President Trump Annihilates Reporter When She Asks About Being Indicted After Leaving the White House

President Trump clearly was in no mood to entertain reporters and their indictment fantasies following testimony by former special counsel Robert Mueller before the House Judiciary Committee.

NBC’s Hallie Jackson asked the President if he was the least bit concerned about being indicted on obstruction of justice charges after his tenure in the White House is through.

The commander-in-chief absolutely hammered her for posing the question which, proceedings and statements by Mueller during his testimony indicate aren’t going to happen.

It was a bad enough day for Democrats – then their good friends in the media got crushed thusly …

Fake News

President Trump absolutely locked in on the question and Jackson paid the price.

“It was a witch hunt. A total witch hunt,” Trump demanded. “And when you saw Robert Mueller’s statement—the earlier statement, and then he did a recap—he did a correction later on in the afternoon. And you know what that correction was, and you still ask the question.”

Aghast with the inquiry, Trump went about explaining why she might have even posed the question.

“You know why? Because you’re fake news. And you’re one of the most. And let me just tell you, the fact that you even ask that question, you’re fake news,” the President stammered. “Because you know what, he totally corrected himself in the afternoon, and you know that just as well as anybody.”


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Mueller Corrected His Testimony

Trump’s right, and there’s little doubt that NBC wasn’t aware of Mueller’s correction on the record. Jackson must have simply chosen to remain blissfully ignorant to that fact.

During his testimony in the morning, Mueller appeared to agree with Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), who asserted that counselor’s office didn’t charge the President with obstruction because of Department of Justice policies against indicting sitting presidents.

That was, it turns out, fake news.

Mueller immediately began the afternoon session by correcting the record.

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Regardless of DOJ policy, Mueller noted, his team “did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

Just like that, another Democrat narrative got flushed down the drain.

The media is desperately seeking to cling to any bit of that narrative they can in an effort to aid the Democrats. Even despite the fact that Mueller’s congressional testimony was widely viewed as “a disaster for the Democrats.”

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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