Government Investigating Deep State Communist

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe is out with a new series of videos, this one blowing the lid off of the deep state.

The first episode unmasked a State Department employee named Stuart Karaffa, documenting how he used government resources to help aid the “resistance.” Karaffa was extremely open about a fact about the government we all already know – that they aren’t risking anything because they can’t get fired. “Maybe someday I’ll go to Board of Elections jail” Karaffa joked, mocking the little consequences that exist for his actions.

The second video in the series centered around another DSA member, Allison Hrabar. We’ve reported previously here at TPI that Hrabar is a Justice Department employee who helped organize protesters to harass DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen while she ate at a Mexican restaurant in June. Like Karaffa, Hrabar said that “What’s lucky is that at DOJ we really can’t get fired.”

Because of that, she utilizes her resources at the Justice Department to conduct opposition research on enemies, and uncover all sorts of information, such as where their family members work, and their home addresses. That’s how protesters knew where to gather outside her house days after protesters harassed her at the aforementioned restaurant.

The third installment is out now, and it gets even worse. This one profiles Natarajan Subramanian, an auditor for the Government Accountability Office and a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America. To summarize:

  • He pushes a socialist agenda on work hours with your tax dollars: “No one knows I spent six hours yesterday doing social media for DSA.”
  • He “resists” in any way that can slow Trump down: “If you’re in an Executive Branch agency, you can slow ball things to a degree… maybe you get fired or resign or whatever, but you slowed [Trump’s agenda] down.”
  • Of his DSA membership: “…it’s a socialist organization and we want to destroy capitalists.”

Unlike Karaffa and Hrabar, Subramanian does worry about being fired but says he values his commitment to the DSA more than his job. After Project Veritas published this latest installment, the GAO released a statement implying Subramanian could be out of a job soon. Donald Trump Jr. also took notice of the video.

According to The Hill: “The GAO response to the video comes one day after the Department of Justice said it was looking into a separate Project Veritas video that depicted DOJ employee and DSA member Allison Hrabar talking about efforts to resist certain Trump administration policies.”

Watch for yourself below:

That’s two communists who could be hitting the door soon. How many more to go?

7 thoughts on “Government Investigating Deep State Communist”

  1. Is it true they can’t be fired and if so–why not? How about changing the law as I’ve been hearing for years you can’t get a government employed fired. Who checks out the backgrounds of these people. When you purchase a fire arm we need to through a back ground check. Why not for a government employee–do a through back ground check. It is apparent they are here to help destroy the U.S. Why are they allowed to get away with it.

    I have s sister who used to work for government in one form or another. She would tell me about lack of production, people coming to work drunk or getting drunk on the job. Little to no supervision. If 50% of them did their job that was a good day. So–we know about the abuse how do we fix it? Nepotism–that seems to be a huge problem in State and Federal government. President Trump, people working and collecting money from us should be punished. And a strong loyalty agreement with teeth in it to punish the violators. That part of the swamp hasn’t been touched yet and it seems to be huge.

  2. Whew. I’m certainly glad that the DOJ is looking into this. Makes my heart jump for joy. Just think, the DOJ looking into criminal activity in the DOJ and State Department. They’ll still be looking into it this time next year and the year after. Does anyone seriously think that this AG is going to investigate anything? If you do then I have some property along the beach in North Carolina you might be interested in. This entire government is a disturbing joke.

  3. Didn’t many of Benghazi Killery’s staff / associates just turn up “deceased.”

    Is the “deep state” guarding these tax-paid cretin socialists ?

    Traffic accidents injure many people, yearly.

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