Portland’s ‘Antifa Mayor’ Says Of Rioters Trying To Murder Police Officers: ‘I Understand Why They’re Angry’

Sarah Iannarone, the self-described “antifa” candidate who is running against Ted Wheeler to be mayor of Portland, Oregon, refused to condemn the rioters who have been violently attacking police officers in recent months.

KGW Channel 8 Straight Talk host Laural Porter gave Iannarone what should have been a simple question, asking her to denounce the violence while not condemning the actual protests themselves. Even so, Iannarone could not bring herself to say that the violence being perpetrated against police was wrong.

Porter brought up a recent New York Times op-ed by Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who expressed sympathy for Black Lives Matter protesters while also denouncing violence.

“Police Chief Lovell is asking the community to denounce the late-night protests, the smaller group of protesters who are causing damage, setting fires, throwing bricks at officers. He and other black community leaders and activists say it’s taking away from the Black Lives Matter message,” Porter said.

“He cited how people broke into the Justice Center, destroyed the first-floor interior, lit fires with people inside the building, there was looting and destruction,” she continued. “Another night, individuals screwed the doors of the North Precinct building shut, barricaded entrances, lit fires with people inside.”

“Nearby businesses, some owned by people of color, were damaged and looted. Some protesters have shot off commercial-grade fireworks, and Wednesday night … we saw more fires set outside the East Precinct,” Porter added. “Do you denounce this kind of behavior, separate from the larger, more peaceful protests, Sarah?”

Iannarone responded by dodging the question.

“They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I would have to go back prior to this uprising to work on the issues that are causing these folks to be angry in the streets, working on police accountability,” she said. “And so I know that nobody controls a social movement, and the mayor really isn’t the person to quell popular protests.”

Even though Porter had clearly distinguished the protests from he violence, the candidate added, “But we need to understand these protests are an important part of a healthy democracy.”

A clearly shocked Porter asked again, “But what about the criminal activity we’re seeing? Do you denounce that part of it?”

“I understand why they’re angry,” Iannarone responded.

“But lighting fires with people inside the building? Would you denounce that part of it with lighting fires, arson with people inside buildings?” Porter pressed.

“I’m not the person setting the fires, I’m not the person doing the graffiti, I’m not here to tell people how to protest,” Iannarone responded, before Porter interrupted her by asking, “But will you denounce it? So you won’t denounce it?”

“I don’t smash windows. I clean up when things are unfairly targeted, but here’s what I have to say,” the Antifa candidate fired back. “Their outrage at the police is valid and the problem of police brutality and executing black lives in the streets is more important than petty vandalism to me.”

The conversation only devolved from there, with the two going back and forth until Iannarone said ominously, “Peaceful protests, in my opinion, might not necessarily be moving the conversation forward.”

This serves as a reminder of just how dangerous and unhinged Antifa really is. We can’t afford to let any of these nutcases actually come to power.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on August 13, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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