Reporter Tries to Blame President Trump For School Shootings, Sarah Sanders Quickly Disarms Him

NBC reporter Peter Alexander repeatedly lobbed questions about what the President is doing to prevent school shootings, seemingly implying that he hadn’t done enough, and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders wasn’t having any of it.

Sanders accused Alexander of saying the President was “complicit” in recent school shootings, and hammered his line of questioning as “outrageous.”

Alexander hinted that Trump had done very little to stop shootings like the one recently in Benton, Kentucky, where two students were killed and another 18 were injured. He said between the massacre in Las Vegas and the tragic incident in Kentucky, several shootings have taken place.

Sanders responded by saying the news was “incredibly sad,” adding that “all Americans deserve to be safe… in their communities.”

Not content with that answer, Alexander continued prodding.

“That’s not in dispute,” he shot back. “What is the policy the president is willing to pursue to help make sure these students are safe?”

That’s when Sanders unloaded on the reporter …

“The fact that you’re basically accusing the president of being complicit in a school shooting is outrageous!” Sanders said, her voice escalating in disbelief.

“The president has been very clear in instructing the top law enforcement agency to crack down on crime to prevent these types of things,” she added.

Alexander denied he was making any such accusation, but Sanders ended the press conference and left the room.

It should be noted that Alexander and the mainstream media are pushing an absolutely bogus report on school shootings when they make these allegations.

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You may have heard news that there have been 11 school shootings in the first 24 days of 2018. The story has been pushed by the New York Times based on numbers from an extremist anti-gun group known as Everytown for Gun Safety.

The group is notorious for inflating their statistics with ridiculous connections between events involving firearms and schools. They do so by lowering the government definition of ‘mass shooting,’ and using suicides and automobile deaths in which a gun is in the car to sensationalize their reports.

In fact, if you read the New York Times report, the first three ‘school shootings’ they reference involve a pellet gun, and two incidents in which a stray bullet was discovered on a campus leading to lockdown.

The Times actually buries this little bit of information deep within their overly-hyped article: “Some of the shootings at schools this year were suicides that injured no one else; some did not result in any injuries at all.”

That is the data the media is using to accuse President Trump of being complicit in school shootings. That is the data they are using to push their anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment agenda.

Do you think Sarah Sanders effectively handles media bias in the White House press room? Share your thoughts below!

19 thoughts on “Reporter Tries to Blame President Trump For School Shootings, Sarah Sanders Quickly Disarms Him”

  1. Leftist press efforts to ‘indict’ the President are nothing but a furtherance of Fake News, intended to make Trump look as bad as possible. This lack of media honesty literally proves what their real intent is.

  2. So Trump has his TV connected to spy on all schools nation wide so he can stop and apprehend someone intent on shooting or other mischief; must keep him busy, must not be more than a hundred thousand schools, that he has to keep an eye on 24 hours a day!

  3. NBC. The “news agency” that showed a ski resort in North Korea and tried to tell the world how wonderful life is in North Korea in spite of what the world already knows. NBC is FAKE NEWS.

  4. I’m waiting, with scuba, for the “good guys” to expose the endless FALSE FLAGS used in attempts to disarm the American people. Sandy Hook was a HOAX- no one died.

    Arrest all involved, seize all their ill gotten funds, reverse the laws that infringe on the 2nd Amendment by the Shills involved and then hang them for treason. If you are unaware of this CAPSTONE FEMA EXERCISE, visit you tube. The internet has allowed WE THE PEOPLE to bypass the Zionist gatekeepers of propaganda. We can now learn the truth, see the smiles, actors, faked blood, scripts and learn about the endless requests to destroy the 2nd Amendment for all but the police and their PRIVATELY OWNED WEAPONS. Ditto for Boston (another HOAX), Orlando (HOAX), Pentagon (False Flag), 911 FALSE FLAG, OK CITY, and now VEGAS. Before you shake your head in disbelief, I ask that you look at the evidence on You Tube presented by brilliant people. There you will see the green screens, cell phone video coverage, unedited clips, put takes, etc.

    DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR WEAPONS OF SELF PROTECTION TO THE BOLSHEVIKS who openly praise mass murdering communist monsters like Mao, Stalin, Marx and Nelson Mandela. 150+ MILLION innocent men, women and children tortured and murdered by the Jewish CHEKA alone and it was possible because the people had no weapons to defend themselves from the Jewish communist targeting mostly White Christians.

    Remember: Hillary referred to those who support President Trump and putting America’s interest above the Zionist/ globalist agenda as “DEPLORABLES”. This is exactly how communist regimes dehumanize the enemy before culling. UN Agenda 30, Georgia Guidstones? Marxism and it calls for depopulation by BILLIONS fast.

  5. Shootings are not TRUMPS fault. It’s the fault of the parents of these dumb ass kids that have committed these acts against others. Blame them! No doubt their parents were liberals. Liberals are the ones committing the most crimes here. They are nothing but a bunch of sniveling, bottom scum sucking idiots. TRUMP IS NOT TO BLAME! He’s making America Great Again!

  6. WAY to GO; Sarah! Until reporters and egotistical “GOTCHA” media stops ACCUSING and starts ASKING, our White House should limit the gargantuan SIZE of the press room! sensational! Basic information about what this Administration is DOING instead of what it’s NOT! They have expected MUCH more from President Trump than they would have EVER expected from 0’Bama! Even after only ONE YEAR!

  7. Where were these obviously brain dead reporters when the democratic party fielded an ineligible candidate for president? Constitution clearly in part states “Shall be a Natural Born Citizen” and no the 14th Amendment applies only to the term “citizen” ; its silent on “Natural Born Citizen”. The only explanation they can offer is tied to the concept of “political correctness”. The Obama legacy is tied to his unfailing actions of bowing down to a Muslim King, his apology tour attacking our nation before the world, his gift of billions of dollars to Iran in cash delivered by plane loads to free a few hostages and get a phony nuclear deal with the Mullahs. The most egregious acts are those that divided our nation into every special interest voting democrat block he could conceive. He is the “Pied Piper for Anti-America”. He and his henchman Holder have and are waging a guerrilla war for President’s Trump’s destruction. Google meaning of phrase “shall be a natural born citizen”. Obama with his community organizer training diverted his “brain washed” supporters to “drink his cool aid” misdirection ploy titled “birther” skilfully hiding the fact that he was the son of a foreign citizen father which disqualified him; required “shall be a natural born citizen”. lee1233

  8. Why are those RESPONSIBLE for this tragedy not the ones being called out; like the family of the shooter, for giving him access to weapons? And why is the School not responsible for being unable to protect its students from harm? We all KNOW that students themselves are bringing weapons to school with them, so why are there no metal detectors or security guards in schools ?

    1. The schools are not able to protect its students because they are GUN FREE ZONES, which means only BAD people have guns. If willing teachers were allowed to conceal carry (with proper training and certification), students would be much less likely to bring guns to school.

    2. We have a retired police officer for security at our school to try to keep our kids safe. No school is going to be completely secure because there will always be that first victim. Unless all students are stopped and frisked or metal detectors are installed this will continue to happen.
      As far as the Gun Free Zones they are just a victim pool to pull from. Do like the idea of trained teachers carrying concealed also.

  9. This guy who calls himself a journalist is a complete idiot but no surprise as the people on the left twist every event as a failure on the presidents part but when he does something very positive they completely ignore it. If you look closely at this man and all others who criticize the president you will notice they all have two left arms and legs. They do not have a right arm or a right leg which is the reason they cannot function normally.

  10. Sarah is great. These guys are not used to having someone come back at them like Sarah and Trump. All of the previous Republican Presidents let them stomp all over them ie: Bush and the hurricane in N.O. Never did they come back at them for lying. Of course the Dems can do no wrong and they actually cover for them. Journalism is dead along with a free press.

  11. The “Uranalist” forgot to add that a gnat died yesterday near the Southern Border . . . wonder if President Trump is to blame?

    The Wacko Left is so far-out unhinged they may never recover to even a modicum of Reality. If it wasn’t so serious, it would be a great comedy routine to take to the stage. :)

  12. What a horse’s ass if a reporter was ever one. The president or the federal government cannot stop a random individual from committing acts of violence. That’s unless the USA turns to communism (the left wing dream) and becomes a complete police state.

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