NRA Blamed Immediately After Santa Fe High School Shooting

santa fe shooting

That didn’t take long at all.

The school shooting that occurred this morning at a Santa Fe high school already has liberals demanding more gun control.

CBS provides the latest update to the tragedy:

At least 10 people were killed in a shooting Friday morning at a high school south of Houston, law enforcement sources confirmed to CBS News. The school district has confirmed an unspecified number of injuries but said it wouldn’t immediately release further details.

This is horrific. Students should never have to deal with the danger of being shot within their own school.

Every American should be praying for these poor students and their families.

But, like always, some liberals aren’t praying for the victims – they’re praying to their almighty god in government.

First, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas tweeted the following:

That’s when the notorious Shannon Watts (RELATED: Gun-Grabber Shannon Watts Posts Vile Message to Gun Owners) decided to name-drop the NRA, essentially blaming them for the shooting. Take a look:

How utterly disgusting. But, as we’ve seen before, this is Watts’s M.O. (RELATED: Anti-Gun Leader Spreads Massive Lie About Dana Loesch During NRA Convention). There’s no evidence the NRA had anything to do with this shooting. And we have no idea if a universal background check law would have prevented it.

Watts is jumping to disgusting conclusions because it suits her political purposes. Shame on her.

You can learn more details about the shooting from the ongoing live stream below:

Please share this post with others now! And please pray for the victims!

Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim ... More about Jim E
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