Schiff Outrageously Claims Trump Is ‘Pathologically’ Continuing To ‘Endanger Our Democracy’

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) showed that his obsession with Donald Trump is still going as strong as ever on Wednesday, when he went on MSNBC to celebrate the fact that Facebook is upholding it’s ban on the former president.

Schiff told host Andrea Mitchell that it was necessary for Facebook to do this because Trump is “pathologically” continuing to “endanger our democracy.”

Mitchell Questions Schiff

“I want to ask you about the decision by Facebook this morning,” Mitchell said. “The oversight board acknowledging that Donald Trump created an environment it called a serious risk of violence on January 6 with his posts. They opposed an indefinite suspension of his accounts.”

“The former president issued a statement in response saying that free speech was taken away from the president of the United States because of what he called the radical left lunatics are afraid of the truth,” she added. “Is Facebook violating Donald Trump’s constitutional right to free speech?”

Full Story: Facebook Upholds Ban On Trump – But Says Indefinite Suspension ‘Not Appropriate’

Schiff Blasts Trump

“No,” Schiff replied. “The First Amendment protects Donald Trump and every American from the government regulating speech. It doesn’t say that private companies need to use their platforms to air patent falsehoods that endanger the country that incite insurrection. So no, I think Facebook is trying to have a consistent policy. At least its oversight board is trying to make sure that it is consistent in how it treats people.”

“The President here is continuing to go out and push the big lie about the election, continuing, I think, to endanger our democracy by doing that,” he added. “So he continues to make the case that he would violate the policies if they readmitted him.”

Relaed: Trump Posts First Video On His Own Communications Platform, Launched After Twitter And Facebook Bans

Schiff Says Trump ‘Is Incapable Of Changing’

“And I think frankly, pathologically, he is incapable of changing. So this is a temporary ban. It will likely be, if we are fortunate, a permanent ban because the president will not stop the lies about the last election or lies about the next one,” Schiff concluded. “He will incite people if that’s what’s necessary to suit his narrow personal interests. And that should violate any good corporate citizen’s policies.”

It seems that despite the fact that Trump has been out of office for months, he is still living rent-free in Schiff’s head. Sad!

This piece was written by James Samson on May 6, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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61 thoughts on “Schiff Outrageously Claims Trump Is ‘Pathologically’ Continuing To ‘Endanger Our Democracy’”

  1. "Authoritarianism", pal? Are you kidding? You leftists ARE "authoritarians by your very ideological nature. And in case you didn't get the memo, we are NOT a democracy… really need to start exposing yourself to actual CREDIBLE news sources….and some fresh air.

  2. Jeremiah 1:5
    Pelosi and President Biden
    “I knew you before you were formed within your mother’s womb;". "Thou shalt not kill." – Babies. Praying for you both.

  3. Abbie Hoffman

    Growing up, I dealt with anti-Semitic bullies in my neighborhood…the parochial school Neanderthals who used us Jews as their targets. We were called "Christ -killers," we were told Hitler had the right idea and if we even LOOKED in the direction of a Catholic girl, we paid for it.

    Today, those parochial school jerks are either cops or in prison.. I've read stories in my hometown paper about the ones who became cops getting busted for beating up suspects and the like. Not surprised.

    If only they knew my wife was raised Catholic.

    So…I take it you would've been one of those parochial school jerks.

  4. Abbie Hoffman

    Really? I didn't storm the Capitol trying to overturn an election; I didn't go around shouting "Hang Mike Pence.," and I didn't attack and kill Brian Sicknick…

  5. Richard Newman

    So far We are still able to respond to these sanktomonieus "sp" but you know what I mean like Adam Schiff who must of learned about Pathologic from teachings of The likes of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters.

  6. Abbie Hoffman was my father, his first wife and son who wore the yellow star. My father survived. His first wife and son…my half-brother…didn't.

    I've dealt with the likes of you in the past. I was ANTIFA before there was ANTIFA. lucky you and I have never crossed paths.

  7. And you have shown the world what a thin skinned professional victim is . Your assumption is as wrong headed as your typical Marxist witterings , perhaps you can send your fellow Commintern agents and fellow Trotskyites after me . I shall be waiting . The first thing one learns in the study of the law is that the truth is a valid defense .My statement was the truth .

  8. Abbie Hoffman

    You don't know me or what I look like :)

    I am glad you said what you said in your post. You've shown the world what an anti-Semitic picee of garbage you are.

  9. We no longer live in a democracy, the dems election fraud is not democracy in California there are less votes than ballots cast, making California another state that TRUMP WON.

