Post-Debate Poll Numbers Are In… GOP Establishment Didn’t Expect This MAJOR Shift!

After the GOP Presidential debate dust settled, front-runner Donald Trump is still on top of the tracking polls and that has to make the GOP establishment “crazies” angry. They have taken cheap shot after cheap shot and “The Donald” is still leading in the latest NBC News/Survey Monkey poll.


According to the new poll released on Sunday, Senator Ted Cruz, businesswoman Carly Fiorina, and Dr. Ben Carson have replaced establishment candidates by moving up in the polls quite significantly following the first GOP presidential debates.

Cruz, a constitutional conservative, catapulted into second place overall, increasing by a whopping 7% over the prior poll, putting him at 13% overall and more than doubling his prior support of 6%, according to the poll.

Fiorina, the upstart winner and who most believe won the “happy hour” debate among the bottom seven candidates, surged 6%, leapfrogging several candidates. She is now tied for fourth place with Florida Senator Marco Rubio, whose numbers were unchanged following the debate.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson increased his poll numbers by three points, moving into third place overall. Carson was considered to have one of the strongest closing statements of any candidate in either debate. Overall, it was a terrible night, according to the poll, for establishment RINO candidates.

Establishment-backed candidate Jeb Bush, who has constantly been pushed by media outlets as the inevitable GOP nominee, fell from second place all the way to being tied for fifth place with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Both Bush and Walker had three points shaved off their prior debate numbers following their uninspiring debate performances.

Another RINO, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who got into a heated brouhaha with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul over the Fourth Amendment and NSA spying, crashed by 2/3, falling all the way to 1% from 3%. Paul dropped 1%, but is now only 2% below Jeb Bush.

Tell us what you think about the huge electoral poll shift. Share your thoughts in the comment section and share this on your Twitter/Facebook wall for discussion.

19 thoughts on “Post-Debate Poll Numbers Are In… GOP Establishment Didn’t Expect This MAJOR Shift!”

  1. Establishment in Washington (both parties)need to be busted wide open. Time for those coots that don’t want nothing to change in Washington to go home. We need new blood. Maybe they won’t have sold there soul to big business.


    1. Nancy. What are you trying to say, I do not think the Establishment will win. If you think Hillary Clinton is going to win, you are wrong. She will be fighting to stay out of jail. She has one foot on a banana pealing, the other in a hole.

  3. I agree with analysis of debate night. Carly, Ted and Dr. Carson all did well. I also think Rand held his own. My only problem with Rand was when he got into it with Chris. I agree with Rand on the fourth amendment but he looked kind of smug when Chris was talking about giving hugs to those who lost loved one’s on 9/11. But I still think Chris is wrong on the issue.

  4. Trump, Cruz, and Fiorina are taking names, folks. The “establishment” morons who are criticizing them so harshly will find themselves out there on the edge of what happening in politics in 2017.

  5. The polls were definitely made by the DEMS. They usually ask all the libturds what they think. As any GOP person would not remember being polled. They hope to gain momentum with their ridiculous polls. TRUMP IN 2016…… Carly Fiorina & Kelly are women, and we know how stupid the women are when they try to talk politics. I AM A WOMAN & I know how petty & egotistical they are after getting into the political agenda.

    1. You may be a woman but you’re certainly lacking in political acumen…Perhaps you’re much too young to remember Margret Thatcher, One of Great Britain’s finest Prime Ministers..The nice thing about what’s taking place now is that the establishment republicans are getting their collective butts kicked…I can’t wait to see what Karl Rove has to say when he appears on the O’Reilly show…He’ll have an excuse but it will be a weak one….

  6. If nothing else Trump has raised the level of awareness to the rest of the pack to what the GOP base has been longing for. The smart ones in the race have begun to take note and utilize the knowledge to their advantage. If you listen to people like Rubio, Cruz, Huckabee, They are saying much the same thing but in a slightly more palatable serving. I will say this, some of the above have outlined a similar message from the start but we couldn’t hear them before over Trumps shouting. Now that the race has progressed to a place of serious dialog, maybe the voters can see a little more clearly if the message they want their candidate to carry can be expressed through a more presidential like figure. One who can work within the system the way it was originally designed to operate. As this process continues, I believe Mr. Trump will probably begin to lose some ground as his lack of knowledge in the nuts and bolts of the process becomes more and more apparent.

    1. I think you may be selling Trump short, that he knows more about the ‘nuts and bolts’ than you realize. His surge in the polls thus far is because he is not an established politician. For way to long these established politicians have said what the American People wanted to hear, then once they got into office…… all went out the window. I think the silent majority is rapidly waking up.

  7. I would say the MSM is going crazy, along with RINOs and Democrats. The Democrats, I’m sure are crying out that the GOP has been taken over by the extremist right. I think all of these people are scared of a real routing by the GOP. They have seen that conservatives are making gains, that the MSM and RINOs are unable to control.

    The press has for the past few elections tried to use their influence to make the weakest presidential candidate for the GOP, in order to give Dems a better chance of winning. The GOP elites have foolishly gone along with the person the media says is the strongest candidate. It is questionable if the GOP really wants their candidate to win. The elites say they didn’t get their message out or can’t understand why they didn’t win. They need to have a bigger tent. I think this debate may be an eye opener for them. All of their choices are bringing up the rear . This should be the time their hopefuls should be way ahead, but it’s not working. People have shown their displeasure for the elites and their strategies, with the elites expressing displeasure with the base not supporting their failed ideology. Now maybe the elites will wake up.

  8. What’s interesting is that all the candidates that were considered by the 3 moderators as winners and having made a great performance are down in the polls. That shows how the MSM is disconnected from its audience, even Fox.

    1. Well, as a political INDEPENDENT, if Trump is in the end the candidate facing off against Hillary, I would not be happy with either, but PROBABLY will vote for Trump. BUT my guess is he will lose the election UNLESS he has a super- star female VP, such as Carly or Gov Haley or Gov Martinez or at best Condelezza. Maybe a Ben Carson, Maybe Sen Cruz. I do not think no matter how much DIRT Hillary has, that with her billion $$$$ + war chest, she will be THE nominee and probable winner at Americas LOSS. She is on my A list that I would not invite to our home for dinner, Shich includes Barbra, Alex, Rosie, most of the left leaning media, Whoopie, Sharpton, Barry Soreto, many in congress both aisles, etc

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