Hundreds of Illegal Alien Voters Discovered in Philadelphia

philadelphia voter fraud

How common is voter fraud, really? There’s no one answer I can give you, because estimates vary widely among studies.

When trying to present voter fraud as a non-problem, it’s common for liberals to point solely to documented cases of voter fraud. The oft-cited statistic liberals use is that there have only been 31 documented cases of voter fraud. Now, given the lack of photo-IDs in most states, it’s nearly impossible to catch someone in the act of committing voter fraud, which could explain the low number.

As The Federalist’s John Gibbs puts it, “does the fact that 109 people were cited for jaywalking in Seattle in 2009 mean that only 109 people jaywalked in Seattle that year?  Does the fact that 103,733 people were cited for driving without a seat-belt in Tennessee in 2015 mean that only that many people were driving without seatbelt in Tennessee in 2015? Obviously not.”

We do know that there’s a lot of potential for voter fraud. For example, the Election Integrity Project California found 11 California counties that have more registered voters than voting-age citizens.

We also know that there were 6,500 out-of-state voters who voted in New Hampshire in the 2016 presidential election, which may have tipped the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton. I suppose it’s time to revise that “31 documented cases” figure, eh?

What many people forget is that since we have the Electoral College, even a small amount of voter fraud in a small state can swing the results. Imagine what a few thousand fraudulent votes in Florida could’ve done to the 2000 presidential election, for instance.

And now, even more evidence of voter fraud has been uncovered in the city of Philadelphia. The Washington Times reports: “hundreds of noncitizens were registered to vote in Philadelphia over the last decade, and at least 90 of them actually ended up casting ballots that should never have been allowed, City Commissioner Al Schmidt said Wednesday, adding more fuel to complaints of bogus voting in U.S. elections.”

The report continues: “The voters are all self-admitted noncitizens who went back and canceled their registrations later — but not before casting illegal ballots a total of 227 times in elections in 2006 and 2007.”


So not only was it voter fraud – it was voter fraud committed by illegal aliens. Do you think there’s any doubt as to what party they cast their ballots for?

Of course not. If Democrats weren’t the primary beneficiaries of voter fraud, they wouldn’t also be the chief deniers of its existence in the first place.

And here’s the kicker: This all happened thanks to a bill signed into law by President Bill Clinton. One woman who was deported last month for voting illegally claimed that she didn’t know any better. According to The Washington Times report, Margarita Fitzpatrick, a non-citizen, said that she was confused when she was at the D.M.V. over registering to vote. After being busted for illegally voting, here’s what happened: “The panel of judges in that case said the 1993 Motor-Voter law created a tricky situation since it forbids officials from saying anything that might discourage someone from registering.”

Thanks, President Clinton!

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16 thoughts on “Hundreds of Illegal Alien Voters Discovered in Philadelphia”

  1. Not many “Mexican” immigrants in Philidelphia. The legal residents who voted were probably Russians who voted for Trump. Russians have covertly made every effort to torpedo our elections and this is just one more way to do it.

  2. Voter-fraud = the difference between Hillary’s supposed popular win and the fact that she REALLY lost the popular vote to when you only count people who were qualified to vote…ya-think…?!?!?

  3. It is sad to acknowledge that the Democratic party is a corrupt, organized crime enterprise. It is not there to serve the people. It is there to serve the few, chosen elite. It is all about money and power. It cares nothing for its citizen faithful. Is it possible the people will EVER fully realize they are tools and fools for the elite?

  4. The illegals eliminated their registrations for fear of being deported, knowing the president had set up a commission to investigate the fraud.

    I’ve been keeping up with various writings per state on voter fraud, and I have yet to read a fraudulent votes going to Trump or Republicans. This is exactly why Democrats go to court every time a state tries to enact voter ID laws. Sen Jack Reid (D-RI) is now putting forth a bill to change election day to Saturdays and Sundays, opening the whole weekend for voting, thinking more people will vote. Yeah right. Most are like me…I have two days off a week and I’m not spending it standing in line for hours to vote. And what’s the difference with these minorities claiming disenfranchisment…switching election days isn’t going to stop that.

    If anything, most people won’t want to waste their weekends voting; which means less registered voters will vote while the fraudulent voters will probably spend the weekend going from one state to another!

    1. You’re right weekend voting will not work at all, actually probably less would vote on a weekend. At least on weekdays some employers generally give you time to go vote. I have noticed the same thing as you that the illegal votes were all democratic votes so it really makes you realize how desperate the dems are to keep illegal immigrants here & allow them to vote. It’s quite obvious that Hillary did NOT even win the popular vote either!

  5. My I am just guessing but I think these votes were probably for Hillary and not for Trump the illegal one’s of course. I am still stunned that with all the chicanery done in favor of Hillary she was still able to lose one of the most rigged elections since Obama was illegally voted into office. Guess Obama thought that doubling down on his own type of voting procedures would be a shoo in for Hillary. Well in the end there were enough legal voters that voted for Trump because they did not want this woman any where near the white house ever again.

    1. When a felon is convicted, he/she loses certain rights, one of them being the right to vote. Because let’s face it, a felon is going to vote for someone who will work towards keeping people out of prison or giving them other “special” rights. In September, Gov. Terry McAuliffe, good friend and big donor of Hillary’s, gave more than 200,000 convicted felons in Virginia back their voting rights.

      Now who do you think they voted for?

      1. i think congress should pass a federal law that takes away your right to vote if you have committed a felony then liberal governors who try to cheat by allowing felons to vote will be assed out of being able to vote in federal elections! that way states who change rules to change the outcome of an election will not matter to federal elections

      2. you don’t think they voted for mob boss Donald? Maybe they have been rehabilitated.

        Intolerance is a crime of hypocrisy and ignorance. People should not be punished forever for making mistakes…we all do.

  6. More illegal immigrants voting democrat, no you jest! The only way the democrats & the Hildabeast got ANY votes was to get the illegal immigrants (or the deceased) to vote. Same thing with Obozo especially in his second term. Many people (not me) voted for him the first time but after learning his corrupt ways didn’t vote for him again yet he won. Total voter corruption that needs to be changed! No one should be allowed to vote here unless you have & show ID & are a US citizen. Even to vote in Mexico you have to have an ID & show proof or birth or citizenship so why do illegal’s expect it to be any different here?

    1. In the USA, a major political party DEPENDS on voter fraud to win elections. There are not that many people with minds who would vote Democrat if they cold see the true picture of just how dedicated Dems are to goodies for the few. This is the biggest Con in the USA. Makes Madoff, Clinton, Obama
      , Al Capone and Jesse James look like amateurs.

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