Putin Responds to Trump Missile Strike on Syria

A lot has happened in the last 24 hours. The United States no longer has a president who will pussyfoot around with terrorists or those willing to commit crimes against humanity.

President Trump responded to the horrific chemical attacks in Syria that allegedly killed 70 people by raining 60 tomahawk missiles on a Syrian government airbase, rendering it “almost completely destroyed.”

Via Fox News:

The Syrian airfield targeted by United States airstrikes early Friday was “almost completely destroyed,” a human rights group in the country said.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the missile attack damaged over a dozen hangars, a fuel depot and an air defense base. About 60 U.S. Tomahawk missiles hit the Shayrat air base, southeast of Homs, a small installation with two runways.

At least seven Syrian soldiers were killed and nine wounded in the airstrike, the country’s military said. The governor of Homs province said he did not believe the strikes caused a large number of “human casualties.” A Syrian official the attack caused deaths and a fire, but did not elaborate.

Here is a somber President Trump announcing the military strike:

From Trump’s statement:

On Tuesday, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians. Using a deadly nerve agent, Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children. It was a slow and brutal death for so many. Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack.

No child of God should ever suffer such horror. Tonight, I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched.

The U.S. military released a video of the tomahawk missile launch:

“Initial indications are that this strike has severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at Shayrat Airfield, reducing the Syrian government’s ability to deliver chemical weapons,” Captain Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said, according to Reuters.

And now we’re getting reports about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s reaction to the U.S. Strikes, and it doesn’t sound good:

Russian President Vladimir Putin “regards the strikes as aggression against a sovereign nation,” his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, noting that the president believes the strikes were carried out “in violation of international law, and also under an invented pretext.”

The Kremlin spokesman insisted that “the Syrian army doesn’t have chemical weapons,” saying this had been “observed and confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a special UN unit.”

“This step deals significant damage to US-Russian ties, which are already in a deplorable state,” Peskov said and added that the US has been ignoring the use of chemical weapons by terrorists and this is dramatically aggravating the situation, in Putin’s opinion.

“The main thing, Putin believes, is that this move [by the U.S.] doesn’t draw us nearer to the end goal in the fight with international terrorism and on the contrary, deals a serious setback to the creation of an international coalition in the fight with it,” Peskov said.

According to Zero Hedge, the Russians are also moving navy ships into the region.

It’s too soon to tell what comes next, but The Political Insider will stay abreast of developments.

Now sit back and watch how Democrats and the media, all of whom supported Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s attacks on Syria, declare Trump’s actions to be illegal and unconstitutional.

You know it’s coming.

Do you support military action in Syria? Tell us why or why not below. 

24 thoughts on “Putin Responds to Trump Missile Strike on Syria”

  1. God Bless President Trump
    … for taking this decisive military and hard-diplomacy ACTION ,… which clearly signals,… without unduly killing non-combatants that an ADULT is now in-charge of America’s military and present executive-administration.
    I expect hot-air blow-back from the feckless Rand-and-Ron-Paul fantasy-world-robots….. as well as from the feckless-hypocrite-Leftist-truth-deniers of the Democrat-Party, and Left-stream-media. They must dance on hot-potatoes to explain how last week they hated Russia, Putin, use of WND,…etc.,… but this week they love them?
    Most of the comments I see as to why they oppose this good action-against-evil, are patently-absurd. No logical or real-life basis for their shifting, anti-truth argument.

    Ideas, Truth, and Courage MATTER!

  2. The “almost completely destroyed” air base is back in operation in under 48 hours.

    We spent $60 million to damage less than $40 million of Syrian warplanes. But, it was a success, because Trump bought Raytheon stock before the attack, and he will make a profit when we spend $90 million for replacement units.

    1. And you get your information where? The Russian special forces removed chemical weapons from Iraq and moved them to Syria. Go pound sand, dumbass. What would you have us do…nothing?

  3. When Fairy Godmother Lindsey Graham and black hearted traitor Songbird McCain are patting you on the back, you can KNOW, that you KNOW, that you KNOW you are doing something WRONG! MOST people in America have been trained from their youth to get their TRUTH from the TV set,
    If TPTB want a war, NOTHING IS EASIER! William Randolph Hearst said, “You provide the pictures, I’ll provide the war.”
    GOD BLESS RAND PAUL for standing up to all the liars in our midst and speaking the truth, in opposition to the LIES of the media, and now the lies of the (so soon) corrupted Trump Administration. Sad to see President Trump cave to the corrupt Global Elite bent on a sickening One World Order agenda. Trump did only ONE thing by starting this war over a red flag hoax. You made EVIL Soros and his minion lap dogs happy.

  4. I don’t know! Call me a skeptic, But what possible motive could Assad have for doing this now? What does he possibly have to gain by wiping out a small village with Sarin Gas? What possible motive does Putin have to allow Assad to do it? All these left wing so called aid groups swear up and down it was Assad’s people!

