President Trump Tells Reporters That DACA Won’t Happen Without Wall Funding

trump daca wall funding

Last night’s mixed messages on DACA and the U.S.-Mexico border wall were just cleared up.

President Trump made the announcement in the starkest terms possible: “If there’s not a wall, we’re doing nothing.”


Watch Trump’s impromptu press conference from Florida below:

Last evening, Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer announced a deal on DACA, saying that the wall wasn’t part of the negotiation. President Trump just shut that idea down.

And, surprisingly, he has the support of Republican leadership. Trump told reporters, “I just spoke with Paul Ryan, everybody’s on board.”

It’s looking more and more like Trump is open to granting legal status to those who came here illegally as children. But, he won’t do it unless he gets a guarantee of funding for the wall. That said, the president confirmed that wall funding wouldn’t necessarily be in the DACA legislation, but he would need a complete and total confirmation that wall funding was coming in order for him to sign any DACA bill into law.

President Trump is avoiding the mistakes of President Reagan, who signed an amnesty bill into law without securing border enforcement. He has learned from the past, and is determined not to commit the same errors.

What do you think? Does this announcement prove that Trump is keeping his campaign promises? Tell us your thoughts below, and share this story on Facebook and Twitter!

16 thoughts on “President Trump Tells Reporters That DACA Won’t Happen Without Wall Funding”

  1. The Democrats and RINOs are not the ones to make crucial decisions, we the people have that power. President Trump is who we voted into office to represent us so lets get on with building the wall….and getting rid of DACA and the Refugee Resettlement both of which cost us more money than we can afford. Take care of our nation and its people not illegal aliens and refugees.

  2. Don’T doesn’t need taxpayers to pay for the wall.

    Don’T said that he is such a good negotiator that he guaranteed that Mexico would pay for the wall.

    Another lying politician.

  3. Obozo wasn’t a politician either if they want to say that. He had only served 768 days total & only about 300 were when Congress was in session so that hardly made him experienced.

  4. Politicians say, “Not being a politician, Pres. Trump doesn’t know how things are done.” Indulge me while I edit that statement: ” “Not being a politician, Pres. Trump knows how to get things done.”

  5. His statement probably has Nancy and Chuck very unhappy, given their statement (about their understanding of what had happened – hohoho). I am dancing in my house, it being 90 degrees outside and too hot to dance. Good for you, President Trump; it is so nice to have a person in charge who knows how to negotiate deals

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