President Trump Expected to Pull U.S. Out of Paris Climate Deal

One of Barack Obama’s most disastrous legacies as president was his decision to empower the Environmental Protection Agency to issue massive regulations aimed at destroying America’s energy industry.

Throughout his 8 years in office, Obama pushed climate change alarmism, and did everything he could to push his environmental agenda, at the expense of American jobs.

Upon taking office in January, President Trump did his best to roll back many of the job-killing policies of the last administration, but it appears Obama’s climate legacy may finally be over.

The president is expected to withdraw from the controversial Paris climate agreement, a decision that opponents of the agreement have eagerly anticipated since Trump took office.

From CNN:

The decision would be a significant foreign policy break with nearly every other nation on earth and a major reversal of the Obama administration’s efforts on climate change.

Trump met Tuesday with a key voice advocating for withdrawal, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. He meets Wednesday with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who supported remaining in the deal.

The precise mechanism for withdrawal hasn’t yet been determined, but Trump has made clear he plans to fulfill his campaign promises to withdraw.

A formal announcement is expected at some point this week. The officials cautioned the plans could change until Trump makes his decision public.

The administration’s decision comes after months of internal debate and speculation about what Trump, who campaigned on leaving the deal, would do once he took office.

The White House was initially slated to make a final decision on the climate accord earlier this month, but delayed the decision until the G7 meeting in Sicily. At the summit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters the climate debate was “controversial” and that the leaders of the other G7 nations — France, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom and Italy — all urged Trump to remain a part of the 2015 agreement.

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement fulfills a major campaign promise and will send a strong signal that this administration puts American workers ahead of far-left environmental policies.

Rather than have America’s economy be dictated by foreign politicians and bureaucrats, withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement shows what President Trump’s true priorities are: America first.

To the left, climate change alarmism is a religion, and anyone who dares question their dogma is attacked at every turn. President Trump refused to bow down to the radical environmental lobby and instead stood up for the American people!

Are you glad to see the end of the Paris climate agreement? Share your thoughts below! 

20 thoughts on “President Trump Expected to Pull U.S. Out of Paris Climate Deal”

  1. Just one more signature item to overturn, to send the despot “Obumma”, into oblivion. That is health care. Of course we still have to deal with Iran. But, a moderate was voted in, so President Trump may have a chance to negotiate a practical solution to a disturbing problem.

  2. I wish he would practice what he preaches. He and his daughter has their products made in third world countries. Evonka’s China factory is being investigated for slave labor and one of the three investigates was arrested and the other two missing. If this were me I would be on a plane to see what is going on in the production of my items. Or they could do like they tell others to do and bring their jobs to the United States. And we need to stop secret service for trumps sons when they are traveling overseas to handle his many businesses.

  3. This just goes to show how true the Bible really is! It states in the Bible that the United States will never bow to a foreign government as long as man breaths air on this planet! As for climate change, there’s nothing man can do on this planet to change was is happening! This was all preordained before man even step foot on planet earth! Just go down to the South pole and watch as every year they have to re-survey! The reason being is because the earth has been wobbling ever since that asteroid hit at a 45 degree angle in the Yucatan Peninsula that caused the ice age!

  4. Those who would rely upon the “free market” to protect us from pollution are too young to remember when the free market blanketed American cities like Pittsburg, Los Angeles, Akron, etc. with smog. When the free market used Love Canal to dispose of hazardous chemicals before building houses on it for families to get sick. Etc. Etc.
    Either too young or too stubborn to read the history of pollution and corporations.

    The EPA was created to do as the Constitution says, “promote the general welfare”. And those who would prevent it from doing its job are neither patriots nor supporters of the Constitution as written.

    1. The EPA doesn’t do it’s job to begin with, otherwise they would have already put a stop to the Chemtrails being sprayed all over Americans!!! Eye opener poppDavid, most of these government agencies like the CDC, FDA, DOJ, etc. are run by the globalist’s & could care less about “promoting the general welfare” of American citizens. They spend most of their time looking for ways to kill us i.e. vaccinations, GMO’s, fluoride in water, etc., etc.!!

  5. FANTASTIC, it is a year late, it should have never been a part of the U.S. The U.S. should have never been a part of it. HOO_RAY for Mr. Trump.

  6. Good! I’m glad you dropped out, I’m sure they don’t have things ready for another type of power, to take the place of what we have. When the others is ready to go then talk about it.

  7. Instead of shouting “It’s a hoax!” when greenies natter
    about global warming, which won’t change any minds, they
    should be politely asked “If you believe what you say, why
    do you reject the obviously-best solution: Nuclear power?”
    It’s the safest-ever way to make electricity by a very wide
    margin (46 deaths in its entire six-decade worldwide
    history, all at Chernobyl, a nutty design that nobody will
    repeat). We’ve known how to destroy nuclear waste for fifty
    years and refuse to do it. It’s the lowest-cost electricity
    in California, Arizona, and ten of twelve OECD and EU-27
    countries — less than one sixth the cost of unsubsidized
    solar PV. It DOES NOT lead to weapons proliferation.
    There’s plenty of uranium if we use it right. Nothing else
    but solar can do the whole job. Solar, wind, waves, tides,
    hydro, biofuels, … cannot destroy nuclear waste but the
    right kind of inherently-safe reactor can. Read, wherein there are
    references for verification and further study.

  8. BlackWolfStanding

    America has the strongest climate policy that money can buy. It’s called the Free Market. Companies that pollute will be singled out by the left. There profits will dry up and eventually will go out of business. Let the Free Market reign!

  9. No matter what the truth is concerning carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the real results of the politics involved is that is giving the Global Government advocates the game changer they crave. “We must all pull together and save the world” Therein is the basis of their religion and because there are so many reasons to question the theory they are very defensive about people looking to closely at the facts.

  10. Whether you agree with his decision or not, if he does pull out it will be another campaign promise kept. Don’t recall another politician in my lifetime keeping so many. So if Trump is a “bad” politician, does that mean the definition of a “good” politician is one who does NOT keep promises?

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