Pelosi: Sacrificing the House in 2020 Worth It To Impeach Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hinted she was willing to sacrifice the House in 2020 in order to pursue the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

The comments are a complete 180 from when Pelosi tried to portray herself as the reasonable voice of the Democrat party prior to the 2018 midterm elections, knowing full-well impeachment – which most American voters reject – would cost them politically.

The Speaker was conducting an interview at Tribune Fest, hosted by the Texas Tribune, when she was asked about any concerns she might have about losing the House in the next election cycle.

“It doesn’t matter,” Pelosi reacted. “Our first responsibility is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Not only is that not the first responsibility of the Democrat party, but it’s never really been a priority at all.

RELATED: Flashback: Pelosi Argues Republicans Impeaching Clinton Because They’re ‘Paralyzed With Hatred’


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Pelosi continued by stating sometimes “you have to take a political risk doing that.”

“That doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter,” she said of potentially losing the House. “Because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty to his oath of office, undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections.”

Funny she should mention election integrity. If one were to read the transcript of the phone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky verbatim, they’d actually see that he was requesting the world leader look into election meddling in 2016.

And let’s not even go down the ‘oath of office’ argument from the leader of a party that supports open borders putting American lives at risk, fabricates hoaxes to undo American elections, and wants to abolish Constitutional bedrocks that this nation was built on in order to score political points.

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RELATED: After Democrats Pursue Impeachment, Trump Raises $15 Million from Small Donors

“We have to proceed with our hearts full of love for America and our hearts full of love for the Constitution,” Pelosi told House Democrats during a conference call according to Politico. “Not with negative attitudes towards him, but a positive attitude towards our responsibility.”

That notion is unbelievable. The resistance party has ‘hearts full of love’ only for themselves.

According to a Hill-HarrisX survey earlier in September, Democrats hold a narrow 5-point lead on a generic House ballot, down from double digits the previous month.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign made an announcement that underscores the Democrat party’s risk when following through on impeachment – energizing the President’s base.

On Friday, the President’s son announced his campaign raised $15 million in small-dollar donations, including tens of thousands of new donors.

Momentum will be on the side of the Republicans come next November. They won’t soon forget this blatant attempt to steal their votes from the last presidential election.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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