Planned Parenthood Gets Furiously Political: Pledges $45M Against Trump and Other Candidates

Whatever happened to the organization's so-called 'singular focus' on women's health?

By PoliZette Staff | October 10, 2019

Planned Parenthood’s super PAC on Wednesday announced a $45 million political campaign — the goal of which will be to defeat President Donald Trump and other Republicans in their 2020 election races.

In other words — the so-called women’s “health organization” has gone full-out political (as if it weren’t already in so many other ways).

The money raised by the biggest provider of abortions in this country will fund a “large-scale” grassroots organization as well as canvas, digital, television, radio and mail programs.

“The stakes are higher than ever, and we’re coming out more powerfully than ever with the largest investment we’ve ever made,” Kelley Robinson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Votes, told The Hill in an interview, as the outlet noted on Wednesday.

Robinson later added in a press release obtained by Fox News that “next November, our very rights and freedoms will be on the ballot. Already, we’ve seen Trump and his buddies in Congress and state legislatures do everything they can to strip us of our rights and access to health care.”

“Who we elect,” she added, “will determine our access to birth control, cancer screenings, sex education, abortion access and more.”

Planned Parenthood’s campaign is set to focus on nine states that are considered must-wins for Trump: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Related: Abortion-Supporting Mayor Pete Is Slammed by Franklin Graham

In three of these states — Alabama, Colorado, and North Carolina — Republican senators are gearing up for tough races as they work to retain their Senate seats.

Republicans — if they lose these three states — could lose control of the Senate in 2020.

Robinson defended the multi-million dollar investment.

She maintained that Planned Parenthood’s goal is to mobilize women and people of color to vote in 2020.

“We know we’re going to have a critical role mobilizing those folks to win back the Senate and expand the path to 270 to win back the presidency,” Robinson said.

Others, however, are far from happy that Planned Parenthood has announced such a political drive.

Abby Johnson — a former Planned Parenthood worker who today is a fervent pro-life activist — appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday to lament the fact that the organization has gone out-and-out political.

“This is who Planned Parenthood has become. They’re really not a health care provider. They have become a political force — trying to elect candidates who also ascribe to their extreme views on abortion,” Johnson said.

“If you look at Planned Parenthood’s annual report over the past 10 years, you see a trend. You see that their actual health care services that they provide … those are continually on the decline. The only service that continues to increase year after year is abortion.”

“So we see where their priorities lie and it’s not with women’s health care,” she added.

“And if it was really about women’s health care, they’d be taking this $45 million and putting it back into their clinics — instead of using it for political action.”

Abby Johnson’s dramatic personal story is told in the film “Unplanned,” a compelling film that was released earlier this year.

Related: ‘Unplanned’: Why All of Us Should See This Film

All of this comes two months after Planned Parenthood pulled out of the Title X federal family planning program; the group did not want to cooperate with Trump’s rule banning all participants from referring patients for abortions, as many outlets have noted.

Pro-life groups immediately pointed out that the move by the organization proved once and for all that Planned Parenthood is primarily an abortion provider — not a health care service provider, as it has long maintained it was.

“President Trump took away their Title X funding, which is about $60 million. They’re pouring almost $60 million into elections,” Johnson said in the Thursday morning interview on “Fox & Friends.”

“So, which is it? Are you a health care provider that truly cares about women — or are you just a political arm that’s trying to push abortion? It really can’t be both.”

Johnson isn’t the only person who has been calling out Planned Parenthood for its announcement.

Many others have been slamming the organization as well, including Live Action founder and president Lila Rose and more.

See some of their tweets here:

It should be crystal-clear to everyone at this point that Planned Parenthood is a political group that cares far more about destroying Republicans and advancing their own left-leaning agenda than it does about “improving” the health of women.

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This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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