A New Poll Shows That a Majority of American Believe Democrats Only Stand for Resisting Trump

The media is relentless in publicizing the negative approval ratings that Donald Trump has been receiving, which are largely due to his personality, not policies. But what about the media’s own approval? Based on a poll conducted with around 2,000 adults by Morning Consult, a larger percentage of Americans trust Donald Trump’s White House as a news source than the mainstream media.

That aside, it’s not just the media that the public has a negative view of. Given that the Democratic Party lost 1,042 seats at the state and federal levels of government during Obama’s tenure, and lost every single special election in the Trump Era, clearly they have an image problem too. In just a few years they want from presenting themselves as the party of the working class to catering to the delusions of college social justice warriors. Democrats alienated their base, and are paying the price for it.

In the Trump Era, the strategy thus far has been to rally troops around the mantra of being the “resistance,” to Trump. Unfortunately for them, “resisting” the man who won the election hasn’t been an effective strategy. That tactic has been leading people to view Democrats as simply the “anti-Trump” party, not a party with any ideas of their own.

According to a new poll by The Washington Post and ABC, over half of Americans believe the current Democratic Party doesn’t stand for anything besides resisting President Trump.

The poll asked 1,001 Americans, “Do you think the Democratic Party currently stands for something, or just stands against Trump?”

Only 37 percent of respondents believed that the Democratic Party “stands for something,” while 52 percent of respondents said the party “just stands against Trump.”

The apparent messaging problem was even starker among registered voters, of which only 35 percent felt the Democrats stand for something while 54 percent felt they only stand against Trump.


H/T The Daily Caller

Serves them right. Democrats know they can’t oppose Trump on specific policy issues like immigration and healthcare, because most Americans do believe in strong borders, and have been harmed by ObamaCare. That’s why it’s Democrats in Congress acting like chicken little, screaming “racist” at anyone who wants to enforce our immigration laws, and making the erroneous claim that “people will die” without ObamaCare.

It isn’t working – and for our sake, I hope the Democrats keep the scaremongering up. The more they do, the better chance President Trump has of winning in 2020.

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17 thoughts on “A New Poll Shows That a Majority of American Believe Democrats Only Stand for Resisting Trump”

  1. Every week or two, I like to watch the video of all the democrats repeating their mantra, about “Trump will never, ever, ever be elected President. Nancy Pelosi, Colbert, Bob Beckel, Maxine Watters, Elizabeth Warren, Joy on the view. and all the other progressive communists.

  2. onewildandcrazyguy

    Yeah now that’s what I’ve been talking about for a long time. Just be done with those criminals. All they stand for is the destruction of this country…they don’t care about building anything but their wealth. Look at Bernie and Maxine just to name two.

  3. For eight years Republicans ran as the party to stop Obama. The party of “No”. They succeeded and got power.
    And what have they done with it? Pretty much nothing.

    Trump is working to shut off the supply of agricultural workers, which may not matter much if Mexico is successful in turning to Argentina and Brazil to replace American corn, wheat, and soy beans. Then Trump starts to work on reducing American workers pay so that they can be driven out to work in agriculture stoop labor.

  4. I think it is patently unfair to state that the Democrat Party doesn’t stand for anything besides being against President Trump. I can think of a lot of things it stands for, such as (in no particular order): 1. Abortion; 2. Voter fraud; 3. Illegal immigration; 4. Massive deficit spending; 5. Outright lying; 6. Selling influence; 7. Adultery; 8. Murder; 9. Atheism; 10. Socialism; 11. Abuse of governmental power; 12. Atheistic evolution; 13. Suppression of free speech. 14. Suborning of perjury; 15. Destruction of Constitutional Law; 16. Shariah law; 17. Profligate waste of taxpayer monies; 18. Human-caused global warming; 19. A weakened military; 20. LGBTQWERTXYZLAMBDA sexual perversion; 21. Disregard of the needs of wounded veterans. 22. Marijuana. 23; Nancy Pelosi
    Now that’s a lot of things to stand for.
    But just try to build a nation on them.