    1. Hoffhack,… your asking good questions,… honestly. This raises other questions for me. too. The full truth of this scenario is obscured Though I don’t trust the Russian story,… that these were stock-piles of WMD held by the Rebels (Syrians opposed to Assad),.. and they were set-off by conventional bombs. I have many Russian friends, but I helped my Ukrainian- wife re-locate out of Crimea to Western-Ukraine when Russia invaded Crimea (and Eastern-Ukraine). There’s a bit more to that story, as well, But Russian propaganda is to be expected.
      Still, it doesn’t make logical-sense to intentionally use,or accept the use of WMD by an ally (Assad)? But Russia is also a big supporter of Iran’s evil Islamic-dictatorship,.. which doesn’t ‘make sense’ either,… when you regularly-experience Islamic-terror in Russia (i.e., St. Petersburg train-station, last week),… either.,
      Many of the alliances and animus we see are nonsensical, .. leaving many very confused.
      But we do know that the intentional-use of WMD,… is a higher-level of danger to humanity..
      And I applaud President Trump’s courage,.. exercised in the Tomahawk missile attack on Assad’s airbase. Only did he have the full-view of the needed information? If yes,.. then I fully-support his decision. If no,… then this still sends an unmistakable-message.of moral-clarity,

      Ideas, Truth, and Courage MATTER!

    1. David, If Syria, who gave up the chemical weapons 3 years ago and don’t have any chemical weapons, then the special UN unit is unable to find them, just like in Iraq, when Hussain didn’t had any nuclear weapons either.So why you want to go out of the UN because he could not find anything, doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

  5. Breaking news:
    Russian warships entering Mediterranean headed towards the 2 US Navy ships next to Syria.

    Like I said, pissing contest between Putin and Trump… I better start teaching my grandchildren to duck & cover since we have 2 hotheaded toddlers in charge of nukes

  6. If these countries’ are mad at the United States and President Trump, then better not make us mad at you!!!!! President Trump is fighting to correct the mess Obama, H. Clinton and J. Kerry made of our foreign policy all in support of Globalism, which the UN is a big part of. So much for women’s rights and health, not to mention children, by back peddling to these aggressive regimes; and, if not just giving them money and weapons, illegally—shame on all the Leftist, Democratic or Republican!!!!

    1. You do know our foreign policy has been a mess for a very long time right? Even before the CIA trained Osama Bin Laden and the mujahideen to fight against the Russians? Other then that, nice ramblings

  7. Well, this is going to be a test situation. I don’t think Putin will over react – like go to war, but he may initiate something with the appearance of being from Syria, against – say a US Destroyer? It would have been better to have sent a note of intention and reason to Putin 10 minutes before launch of the cruise missiles, I think.

    1. Yes, Putin will not go to war over Syria, besides he would loose miserably or the entire world would loose (duck & cover anyone?). It’s just a pissing contest between Putin and Trump. As for giving Putin a “heads up”, that did in fact happen in order to prevent Russian soldiers ending up dead. A note was sent through a military backchannel that was established under Obama in 2015 after the commies started supporting Asshad, that line of communication has been cut off as of today per this article; https://thepoliticalinsider.com/russia-cuts-off-military-back-channel-line-putin-syria/

    2. They were advised, and I’m sure they passed it on to Assad as well, hence the absent of a lot of casualties, the short news clip I saw didn’t show much damage to the run way or plane bunkers.

    1. I think Putin lost his credibility over a decade ago. He can’t be trusted, however, can we trust the assessment of what really happened in Syria?? None of us were there? In my heart I believe it was in fact the Assad regime but who is to say that it wasn’t a set up by the rebel forces (absolutely terrible) to get the world’s “sympathy” once again? Who really knows??

    2. If you are accused of murder, would you like to be executed in 72 hours without an investigation into the facts? That’s what he did. And he bombed that country in violation of international law after Assad gave up all his chemical weapons to the United States in 2014, saying “I have no problem doing this. We do not use them and we do not need them.” This accusation about chemical weapons was also made in 2013 and proven to be fraudulent. Yet, no thorough investigaiton was made before Trump violated international law and bombed a country he was not at war with.

  8. Trump did the right thing…Liberals are disgusting in the way that they cannot support action taken by the President…we must all stick together…just because Obama sat back and watched it happen…he was a coward…

    1. Kim, I agree with you, Trump is doing the right thing, even at $500,000 per Tomahawk missile. Talk about putting your tax dollars to work… Anyways, you seriously need to get your facts right. In 2013 Obama asked Congress for permission to take action against Syria, congress denied it. That was the right thing to do. Even Trump at the time tweeted for Obama to NOT attack Syria. Certainly Trump is entitled to change his mind as he so often does, but please get your facts right about “just because Obama sat back and watched it happen… he was a coward…” you make yourself sound like an uninformed individual with such statements. Also, let’s not forget Libya – we got rid of a dictator and what they got instead was worse. Heck, add Iraq to that list. It’s hard to make choices for any president, like I said, I do think Trump did the right thing because such chemical attacks cannot stand, but what will we get instead? Assad is not going to go quietly into the night, it ends with his death or imprisonment. Who/what will replace him? Do we want to occupy another country and sacrifice more of our brave hero’s? Time will tell, I certainly wouldn’t wanna be in Trump, nor Obama, nor any president’s shoes because with situations like this it’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

      Oh, I’ll leave you with this, a sampling of trumps tweets. You can look it up on twitter.com or if you believe twitter to be “fake news” just because sometimes it shows stuff you don’t want to hear you can look it up on foxnews.com, article posted yesterday because surely foxnews never posts “fake news” lol.

      Trump, on Twitter, June 15, 2013:
      “We should stay the hell out of Syria, the ‘rebels’ are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO”

      On Twitter, Aug. 29, 2013:
      “What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.”

      On Twitter, Sept. 5, 2013:
      “The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A.”

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