”

  1. why is he upset, is it because he couldn’t warn him, like obama did many times for his muslim isis buddies. yeah, he mostly likely would, then blame trump for the leak.

  2. American Patriot

    Schi(tt) for brains Is Upset He Wasn’t Told About Trump’s Operation Against Terrorist Leader But he thinks it is perfectly acceptable for the D’genrats to hold secret meetings in an attempt to impeach a legally elected president that is doing the job that the past 4 president have flubbed

  3. Nice try Sh*t for brains Schiff. No reason to inform you, you have nothing to do with the operation of our nation. Go back to your phony little impeachment fantasy and get ready for FOUR MORE YEARS OF NOT BEING INFORMED.

  4. Given his hatred of the President and his willingness to run his mouth about absolutely ANYTHING, why would ANYBODY in their right mind tell SHIFTY Schiff ANYTHING? He would have run straight to the nearest media hack and spilled his guts in hopes of sabotaging the raid and getting our Special Forces team killed, just so he could blame Pres. Trump for it!

  5. The only thing Lying Schi****tf wants any information for, is to SCREW over President Trump…. and the American people are done and sick and tired of Schi*****tf…

  6. What are you going to do now, cry and stomp your feet cause the real big boys won’t let you in on their secrets….ah..where’s your mommy…I’m sure she’ll comfort about a cookie and some milk, will that make you feel better?

  7. Mr Schiff, I took the time to check it out with the administration and I was assured every attempt was made to inform you. Unfortunately, you were locked in a room conducting a witch hunt and no Republicans were allowed in. Sorry.

  8. The reason why it went as planned is because traitors like Schiff wasnt informed. They would have had the helicopters shot down just to make Trump look bad. Never ever trust Pelosi or Schiffty eyes!!

  9. Schiff, no one trusts you. You the biggest leaker, hypocrite and inventor of all kind of BS working against almost 70 million people who elected this president. Your hate against our beloved president has no margins. Do not forget your hate is against those lost 70 mill people who elected Trump, and you get your high salaries from taxing those 70 mill. people.

  10. From what I’ve heard, if you absolutely wanna get a message out for everyone in DC and the world to know, there are 3 ways: Telephone, Telegraph, and TeleShiff.

    President Trump is smart in sticking to the “Loose lips sink ships” mode.

  11. It’s even more clear than that ! Because Trump had pulled our troops out of the area – there were no HOSTILITIES going on that involved us!!! He did not have to inform Congress of an action that relieved the world of an International Terrorist!

  12. WHOA wait up a minute – Schiff says it’s important for the President to inform Congress because IF the action should go wrong he could say he informed them and they could SHARE the blame?????? This man along with Pelosi and the rest of the loony dems needs to be carted off and put in a padded cell!!!

  13. Had Schiff known, the mission would have failed after leaking the plan and Schiff would be gloating over his success at secretly making our president fail. He’s already sold his soul in his quest to destroy the president and the integrity of the Democratic Party. His polarizing deeds are almost as destructive to free people as the former leader of ISIS. His followers are the weak coward/bullies as well.

  14. PurpleChefHat150

    Boo Hoo, Schiff. The President is required to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing the armed forces to a military action, per Public Law 93-148. Guess what, he notified Congress and the Country some 12 hours after the mission! He complied with the law! Get over yourself.

  15. Schiff are we having another hissy fit? You have enough brains to know, no one trusts you. Why would the President even consider telling the biggest schill in the dim party what he was going to do. You and Nan are so passe.

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