  5. Now everything is Trump’s fault, do not overlook the Russians as it can never be a Liberal’s fault, and to think Obama had everything under control, well until November 8th that is….according to the MSM. Media refused to believe Trump could win, so they looked the other way. The media couldn’t believe such a bigoted misogynist racist might win. Of course, this same media had no problem helping a traitor who jeopardized national security and left Americans to die while scapegoating a filmmaker.

    In truth, journalists have become the bigots they claim to hate. As The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto wrote, “It’s not just that journalists were naïve or even ignorant, it’s that their work was suffused with hostility and bigotry. … Motivated by prejudice, many in the media threw aside standards of fairness and balance and even the pretense thereof.” That didn’t prevent a Trump presidency and may have helped to bring it about.

    The Socialist Liberal Democrats have lost close to 1,500 seats in government throughout the country over the past 8 years. Now they’ve suffered three more defeats each more stinging than the last. First they lost on Election Day when they discovered that stuffing the ballot boxes in California and New York didn’t change the Electoral College. Then they lost the recounts when it was discovered more votes were counted for Hillary than were cast. Also they lost in their effort to undermine the Electoral College with Hillary having more Electors desert her than Trump. To top things off now, they want to impeach Trump. The pathological derangement of the Left is on full display along with their media propagandists.

    Today the media are trying to cover their ignorant bigotry and prejudice against Trump by blaming Russia for the election outcome. It is never the Socialist Media’s fault, just as it is never the Liberal Socialist Democrats fault. In their minds they are building a better, future. But in order to usher in that future they must first demolish Western civilization and sweep away the wretched rubble. This task has become the media’s fixation. So focused are they on undermining the current order that they’ve almost lost sight of their supposed long term goal of building an earthly paradise in its place. That would be the MSM’s Socialist Utopia that was rejected by voters Nov 8, 2016.

  6. What about those that will die WITH Obamacare? I don’t know very many people who could afford a $10,000 limit before the insurance actually pays. Plus almost 90% of doctors don’t take it because of the things it won’t pay for, or only for a fraction of the cost, or things it tries to force doctors to do, against their Hippocratic oath.

  7. Near as I can figure as an independent is that the democratic party is for allowing lbgt’s to use the women’s restroom, open borders so the wealthy can hire cheap labor, giving welfare to everyone who is illegal or refuses to work, wants to stop spending any money on the military leaving us in a position of total weakness, pushing global warming even though that’s been debunked, shutting down industry and sending our tax dollars to foreign nations simply because we have industry here and heaven forbid we produce even a small percentage of what developing nations produce. (My local county now says all outdoor burning is illegal meanwhile the rainforests are all being stripped and burned to promote agriculture. Did I miss anything else the democrats are promoting that will help destroy our nation.

    1. No, it died in 2012, when they voted to kick God OUT of the Dim party. The outrage & backlash was so furious, it didn’t take long for Obama to make them change it. Much to the disapproval of the members. They were booing like crazy. That’s when the death happened. And, they have continued to destroy it. Wasserman-Shultz got caught cheating, then Brazelle, then Perez said that ANY pro life Democrat was NOT welcome in their party. It’s a beautiful thing to watch when God gets in the arrangements! The Pres pulled off an incredible feat by winning the election, & people all across this country, AND overseas were praying, & most of us still are. So God is basically letting them destroy their party.

  8. The poll shows people are taking notice of what they are doing and don’t like it. Since the election loss they have done not a thing to show they are true to the people of this country. They are experts at dirt slinging.

  9. The most important thing that Republicans can do it try to convince people in 2018, that the Incumbent Democrats and up for election then are not the right mix to help make this country progressive again. Progressive in this matter means that wanting the country to progress in the employment of Americans in new jobs to help them have a better life. Democrats stand for recidivism. Bring back the things that made America the most powerful manufacturing country in the world is the things that Trump is starting to do. Democrats would want to go back to the behavior that has been discredited by many voters and putting them back in power would be an impediment to real progress in the USA.

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