Rush Limbaugh Warns America ‘Headed To Great Depression’ With ‘Democrats Fully On Board’

On Thursday, conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh warned his listeners that the country is headed for another Great Depression if the economy contracts any more due to the COVID-19 crisis shutdowns.

Another Great Depression?

“All we need is a 30 to 40% contraction in this economy,” Limbaugh said. “We’ll hit Great Recession territory first and then depression, if this doesn’t stop… and the idea that there are people advocating for this!”


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Rush said this trend toward depression could be reversed, but that “there are forces arrayed against doing that.”

“We know who they are,” Limbaugh said. “We know exactly. We know they’re all Democrats. We know they are some in the health and medical community. The Drive-By Media, the media, and the Democrats are fully on board with the Democrat agenda here … They are hoping that coronavirus accomplishes what Robert Mueller and impeachment, Adam Schiff failed to do.”

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Rush said Americans are “doing this to ourselves – and it’s amazing how quickly!”

“Three years to revive an economy, create roaring circumstances,” Limbaugh continued. “It took less than two months to wipe it all out. Twenty-two million people filing for unemployment compensation — 22 million — and the idea that there is not an angry outcry from all over the world that this must stop?
That outcry had better happen, because this…”


‘We could fix at the snap of our fingers’

“We’re beyond now saying this is unsustainable,” Rush warned. “This is untenable! This is cataclysmic! We’re in the midst of a self-created disaster that we could fix (snap, snap, snap) at the snap of our fingers.”

“How in the world can anybody sane want to keep this economy shut down?” Limbaugh asked. “How can anybody sane be anything less than scared and outraged and mortified that 22 million people have been thrown out of work over something that may end up killing fewer than 50,000 people? It is unprecedented! And yet there are people who want to maintain the circumstances we are in. And it boggles the mind.”


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‘We cannot go on!’

“It is so counterintuitive to Americanism,” Limbaugh insisted. “We cannot go on!… I can’t believe it has gone on this long! I can’t believe… In one way, I can’t believe the American people haven’t arisen in outrage over this yet.”

In February, Limbaugh was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the State of the Union address by President Donald Trump.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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