  10. Threats of violence little man ? Intimidation ? Blood lust ? typical of the leftist mindset . Perhaps you might work up your fellow travelers in the inner cities to torch and loot my home , Gated communities are tough to enter . At 6'3'' 215 lbs you might want to rethink your threat to engage in any remedial dental work .

  11. You have the biggest pathological in Congress calling out Trump. Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in his butt, which is his logic center.

  12. If this is an actual "original" thought, it's quite obvious it came from a completely fictitious, Trump-obsessed fantasy world that ewe inhabit 24/7. Post the facts regarding the "people of color murdered by state security forces", cud-chewer. Libs like ewe are completely delusional and so dumbed-down it's truly unbelievable that individuals like ewe exist. For one like ewe who thinks the overtly emphatic Trump supporters are buffoons and sheep, ewe are far worse than any Trump-loving buffoon or sheep ever thought of being.

  13. You certainly are NOT a winner. More of a WOKE (actually mentally broke) person. How much is Soros paying you to spew your HATE? That is about the only thing DEMs are good at … HATE.

  14. Ewe made a claim that ewe obviously cannot prove. Post quotes from Trump where he incited violence and breeching the Capitol. Ewe can't because those quotes don't exist. Being dumbed-down makes it much easier for ewe to be controlled into believing the left-wing narrative. Incapable of independent thought…a cud-chewer. Hilarious.

  15. Gotta give him credit for trying. But he’s shoveling shit against the tide and every time he opens his mouth he puts his ignorance on parade. Guess he’s the product of a government education system. He doesn’t know that we are NOT a democracy? And he’s a member of Congress?

  16. Glenn Fannin

    Adam Schiff is the one suffering from severe derangement syndrome. Even though Trump was cleared of charges Schiff continues to hurl his slings and arrows without merit. In my book Schiff is what he is accusing Trump of. The hallmark of insanity!

  17. Does anyone really listen to Schiff?? He sounds like a little boy on the playfield. He has never advanced a coherent thought during his entire tenure in the House.

  18. Abbie Hoffman

    I'm the son of a Holocaust survivor. I so wish you would say that my face.

    Hope you have a good dentist on speed-dial.

    PS Dick Durbin is Irish Catholic.

  19. Abbie Hoffman

    Given his diet and overall body condition, we may not have to wait long for the former.

    New York State is building a case for the latter.

    Win-win either way :)

  20. Adam Schiff should be in prison for all the lies and treasonous acts his party perpetuated on the American people with their made up Russian collusion hoax They knew it was fake and still lied repeatedly to the American people the communist democrat party must be stopped at all cost

  21. WOW… is amazing how brainwashed the left really is. You want to see true authoritarianism??? Watch what biden and his cabal of idiots do before we can remove them from power. I just hope can save our Constitutional Republic before they destroy it. I and the 75 million patriots who voted for Trump (our true President), will not allow that to happen. You will be on the wrong side of history, as the democrats have always been….i.e.: slavery, Jim Crow laws, Equal Rights legislation, War on Poverty, segregation, school choice, etc. What losers….

  22. Nadler , Schiff ,Shumer ,Durbin , Sanders ,Finestein , all Marxist from the same tribe that gave the world Communism . They are power mad creatures that want to control our country .

  23. If congress had a Mr/Ms Irrelevant, he would be the runaway winner. The only thing that the libs can use to raise themselves up is to keep invoking Trump, our true President. They stole the election so they could destroy this country before another conservative takes back the office. Conservatives will win the house and senate in 22, and they know it. I just hope we can survive the next 18 months, and we can find ways around their ludicrous wish lists.

  24. The ERA of Trump
    In the years 2016–20, we submitted to, and became accustomed to, authoritarianism. We stood passively by and watched brave individuals be punished, in the State Department and elsewhere, for simply telling what they knew under oath, as they were obligated to, and whose careers and lives were then ruined.
    All year long in 2020, we saw people of color murdered by state security forces, without redress. We protested, but the powers that be have waited out those protests. Little has changed. As Americans, our protests were muted and gentle by comparison with the wrongs we were protesting against.
    We learned fear at a whole new level; we learned inequality at a whole new level. How is it that we tolerate a population of the homeless and the hungry in this, the richest nation in the world?
    Answer: 70,000,000 Americans who found they preferred being citizens subject to authoritarianism to being citizens in a democracy.

  25. Adam Schiff and his kangaroo court presented false evidence in court (that is perjury) and when caught said it was "satire"! The illegal proceedings (3 impeachment attempts and a coup on our government) that Nadler, Schiff and Pelosi perpetrated on President Trump should have put ALL of them in PRISON!!!

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